2022-08-18T16:42:13+12:00 (21 months ago)

Forgot to remove commented out string

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/dls-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36384 r36385  
    3333description12=<p>Greenstone 3 uses XML for format statements, allowing librarians with XML experience to more easily understand and use format statements than Greenstone 2 which worked with a custom way of specifying format statements. For more information on understanding format statements and writing your own format statements for collections, refer to <a href="http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user:gs3_format_statements">Greenstone 3 Format Statements</a> on the Greenstone wiki.</p>
    35 #description12=<p>Most format statements contain a string specified in an augmented form of HTML. Metadata names in square brackets (e.g. [<i>Title</i>], [<i>Creator</i>]) give the value of that metadata; [<i>Text</i>] gives the document text. A hyperlink to the document can be made using [<i>link</i>] ...[<i>/link</i>]; an appropriate icon is produced by [<i>icon</i>]. Format strings can include {<i>If</i>}{... , ...} and {<i>Or</i>}{... , ...}; the first two give examples. These two are fairly complex format statements; we will not explain them here. In Greenstone, changes in format strings take effect immediately unless you are using the local library server, in which case the server needs to be restarted. This makes it easy to experiment with different versions of a format statement and see what happens.</p>
    3735description13=<p><b>Collection-level metadata</b>. The <i>&lt;displayItem&gt;</i> elements under the top-level <i>&lt;displayItemList&gt;</i> in the configuration file are also standard in all Greenstone collections. They give general information about the collection, defining its name, and a description that appears on its home page. The description text (defined in the translatable <tt>resources/collectionConfig.properties</i> files) can be seen on the DLS collection\'s home page (this text is part of it).</p>
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