Changeset 3702 for trunk

2003-01-20T15:19:44+13:00 (21 years ago)

new introduction to abstracts

1 edited


  • trunk/niupepa/macros/

    r2616 r3702  
    1010<h2>English Abstracts of the Māori Language Newspapers</h2>
    11 <h3>Introduction</h3>
    12 <P>The English abstracts of the Māori language newspapers are designed to give an impression of a whole newspaper
    13 issue and to guide researchers to particular topics or information for translation. Although every item in an issue
    14 is noted, the abstracts do not represent a full translation of the entire contents. They summarise long items such
    15 as editorials, articles, and letters, and briefly record, sometimes by a complete translation, small items such as
    16 notices, advertisements, short news reports. In sum the abstracts represent an abbreviated form of a newspaper and
    17 so to ensure a complete reading of any item researchers will need to refer to or seek translation of the Māori text.
    19 <P>The abstracts follow the order of  items in a newspaper and include the titles and subtitles. Apart from occasional
    20 additions in square brackets to clarify or inform, the abstracts report only what is in the newspaper. Where English
    21 translation is published in the paper this is noted together with a brief statement of content.
    22 <P>A few Māori words remain in the abstracts without translation because they are key words for researchers of Māori
    23 language and culture. These are highlighted and can be clicked on for explanation in the glossary. Māori names (personal,
    24 place and tribal) have been written according to contemporary spelling as far as this is known.
    25 <P>The English abstracts are being created by a team of researchers who, in 1999, began a three-year project into the
    26 history and contents of  these newspapers. The project is funded by grants from the Marsden Fund and the Trustees of
    27 the National Library. The research team, from the Department of Māori Studies at the University of Auckland, comprises
    28 Professor Ngapare Hopa, Dr Jane McRae, Jenifer Curnow, and postgraduate researchers Dinah Paul, Hazel Petrie, Yvonne
    29 Sutherland, and Lyn Waymouth. They work collaboratively with the History of Print Culture in New Zealand Research Project,
    30 and with Professor Mark Apperley and Te Taka Keegan of the Computer Science Department, University of Waikato, who are
    31 carrying out the on-line conversion of the abstracts.
     12<p><i>The English abstracts are being created by a research team at
     13the Department of Maori Studies of the University of Auckland. This
     14translation work began in 1999 and was funded for a three-year period
     15by grants from the Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Fund and the
     16Trustees of the National Library of New Zealand. The research team
     17over that period comprised Professor Ngapare Hopa, Dr Jane McRae,
     18Jenifer Curnow, and the postgraduate researchers who wrote the English
     19abstracts - Tane Mokena, Dinah Paul, Hazel Petrie, Yvonne Sutherland,
     20Lyn Waymouth. The team worked in association with the History of Print
     21Culture in New Zealand, the Alexander Turnbull Library, and the
     22Computer Science Department of the University of Waikato where
     23Professors Mark Apperley and Ian Witten, Te Taka Keegan and others are
     24carrying out the on-line conversion of the newspapers and English
     25abstracts. Specific help with production of the abstracts is
     26acknowledged from Hineira Woodard for translation queries, Stephen
     27Innes of the University of Auckland Library's New Zealand &amp;
     28Pacific Collection for access to research material, and Roberta Wilson
     29for assistance with computers. As further funding is obtained, more
     30English abstracts will be included on the website.</i></p>
     32<h3>Introduction &amp; Conventions</h3>
    33 <h3>Glossary</h3>
    34 <P>Māori words
    35 <P>The following Māori words have been retained in the abstracts because they are key words for researchers into
    36 Māori language and culture. They are used here generically and so refer to all the different kinds of texts within
    37 these genres.
    38 <P>karakia: incantations
    39 <P>kōrero: narratives
    40 <P>waiata: sung and recited poetry
    41 <P>whakapapa: genealogy
    42 <P>whakataukÄ«: sayings, set expressions
     34<p>We have created the English abstracts to facilitate use of the
     35Maori-language newspapers by those who do not read Maori. They are
     36designed to guide readers and researchers to particular articles or
     37information and to give an impression of a whole newspaper
     38issue. Every item in an issue is noted but the abstracts are not an
     39account of the entire content. They briefly summarise the main
     40subjects of long items, such as editorials, articles, and letters, and
     41record, sometimes by a complete translation, small items such as
     42notices, advertisements, short news reports. In sum the abstracts
     43represent a very abbreviated form of a newspaper, and so to ensure a
     44complete reading of any item you will need to refer to, or seek
     45translation of, the Maori text. We suggest, therefore, that you do not
     46quote from the abstracts.</p>
    44 <h3>Abbreviations</h3>
    45 CMS: Church Missionary Society
    46 <P>MLC: Member of the Legislative Council
    47 <P>MHR: Member of the House of Representatives
    48 <P>WMMS: Wesleyan Missionary Society
     48<p>The abstracts follow the order of items in the newspapers and
     49include the titles and subtitles from them. Apart from occasional
     50interpolations in square brackets to clarify, inform or query, the
     51abstracts report only what is in the newspaper. Where English
     52translation is published in the paper, this is noted after a brief
     53statement of content. Abbreviations used are listed below.</p>
     55<p>A few Maori words remain in the abstracts, with translation in
     56brackets. These remain either because we regard them as key words for
     57researchers of Maori language and culture (words such as waiata,
     58whakapapa, whakataukÄ«), or because there is no equivalent in
     59English for the word or the word has different meanings in different
     60contexts (words such as mana, mākutu, tohunga, pā). We
     61have used the Maori word 'Pakeha' in the abstracts to refer to those
     62in New Zealand who are not Maori, because this use is common in the
     63newspapers and in current New Zealand speech.</p>
     65<p>Maori names - personal, place and tribal - have been written
     66according to modern spelling. Long vowels have been marked in all
     67names, as far as these are known, on the basis of authorities such as
     68the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, of unambiguous component
     69words in a name, or of common usage.  In the case of Pakeha whose
     70names have been transliterated to Maori, the translators have given
     71the original name only when it is evident who the person is; otherwise
     72the transliterated form remains.</p>
     74<p>We hope that you will find the abstracts of value to your research
     75and enjoyable for the window they open onto 19th and early 20th
     76century Maori life and New Zealand society. We have made every effort
     77to make accurate abstracts of the contents, but we remind you that
     78these are simply summaries. We have not given them the time or
     79research required for full and explicit translations. Given so many
     80newspapers, the very diverse content, and the historical context, we
     81may have overlooked some things and misjudged others.  If in your
     82reading you notice errors or omissions, we would be very grateful if
     83you would notify us by email (to [email protected]) so that we
     84may correct them.</p>
     87<p>The following abbreviations have been used in the abstracts:</p>
     88<table border="0">
     89<tr valign="top"><td>CMS</td><td>Church Missionary Society</td></tr>
     90<tr valign="top"><td>WMMS</td><td>Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society</td></tr>
     91<tr valign="top"><td>MHR</td><td>Member of the House of Representatives</td></tr>
     92<tr valign="top"><td>MP</td><td>Member of Parliament</td></tr>
     93<tr valign="top"><td>MLC</td><td>Member of the Legislative Council</td></tr>
     96<table border="0" width="_pagewidth_">
     97<tr><td align="right">
     98<small>Updated in August, 2002</small>
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