2003-06-04T12:30:21+12:00 (21 years ago)

put the new entries from teh bottom into their correct places in the file

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/dictionary.properties

    r4473 r4474  
     53#***** Auto Filter *****
     56Autofilter.Case_Sensitive:Match Case
     57Autofilter.Clear:Clear Filter
     61Autofilter.Name:Column Name
     66Autofilter.Set:Set Filter
     67Autofilter.Title:Autofilter Metadata
     68Autofilter.eqeq:equal to
     69Autofilter.!eq:does not equal
     70Autofilter.<:is less than
     71Autofilter.<eq:is less than or equal to
     72Autofilter.>:is greater than
     73Autofilter.>eq:is greater than or equal to
     74Autofilter.^:starts with
     75Autofilter.!^:does not start with
     76Autofilter.$:ends with
     77Autofilter.!$:does not end with
     79Autofilter.!?:does not contain
    5382#***** Browser *****
    5686Browser.CannotConnect:Cannot connect to {0}
    5787Browser.Download_Begun:Downloading {0}
    6494Browser.Loading:Downloading {0}
    6798Browser.TimedOut:Connection timed out for {0}
    68 #*******************
    69 #
    70 #***** Collection *****
    71 Collection.Cancel_Action:Cancel
    72 Collection.Collection:{32}Collection: {0}{34}
    73 Collection.No_Collection:No Collection
    74 Collection.Selection_Information:Selection Information
    75 Collection.Workspace:{32}Workspace{34}
    76 Collection.Workspace_View:{32}View:{34}
    77 #**********************
    78 #
    79 #***** CollectionManager *****
    80 CollectionManager.Cannot_Open:The collection at {0} cannot be opened.
    81 CollectionManager.Collection_Saved:The collection "{0}" has been saved.
    82 CollectionManager.Creating_New:Creating a new collection {0}.
    83 CollectionManager.File_Not_Found:{0}\nThe collection above cannot be opened as it no longer exists.
    84 CollectionManager.Gcache_Created:The Librarian Interface cache directory created.
    85 CollectionManager.Gimport_Created:The Librarian Interface import directory created.
    86 CollectionManager.Log_Created:The log directory created.
    87 CollectionManager.Loading_Successful:Loaded collection {0}.
    88 CollectionManager.Save_Error:Cannot save collection {0}.
    89 CollectionManager.Session_Ready:Collection {0} ready for use.
    90 #*****************************
    91 #
    92 #***** CollectionPopupMenu *****
    93 CollectionPopupMenu.Delete:Delete
    94 CollectionPopupMenu.New_Folder:New Folder
    95 #*******************************
    96 #
    97 #***** CreatePane *****
    98 CreatePane.All:All
    99 CreatePane.AllClassifications:allclassifications
    100 CreatePane.AllClassifications_Tip:Prevent the build process from removing classifications that include no documents (for example, the "X" classification in title if there are no documents whose titles start with the letter <i>X</i>).
    101 CreatePane.ArchiveDir:archivedir
    102 CreatePane.ArchiveDir_Tip:Specify where the Greenstone archive files are stored - that is, where <i>import.pl</i> puts them and where <i>buildcol.col</i> finds them. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collect/col_name/archives</i>
    103 CreatePane.Build:Build
    104 CreatePane.Build_Collection:Build Collection
    105 CreatePane.BuildDir:builddir
    106 CreatePane.BuildDir_Tip:Specify where the result of building is to be stored (defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collect/col_name/building</i>).
    107 CreatePane.Build_Progress:Build Progress
    108 CreatePane.Cancel_Build:Cancel Build
    109 CreatePane.CollectDir:collectdir
    110 CreatePane.CollectDir_Tip:Specify where the collection can be found. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collect</i>
    111 CreatePane.Copy_Progress:Copy Progress
    112 CreatePane.CreateImages:create_images
    113 CreatePane.CreateImages_Tip:Create colleciton icons automatically (to use this, GIMP, and the Gimp Perl module, must be installed).
    114 CreatePane.Debug:debug
    115 CreatePane.Debug_Tip:Print plugin output to standard output.
    116 CreatePane.Document_Count:Collection contains {0} files.
    117 CreatePane.General:General
    118 CreatePane.GroupSize:groupsize
    119 CreatePane.GroupSize_Tip:Number of documents to group together into one Greenstone archive file, defaults 1 (that is, one document per file).
    120 CreatePane.GZip:gzip
    121 CreatePane.GZip_Tip:Zip up the Greenstone archive documents produced by <i>import</i> (ZIPPlug must be included in the plugin list, and <i>gzip</i> must be installed on your machine).
    122 CreatePane.Import:Import
    123 CreatePane.Import_Progress:Import Progress
    124 CreatePane.Index:index
    125 CreatePane.Index_Tip:Specify which indexes to build. This defaults to all the indexes indicated in the collection configuration file.
