2022-09-08T15:46:12+12:00 (20 months ago)

Adding in 2 links to classifiers, before looking for if and where to insert Kathy's PENDING keyword

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/gsarch-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36589 r36598  
    1717description3=<p>The <i>indexes</i> line specifies 3 searchable indexes, which can be seen by clicking beside the word "Messages" on the <a href="library/collection/gsarch-e/search/TextQuery">search page</a> to reveal a drop-down menu. The first (called <i>Messages</i>) is created from the document text, while the others are formed from <i>From</i> and <i>Subject</i> metadata.</p>
    19 description4=<p>There are three classifiers, based on <i>Subject</i>, <i>FromName</i>, and <i>Date</i> metadata. The <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier used for the first two is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items, as illustrated <tt>with classifier browser CL1</tt>. This is represented by a tree structure whose nodes are either leaf nodes, representing documents, or internal nodes. A metadata item called numleafdocs gives the total number of documents below an internal node. The format statement for the first classifier, called <i>CL1Vlist</i>, checks whether this item exists. If so the node must be an internal one, in which case it is labeled by its <i>Title</i>. Otherwise the node\'s label starts with the <i>Subject</i> which links to the document, then gives <i>FromName</i> metadata, with a link to "Search by Sender", followed by the <i>DateText</i>.</p>
     19description4=<p>There are three classifiers, based on <i>Subject</i>, <i>FromName</i>, and <i>Date</i> metadata. The <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier used for the first two is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items, as illustrated <a href="library/collection/gsarch-e/browse/CL1">here</a>. This is represented by a tree structure whose nodes are either leaf nodes, representing documents, or internal nodes. A metadata item called numleafdocs gives the total number of documents below an internal node. The format statement for the first classifier, called <i>CL1Vlist</i>, checks whether this item exists. If so the node must be an internal one, in which case it is labeled by its <i>Title</i>. Otherwise the node\'s label starts with the <i>Subject</i> which links to the document, then gives <i>FromName</i> metadata, with a link to "Search by Sender", followed by the <i>DateText</i>.</p>
    21 description5=<p>The second classifier (<i>CL2Vlist</i>) is similar, but shows slightly different information -- the result can be seen <tt>with classifier browser CL2</tt>. For internal nodes, the actual number of leaf documents (<i>numleafdocs</i>) is given in parentheses after the <i>Title</i>. For document nodes the <i>FromName</i>, with a link to "Search By Sender", <i>Subject</i> (linked to the document), and <i>DateText</i> metadata is shown.</p>
     21description5=<p>The second classifier (<i>CL2Vlist</i>) is similar, but shows slightly different information -- the result can be seen <a href="library/collection/gsarch-e/browse/CL2">here</a>. For internal nodes, the actual number of leaf documents (<i>numleafdocs</i>) is given in parentheses after the <i>Title</i>. For document nodes the <i>FromName</i>, with a link to "Search By Sender", <i>Subject</i> (linked to the document), and <i>DateText</i> metadata is shown.</p>
    2323description6=<p>The third classifier is a <i>DateList</i>, which allows selection by month and year.</p>
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