2021-09-24T16:21:26+12:00 (3 years ago)

Now that the Mojave/Catalina Mac has been made accessible again by TSG, have regenerated mac jre_bin_x64 as we're now switching to bundling a self-extracting JRE 8u301. The mac release-kits, now being run for testing, are using JDK 8u301 as well. Updated README for generating jre_bin_x64.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/release-kits/shared/mac/README

    r32043 r35474  
    4 1. You need 7za and 7zCon.sfx from the p7z-essentials folder to generate the self-extracting jre from the jre. Check in the bitness subfolder (32-bit or 64-bit) appropriate to the target bitness of your self-extracting binary.
     41. We've already committed the compiled up 64 bit versions of 7za and 7zCon.sfx for mac to svn, the 32 bit for Windows (also compatible with 64 bit Windows), and the 32 bit and 64 bit versions for linux.
     5On Mac these are now present in release-kits/shared/mac/p7z-essentials folder.
    6 On a mac or linux, you need to compile these two binaries 7za and 7zCon.sfx up yourself by downloading the p7zip source code from online http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/. Compile the source code by first runnng "make" to build the 7za, then run "make sfx" to build the 7zCon.sfx binary.
     7The 7za and 7zCon.sfx from the p7z-essentials folder are needed to generate the self-extracting jre from a jre. Look in the bitness subfolder (32-bit or 64-bit) appropriate to the target bitness of your self-extracting binary.
     9On a mac or linux, you can compile these two binaries 7za and 7zCon.sfx up yourself by downloading the p7zip source code from online http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/. Compile the source code by first runnng "make" to build the 7za, then run "make sfx" to build the 7zCon.sfx binary.
    8122. Need the jre for your java version.
    9 Java 8 should be used for Expeditee.
     13Java 8 should be used for Expeditee. Since Aug/Sep 2021, we've shifted to Java 8 for Greenstone also.
    1014The jre should be extracted into a folder named jre. Also, don't make it a tar file for Expeditee. But Greenstone expects the jre to be tarred up first.
    2731* the "a" indicates it will add the files from the input folder (the /path/to/your-jdk-version/jre in this case) to the output file
     33If you see the message "Error: jre_bin_x64 is not supported archive", then cd into the p7z-essentials folder and run the ./7za command as above
    36422. From the extracted contents, the folder you want is jre<version>.jre/Contents/Home. Rename this Home subfolder to "jre".
    37433. Tar it up and create the self-extracting jre (the final step of the instructions above):
    38     ./p7z-essentials/64-bit/7za a -sfx -mx=9 jre_bin_x64 jre.tar
     44    ./p7z-essentials/[64-bit]/7za a -sfx -mx=9 jre_bin_x64 jre.tar
     46If you see the message "Error: jre_bin_x64 is not supported archive", then cd into the p7z-essentials folder and run the ./7za command as above
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