    126 CreatePane.KeepOld:keepold
    127 CreatePane.KeepOld_Tip:Do not remove the result of the previous import or build operation. In the case of import, do not remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> directory; when building, do not remove the content of the <i>building</i> directory.
    128 CreatePane.ImportDir:importdir
    129 CreatePane.ImportDir_Tip:Where material to be imported is found. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collection/col_name/gimport</i>
    130 CreatePane.Log:Message Log
    131 CreatePane.MaxDocs:maxdocs
    132 CreatePane.MaxDocs_Tip:Indicates the maximum number of documents to be imported or built. Useful when testing a new collection configuration file, or new plugins.
    133 CreatePane.Mode:mode
    134 CreatePane.Mode_All:all
    135 CreatePane.Mode_Build_Index:build index
    136 CreatePane.Mode_Compress_Text:compress text
    137 CreatePane.Mode_InfoDB:infodb
    138 CreatePane.Mode_Tip:Determine what the build process is to do (defaults to <i>all</i>). <i>All</i> does a full build, <i>compress_text</i> only compresses the document text, <i>infodb</i> creates a database of information pertaining the to collection and <i>build_index</i> builds the indexes specified in the collection configuration file or on the command line.
    139 CreatePane.NoText:no_text
    140 CreatePane.NoText_Tip:Don't store compressed text. This options is useful for minimizing the size of the built indexes if you intend to always display the original documents at run-time.
    141 CreatePane.OIDType:OIDtype
    142 CreatePane.OIDType_Hash:hash
    143 CreatePane.OIDType_Incremental:incremental
    144 CreatePane.OIDType_Tip:Method of creatings OIDs for documents: <i>hash</i> hashes the content but is slow; <i>incremental</i> simply assigns document numbers sequentially, and is faster.
    145 CreatePane.Options:Option Groups
    146 CreatePane.Options_Title:Collection Import & Build Options
    147 CreatePane.Out:out
    148 CreatePane.Out_Tip:Specify a file to which to write all output messages, which defaults to standard error (the screen). Useful when working with debugging statements.
    149 CreatePane.RemoveOld:removeold
    150 CreatePane.RemoveOld_Tip:Remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> directory before importing.
    151 CreatePane.Statistics_Title:Collection Statistics
    152 CreatePane.SortMeta:sortmeta
    153 CreatePane.SortMeta_Tip:Sort the documents alphabetically by the named metadata tag. However, if the collection has more than one group in the collection (i.e. <i>groupsize</i> > 1), this functionality is disabled.
    154 CreatePane.Verbosity:verbosity
    155 CreatePane.Verbosity_Tip: A number between zero and three that controls how much information about the process is printed to the standard error stream; 0 gives a little, 3 gives lots.
    156 #**********************
    157 #
    158 #***** Delete Collection Prompt *****
    159 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_Details:Selected collections details.
    160 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_List:Available collections.
    161 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Confirm_Delete:Please tick the box to confirm collection deletion.
    162 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Details:Title    - {0}\nFilename - {1}\nEmail    - {2}\nDescription\n{3}
    163 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Failed_Delete:Collection could not be completely deleted.
    164 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Failed_Title:Deletion Failed!
    165 DeleteCollectionPrompt.No_Collection:No collection selected.
    166 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Successful_Delete:Collection has been deleted.
    167 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Successful_Title:Deletion Complete!
    168 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Title:Collection Deletion
    169 #************************************
    170 #
    171 #***** Dictionary *****
    172 # 0 - A String representing a key value.
    173 Dictionary.Missing_Phrase:Missing dictionary phrase for key {0}
    174 #**********************
    175 #
    176 #***** DirectoryLevelMetadata *****
    177 DirectoryLevelMetadata.Message:You are about to assign 'directory level' metadata to the selected folder (or folders). Such metadata will be automatically inherited by all files and folders in this folder. Furthermore this metadata cannot be removed from specific children, only replaced. To continue with this action click the OK button.
    178 DirectoryLevelMetadata.Title:About to add folder level metadata
    179 #****************************************
    180 #
    181 #***** FileActions *****
    182 FileActions.Calculating_Size:Calculating selected files total size.
    183 FileActions.Cannot_Copy:Files cannot be copied. Please check disk space.
    184 FileActions.Cannot_Delete:Files cannot be deleted. Please check permissions.
    185 FileActions.Copied_Files:Copied {0} files to {1}.
    186 FileActions.Copying:Copying {0}.
    187 FileActions.Deleted: Deleted {0} files.
    188 FileActions.Deleting:Deleting {0}.
    189 FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Message:"{0}"\nA file with the name shown above already exists at the\ndestination, and despite your previous choice the Librarian Interface\nis unable to overwrite it. Please check file permissions.
    190 FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Title:Error - File Already Exists.
    191 FileActions.File_Not_Found_Message:"{0}"\nThe file named above can not be found. Once file view\nhas refreshed, please check the file still exists.
    192 FileActions.File_Not_Found_Title:Error - File Not Found.
    193 FileActions.Folder_Already_Exists:The folder name '{0}' is already in use. Cannot create folder.
    194 FileActions.Insufficient_Space_Message:The file action has failed because of insufficient disk\nspace. For the file to copy successfully you require a\nfurther: {0}
    195 FileActions.Insufficient_Space_Title:Error - Insufficient Space
    196 FileActions.InvalidTarget:The selected files cannot be copied or moved to this location.
    197 FileActions.Jobs:{0} file actions remaining.
    198 FileActions.No_Activity:No action requested.
    199 FileActions.No_Parent_For_New_Folder:To create a new folder you must first select a single destination folder in the collection tree.
    200 FileActions.No_Selection:No files selected.
    201 FileActions.Pre_Action:Select destination for these {0} files.
    202 FileActions.Read_Only:Files from the workspace are read only and cannot be deleted.
    203 FileActions.ReadOnlyTarget:Files and folders in the workspace are read only and cannot be added to.
    204 FileActions.Reading_Metadata:Reading existing metadata. Please be patient.
    205 FileActions.Selected:{0} files and {1} directories selected
    206 FileActions.Unknown:unknown
    207 FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Message:Although no error message was reported during the file\naction, a final check has shown that the destination\ncopy is not the same as the source file. The reason\nfor this is unknown. Please check your media and update\nyour installed JVM.
    208 FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Title:Error - Unknown File Error
    209 #***********************
    210 #
    211 #***** GAuthenticator *****
    212 GAuthenticator.Password:Password:
    213 GAuthenticator.Title:Password Required.
    214 GAuthenticator.Username:User Name:
    215 #**************************
    216 #
    217 #***** General Messages *****
    218 # 0 - A String representing the name and method of the class in question.
    219 General.Apply:Apply
    220 General.Apply_Tooltip:Click here to immediately apply any changes made.
    221 General.Browse:Browse
    222 General.Cancel:Cancel
    223 General.Cancel_Tooltip:Click here to cancel the prompt and ignore changes.
    224 General.Close:Close
    225 General.Edit:Edit Value
    226 General.Error:Error
    227 General.Expand:...
    228 General.File_Description:Librarian Interface Collection (*.col)
    229 General.No:No
    230 General.OFF:Off
    231 General.OK:OK
    232 General.OK_Tooltip:Click here to accept the changes then remove the prompt.
    233 General.ON:On
    234 General.Open:Open
    235 General.Outstanding_Processes:<html>The Librarian Interface cannot close completely until all programs<br>started within The Librarian Interface have also exited.</html>
    236 General.Outstanding_Processes_Title:Waiting To Exit
    237 General.Proxy_Set_Error:Warning. Proxy not available.
    238 General.Usage:Usage: Gathaen <params>\nAll parameters are optional but the Librarian Interface may fail to work if -gsdl and -library aren't set.\n -gsdl <path>  : Force path to gsdl\n -library <path> : Path to cgi-bin\n -mozilla <path> : Enabled mozilla\n -mirror : Enable web-mirroring controls\n -laf [java|windows|motif|mac] : Look and feel\n -debug : Enable debug messages\n -no_load : Don't load previously open collection\n -load <path> : Load the specified collection
    239 General.Warning:Warning
    240 General.Yes:Yes
    241 #****************************
    242 #
    243 #***** GShell *****
    244 GShell.Build:buildcol.pl
    245 GShell.Cancelled:Process cancelled by user or by unrecoverable exception.
    246 GShell.Command:Command
    247 GShell.Failure:Command failed.
    248 GShell.Import:import.pl
    249 GShell.New:makecol.pl
    250 GShell.Other:other
    251 GShell.Success:Command complete.
    252 #******************
    253 #
    254 #***** GStartBox *****
    255 GStartBox.Exit:{32}Exit{34}
    256 GStartBox.Load:{32}Load{34}
    257 GStartBox.New:{32}New{34}
    258 #*********************
    259 #
    260 #***** GUI *****
    261 # Currently Enabled and Disabled display the same text but in different
    262 * colours. If necessary this can be changed.
    263 GUI.Browser:Browse
    264 GUI.Build:Design
    265 GUI.Collection:Gather
    266 GUI.Create:Create
    267 GUI.Export:Export
    268 GUI.Import:Import
    269 GUI.Main:Start
    270 GUI.Messages:Log
    271 GUI.MetaEdit:Enrich
    272 GUI.Mirroring:Mirror
    273 GUI.Preview:Preview
    274 #***************
    275 #
    276 #***** HELP *****
    277 Help.Contents:Contents
    278 Help.Index:Index
    279 Help.Title:Gathaen Help Pages
    280 #***** Inherited Metadata *****
    281 InheritedMetadata.Message:The selected file or folder inherits some of its metadata from folders above it. Such entries are denoted by a folder icon, and you can visit the actual folder containing the metadata by clicking on the aforementioned icon.
    282 InheritedMetadata.Title:This File/Folder Has Inherited Metadata
    283 #***** Levels *****
    284 Level.Error:Error
    285 Level.Event:Event
    286 Level.Information:Information
    287 Level.Main:Main
    288 Level.Unknown:Unknown
    289 #******************
    290 #
    291 #***** LockFileDialog *****
    292 LockFileDialog.Date:Date
    293 LockFileDialog.Error:#error
    294 LockFileDialog.Lockfile_Message_One:The presence of a lock file suggests this collection is already open.
    295 LockFileDialog.Lockfile_Message_Two:Do you wish to 'steal' control of this lock file (not recommended)?
    296 LockFileDialog.Machine:Where
    297 LockFileDialog.Name:Name
    298 LockFileDialog.Title:Lock File Detected
    299 LockFileDialog.User:Who
    300 #**************************
    301 #
    302 #***** Menu Options *****
    303 Menu.Edit:Edit
    304 Menu.Edit_Redo:Redo
    305 Menu.Edit_Undo:Undo
    306 Menu.File:File
    307 Menu.File_Close:Close
    308 Menu.File_Delete:Delete
    309 Menu.File_Exit:Exit
    310 Menu.File_New:New
    311 Menu.File_Open:Open
    312 Menu.File_Options:Preferences...
    313 Menu.File_Save:Save
    314 Menu.Help:Help
    315 Menu.Help_About:About...
    316 Menu.Metadata:Metadata Set
    317 Menu.Metadata_Add:Import Set
    318 Menu.Metadata_Edit:Edit Set
    319 Menu.Metadata_Export:Export Set
    320 Menu.Tools:Tools
    321 Menu.Tools_Log:View Log
    322 #************************
    323 #
    324 #***** Messages *****
    325 Messages.Browser:{32}Browser{34}
    326 Messages.Build:{32}Build{34}
    327 Messages.Error:{32}Error{34}
    328 Messages.Event:{32}Event{34}
    329 Messages.General:{32}General{34}
    330 Messages.Information:{32}Information{34}
    331 Messages.Level:{33}Levels{34}
    332 Messages.Main:{32}Main{34}
    333 Messages.Message_Count:Viewing {0} of {1} entires.
    334 Messages.Metaedit:{32}MetaEdit{34}
    335 Messages.Mirroring:{32}Mirroring{34}
    336 Messages.Save_Messages:{32}Save{35}Log{34}
    337 Messages.Session:{32}Collection{34}
    338 Messages.Source:{33}Sources{34}
    339 #********************
    340 #
    341 #***** MetaAudit *****
    342 MetaAudit.Hide_Columns:View/Hide Empty Columns
    343 MetaAudit.Title:All Metadata
    344 #*********************
    345 #
    346 #***** Metadata *****
    347 Metadata.Set:Set
    348 Metadata.Element:Element
    349 Metadata.Value:Value
    350 #********************
    351 #
    352 #***** MetaEdit *****
    353 MetaEdit.Add:Add
    354 MetaEdit.AutoMessage:This element, {0}, belongs to the Greenstone metadata set. This set represents metadata that can usually be extracted automatically. To check what {0} metadata can be extracted create the collection using the 'Create' tab.
    355 MetaEdit.Element:Element
    356 MetaEdit.List:Matching Previous Values
    357 MetaEdit.No_Description:{38}No description for chosen key.{34}
    358 MetaEdit.No_File:No File Selected
    359 MetaEdit.No_Metadata_Element:{32}No Metadata Element Selected{34}
    360 MetaEdit.No_Type:{38}(Any value){34}
    361 MetaEdit.Remove:Remove
    362 MetaEdit.Restore:Restore Tree
    363 MetaEdit.Search:Search
    364 MetaEdit.Thumbnail:{32}Thumbnails for selection{34}
    365 MetaEdit.Tree:All Previous Values
    366 MetaEdit.Value:Value
    367 MetaEdit.View:View
    368 MetaEdit.View_Assigned:View Assigned Metadata
    369 MetaEdit.View_Unassigned:View Unassigned Metadata
    370 #********************
    371 #
    372 #***** MetaEditPrompt *****
    373 MetaEditPrompt.Accumulate:Append
    374 MetaEditPrompt.Accumulate_All:Append All
    375 MetaEditPrompt.Add_Prompt:Confirm Append
    376 MetaEditPrompt.Cancel:Cancel
    377 MetaEditPrompt.Current_Value:Current value:
    378 MetaEditPrompt.Element:Element:
    379 MetaEditPrompt.File:File name:
    380 MetaEditPrompt.New_Value:New value:
    381 MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite:Replace
    382 MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_All:Replace All
    383 MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_Prompt:Confirm Replace
    384 MetaEditPrompt.Remove:Remove
    385 MetaEditPrompt.Remove_All:Remove All
    386 MetaEditPrompt.Remove_Prompt:Confirm Removal
    387 MetaEditPrompt.Skip:Skip File
    388 MetaEditPrompt.Title:Edit Action Confirmation Required
    389 MetaEditPrompt.Value:Value: {0}
    390 #*****************************
    391 #
    392 #***** Mirroring *****
    393 Mirroring.Destination_Folder:Destination Folder:
    394 Mirroring.Destination_Private:Private
    395 Mirroring.Destination_Shared:Public
    396 Mirroring.Download:{39}Download{34}
    397 Mirroring.Download_Controls:Download Controls
    398 Mirroring.Download_Depth:Download Depth:
    399 Mirroring.Download_Hidden:Automatically download embedded objects (images etc)?
    400 Mirroring.Download_List:Download List
    401 Mirroring.Download_List_Configuration:Download List Options
    402 Mirroring.Further_Options:For further options see the configuration screen.
    403 Mirroring.Higher_Directories:Mirror files from directories above the url given?
    404 Mirroring.Overwrite_Existing:Overwrite files if they already exist locally?
    405 Mirroring.Remove_Failed:Automatically remove failed downloads from the list?
    406 Mirroring.Same_Host:Only mirror within the same site?
    407 Mirroring.Source_URL:Source URL:
    408 Mirroring.View_Selector:Show:
    409 Mirroring.Workspace_Tree:Temporary Workspace
    410 #*********************
    411 #
    412 #***** Missing EXEC *****
    413 MissingEXEC.Message:Warning! You will not be able to view your new collections within Librarian Interface unless you specify the path to the locally running Greenstone Library Webserver. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
    414 MissingEXEC.Title:Missing Greenstone Library Address
    415 #***** Missing GSDL *****
    416 MissingGSDL.Message:Warning! You will not be able to access all of the Librarian Interface's features without a local copy of Greenstone Digital Library also installed. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
    417 MissingGSDL.Title:Missing Greenstone Path
    418 #***** Missing PERL *****
    419 MissingPERL.Message:Warning! You will not be able to create new collections, nor build existing ones, without PERL installed, and the Librarian Interface was unable to find PERL on your system. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
    420 MissingPERL.Title:Missing PERL Path
    421 #***** New Folder Prompt *****
    422 NewFolderPrompt.Default_Folder_Name:new folder
    423 NewFolderPrompt.Folder_Name:Folder Name
    424 NewFolderPrompt.Title:Enter the new folders name.
    425 #*****************************
    426 #
    427 #***** New Session *****
    428 NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection:Base this collection on:
    429 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description:Description of content:
    430 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
    431 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
    432 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Title:Title:
    433 NewCollectionPrompt.Default_Description:A Greenstone Digital Collection built with The Librarian Interface.
    434 NewCollectionPrompt.DLS:DLS
    435 NewCollectionPrompt.Dublin_Core:Dublin Core
    436 NewCollectionPrompt.Error:Error in new collection.
    437 NewCollectionPrompt.Instructions:Fill out all of the fields below in order to create a new Collection.
    438 NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Elements:Elements within selected set:
    439 NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions:Check the boxes beside the metadata sets you would like to be initially present in your collection.
    440 NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection:-- New Collection --
    441 NewCollectionPrompt.Select_MDS:Available metadata sets:
    442 NewCollectionPrompt.Set_Contains:This metadata set contains the elements
    443 NewCollectionPrompt.Title:Create a new Collection.
    444 #***********************
    445 #
    446 NoMetadataSetsSelected.Message:If you create the collection now it will have no initial metadata sets. You will not be able to import nor assign any metadata until a set is imported or added to your collection. Do you wish to continue?
    447 NoMetadataSetsSelected.Title:No Metadata Sets Selected
    448 #
    449 #***** OpenCollectionDialog *****
    450 OpenCollectionDialog.Collection:Greenstone Collection (".col")
    451 OpenCollectionDialog.Locked_Collection:Greenstone collection already is use
    452 OpenCollectionDialog.No_Description:Please select a greenstone collection ('.col' file) to see description.
    453 OpenCollectionDialog.Normal_Collection:Greenstone collection
    454 OpenCollectionDialog.Title:Open Greenstone Collection
    455 #********************************
    456 #
    457 #***** Options *****
    458 Options.Connection:Connection
    459 Options.Download:Download
    460 Options.Establish_Connection:Establish Connection
    461 Options.General:General
    462 Options.Proxy_Configuration:Proxy Configuration
    463 Options.Proxy_Host:Host Name
    464 Options.Proxy_Port:Port Number
    465 Options.Title:The Librarian Interface Options
    466 Options.Use_Colours:Use Colours?
    467 Options.Use_Proxy:Internet connection through proxy server.
    468 #**********************
    469 #
    470 #***** Options Pane inside CreatePane *****
    471 OptionsPane.Cancelled: - cancelled
    472 OptionsPane.LogHistory:Log history
    473 OptionsPane.Successful: - successful
    474 OptionsPane.Unsuccessful: - unsuccessful
    475 #*******************
    476 #
    477 #***** Preferences *****
    478 Preferences:Preferences
    479 Preferences.Connection:Connection
    480 Preferences.Connection.Proxy_Host:Proxy host
    481 Preferences.Connection.Proxy_Port:Proxy port
    482 Preferences.Connection.Use_Proxy:Use proxy connection?
    483 Preferences.Warnings:Warnings
    484 Preferences.Workflow:Workflow
    485 Preferences.Workflow.Browse:Browse - Search for web-based resources
    486 Preferences.Workflow.Create:Create - Build your collection using Greenstone
    487 Preferences.Workflow.Design:Design - Change collection appearence
    488 Preferences.Workflow.Enrich:Enrich - Annotate with metadata
    489 Preferences.Workflow.Export:Export - Export to collection
    490 Preferences.Workflow.Gather:Gather - Select files for collection
    491 Preferences.Workflow.Mirror:Mirror - Download web-based resources
    492 Preferences.Workflow.Predefined.Label:Predefined Workflows
    493 Preferences.Workflow.Preview:Preview - Browse built collection
    494 Preferences.Workflow.Title:Check box to enable view
    495 #***********************
    496 #
    497 #***** POLLO *****
    498 Pollo.Message:Pollo Message
    499 Pollo.Well_Formedness_Error:This edited xml contains well formedness errors. Do you wish to discard changes and close editor?
    500 #*****************
    501 #
    502 #***** Save Collection Box *****
    503 SaveCollectionBox.Label:Do you wish to save "{0}"?
    504 SaveCollectionBox.Title:Save Collection
    505 #*******************************
    506 #
    507 Server.QuitFailure:The Librarian Interface is unable to restore the original\nsettings in the greenstone local libraries gsdlsite.cfg\nfile. Please edit this file so that:\nautoenter={0}\nstart_browser={1}
    508 Server.QuitManual:The Librarian Interface was unable to close the local\nlibrary server automatically. Please exit the server\nmanually by clicking on the cross icon in its top\nright-hand corner, then click OK on this dialog.
    509 Server.QuitTimeOut:The greenstone local library has not responded to the\nautomatic close command for sixty seconds. Do you\nwish to wait for another minute?
    510 #
    511 #***** Sources *****
    512 Source.Browse:Browse
    513 Source.Build:Create
    514 Source.Building:Perl
    515 Source.Collect:Gather
    516 Source.General:General
    517 Source.MetaEdit:Enrich
    518 Source.Mirror:Mirror
    519 Source.Unknown:Unknown
    520 #*******************
    521 #
    522 #***** Trees *****
    523 Tree.Multiple_Items:files.
    524 Tree.New_Folder:New Folder
    525 Tree.Private:Private WebCache
    526 Tree.Public:Public WebCache
    527 Tree.Root:Local Filespace
    528 Tree.Unnamed:Unnamed
    529 Tree.World:Greenstone Collections
    530 #*****************
    531 #
    532 #***** UndoManager *****
    533 UndoManager.Redo:Redo Change
    534 UndoManager.Undo:Undo Change
    535 #***********************
    536 #
    537 #***** Warning Dialog *****
    538 WarningDialog.Dont_Show_Again:Do not show this warning again.
    540100#     ********************************************************
    584144CDM.FormatManager.Feature:Choose Feature
     146CDM.FormatManager.Instructions:The web pages you see when using Greenstone are not pre-stored but are generated 'on the fly' as they are needed. Format commands are used to change the appearance of these generated pages, and come in two flavours: those that control the display of documents or parts of documents, and those that affect the lists and pages generated by classifiers. The former are often simple boolean switches, while the remainder and the later category require html code as an argument.\nTo add a format command first choose it from the 'feature' list. If it is a simple switch then a True/False option panel appears, with the state selected by clicking on the appropriate button. On the other hand if it requires further arguments a different panel containing the 'Affected Feature' and 'Edit Format Strings' controls become available. The component list is only used for classifier based formatting, and is used to specify a specific part of the lists returned by a classifier. The editing field is used to type in an html text argument. Note the preset variables list. To add a preset place the editing caret at the appropriate position in the html text, choose your desired variable from the list, and press insert. To remove a preset, delete or backspace it just as in regular text editing.\nFinally, once you are statisfied with your changes, press 'Add Format' to add it to the configuration file.\nRemoving a format command is accomplished by selecting it from the 'Assigned Format Commands' and clicking the 'Remove Format' button.
    614175CDM.IndexManager.Default_Index:Default Index:
     177CDM.IndexManager.Index_Exists:That index has already been assigned for this collection.
    616178CDM.IndexManager.Indexes:Assigned Indexes
    617179CDM.IndexManager.Instructions:This design view allows you to modify the indexes that the collection will be built with.\nTo add a new index, select the source or sources to build the index on, choose the level of the index, and click "Add Specified Index".\nTo remove an index select it from the assigned indexes list and click "Remove Selected Index".\nYou can also set the default index by selecting it from the same list and clicking "Set Selected As Default", or clear the default by clicking the "Clear Default Index" button.
    690252CDM.TranslationManager.Text:Text Fragment
     256#***** Collection *****
     258Collection.Collection:{32}Collection: {0}{34}
     259Collection.No_Collection:No Collection
     260Collection.Selection_Information:Selection Information
     265#***** CollectionManager *****
     266CollectionManager.Cannot_Open:The collection at {0} cannot be opened.
     267CollectionManager.Collection_Saved:The collection "{0}" has been saved.
     268CollectionManager.Creating_New:Creating a new collection {0}.
     269CollectionManager.Creation_Failed_Already_Exists:Collection cannot be created because a collection with the filename '{0}' already exists.
     270CollectionManager.File_Not_Found:{0}\nThe collection above cannot be opened as it no longer exists.
     271CollectionManager.Gcache_Created:The Librarian Interface cache directory created.
     272CollectionManager.Gimport_Created:The Librarian Interface import directory created.
     273CollectionManager.Log_Created:The log directory created.
     274CollectionManager.Loading_Successful:Loaded collection {0}.
     275CollectionManager.Locked:<html>A lock file already exists for the collection '{0}'.<br>Do you wish to ignore this lock?<br>(Doing so may have dire conquences if you intend to save)</html>
     276CollectionManager.Not_Col_File:'{0}' is not a Librarian Interface Collection File (.col)
     277CollectionManager.Preview_Ready:The collection has been built and is ready for previewing.
     278CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Failed:An error has occured which will prevent the collection being previewed.
     279CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Title:Collection Preview State.
     280CollectionManager.Save_Error:Cannot save collection {0}.
     281CollectionManager.Session_Ready:Collection {0} ready for use.
     284#***** CollectionPopupMenu *****
     286CollectionPopupMenu.New_Folder:New Folder
     289#***** CreatePane *****
     292CreatePane.AllClassifications_Tip:Prevent the build process from removing classifications that include no documents (for example, the "X" classification in title if there are no documents whose titles start with the letter <i>X</i>).
     294CreatePane.ArchiveDir_Tip:Specify where the Greenstone archive files are stored - that is, where <i>import.pl</i> puts them and where <i>buildcol.col</i> finds them. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collect/col_name/archives</i>
     296CreatePane.Build_Collection:Build Collection
     298CreatePane.BuildDir_Tip:Specify where the result of building is to be stored (defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collect/col_name/building</i>).
     299CreatePane.Build_Progress:Build Progress
     300CreatePane.Cancel_Build:Cancel Build
     302CreatePane.CollectDir_Tip:Specify where the collection can be found. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collect</i>
     303CreatePane.Copy_Progress:Copy Progress
     305CreatePane.CreateImages_Tip:Create colleciton icons automatically (to use this, GIMP, and the Gimp Perl module, must be installed).
     307CreatePane.Debug_Tip:Print plugin output to standard output.
     308CreatePane.Document_Count:Collection contains {0} files.
     311CreatePane.GroupSize_Tip:Number of documents to group together into one Greenstone archive file, defaults 1 (that is, one document per file).
     313CreatePane.GZip_Tip:Zip up the Greenstone archive documents produced by <i>import</i> (ZIPPlug must be included in the plugin list, and <i>gzip</i> must be installed on your machine).
     315CreatePane.Import_Progress:Import Progress
     317CreatePane.Index_Tip:Specify which indexes to build. This defaults to all the indexes indicated in the collection configuration file.
     319CreatePane.KeepOld_Tip:Do not remove the result of the previous import or build operation. In the case of import, do not remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> directory; when building, do not remove the content of the <i>building</i> directory.
     321CreatePane.ImportDir_Tip:Where material to be imported is found. Defaults to <i>GSDLHOME/collection/col_name/gimport</i>
     322CreatePane.Log:Message Log
     324CreatePane.MaxDocs_Tip:Indicates the maximum number of documents to be imported or built. Useful when testing a new collection configuration file, or new plugins.
     327CreatePane.Mode_Build_Index:build index
     328CreatePane.Mode_Compress_Text:compress text
     330CreatePane.Mode_Tip:Determine what the build process is to do (defaults to <i>all</i>). <i>All</i> does a full build, <i>compress_text</i> only compresses the document text, <i>infodb</i> creates a database of information pertaining the to collection and <i>build_index</i> builds the indexes specified in the collection configuration file or on the command line.
     332CreatePane.NoText_Tip:Don't store compressed text. This options is useful for minimizing the size of the built indexes if you intend to always display the original documents at run-time.
     336CreatePane.OIDType_Tip:Method of creatings OIDs for documents: <i>hash</i> hashes the content but is slow; <i>incremental</i> simply assigns document numbers sequentially, and is faster.
     337CreatePane.Options:Option Groups
     338CreatePane.Options_Title:Collection Import & Build Options
     340CreatePane.Out_Tip:Specify a file to which to write all output messages, which defaults to standard error (the screen). Useful when working with debugging statements.
     342CreatePane.RemoveOld_Tip:Remove the contents of the <i>archives</i> directory before importing.
     343CreatePane.Statistics_Title:Collection Statistics
     345CreatePane.SortMeta_Tip:Sort the documents alphabetically by the named metadata tag. However, if the collection has more than one group in the collection (i.e. <i>groupsize</i> > 1), this functionality is disabled.
     347CreatePane.Verbosity_Tip: A number between zero and three that controls how much information about the process is printed to the standard error stream; 0 gives a little, 3 gives lots.
     350#***** Delete Collection Prompt *****
     351DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_Details:Selected collections details.
     352DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_List:Available collections.
     353DeleteCollectionPrompt.Confirm_Delete:Please tick the box to confirm collection deletion.
     354DeleteCollectionPrompt.Details:Title    - {0}\nFilename - {1}\nEmail    - {2}\nDescription\n{3}
     355DeleteCollectionPrompt.Failed_Delete:Collection could not be completely deleted.
     356DeleteCollectionPrompt.Failed_Title:Deletion Failed!
     357DeleteCollectionPrompt.No_Collection:No collection selected.
     358DeleteCollectionPrompt.Successful_Delete:Collection has been deleted.
     359DeleteCollectionPrompt.Successful_Title:Deletion Complete!
     360DeleteCollectionPrompt.Title:Collection Deletion
     363#***** Dictionary *****
     364# 0 - A String representing a key value.
     365Dictionary.Missing_Phrase:Missing dictionary phrase for key {0}
     368#***** DirectoryLevelMetadata *****
     369DirectoryLevelMetadata.Message:You are about to assign 'directory level' metadata to the selected folder (or folders). Such metadata will be automatically inherited by all files and folders in this folder. Furthermore this metadata cannot be removed from specific children, only replaced. To continue with this action click the OK button.
     370DirectoryLevelMetadata.Title:About to add folder level metadata
     373#***** FileActions *****
     374FileActions.Calculating_Size:Calculating selected files total size.
     375FileActions.Cannot_Copy:Files cannot be copied. Please check disk space.
     376FileActions.Cannot_Delete:Files cannot be deleted. Please check permissions.
     377FileActions.Cannot_Move:Files cannot be moved. Please check disk space and permissions.
     378FileActions.Copied_Files:Copied {0} files to {1}.
     379FileActions.Copying:Copying {0}.
     380FileActions.Deleted: Deleted {0} files.
     381FileActions.Deleting:Deleting {0}.
     382FileActions.Directories_Selected:{0} directories selected
     383FileActions.Directory_Exists:<html>The directory<br>{0}<br>already exists within the collection. Files will be copied into it.</html>
     384FileActions.Directory_Selected:1 directory selected
     385FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Message:"{0}"\nA file with the name shown above already exists at the\ndestination, and despite your previous choice the Librarian Interface\nis unable to overwrite it. Please check file permissions.
     386FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Title:Error - File Already Exists.
     387FileActions.File_And_Directories_Selected:1 file and {0} directories selected
     388FileActions.File_And_Directory_Selected:1 file and 1 directory selected
     389FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} already exists in the destination directory. Overwrite it?</html>
     390FileActions.File_Not_Found_Message:"{0}"\nThe file named above can not be found. Once file view\nhas refreshed, please check the file still exists.
     391FileActions.File_Not_Found_Title:Error - File Not Found.
     392FileActions.File_Selected:1 file selected
     393FileActions.Files_And_Directory_Selected:{0} files and 1 directory selected
     394FileActions.Files_Selected:{0} files selected
     395FileActions.Folder_Already_Exists:The folder name '{0}' is already in use. Cannot create folder.
     396FileActions.Insufficient_Space_Message:The file action has failed because of insufficient disk\nspace. For the file to copy successfully you require a\nfurther: {0}
     397FileActions.Insufficient_Space_Title:Error - Insufficient Space
     398FileActions.InvalidTarget:The selected files cannot be copied or moved to this location.
     399FileActions.Jobs:{0} file actions remaining.
     400FileActions.Moved_Files:Moved {0} files to {1}.
     401FileActions.Moving:Moving {0}.
     402FileActions.No_Activity:No action requested.
     403FileActions.No_Parent_For_New_Folder:To create a new folder you must first select a single destination folder in the collection tree.
     404FileActions.No_Selection:No files selected.
     405FileActions.No_To_All:No to All
     406FileActions.Pre_Action:Select destination for these {0} files.
     407FileActions.Read_Only:Files from the workspace are read only and cannot be deleted.
     408FileActions.ReadOnlyTarget:Files and folders in the workspace are read only and cannot be added to.
     409FileActions.Reading_Metadata:Reading existing metadata. Please be patient.
     410FileActions.Recalculating:Folder found. Recalculating total file size.
     411FileActions.Selected:{0} files and {1} directories selected
     413FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Message:Although no error message was reported during the file\naction, a final check has shown that the destination\ncopy is not the same as the source file. The reason\nfor this is unknown. Please check your media and update\nyour installed JVM.
     414FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Title:Error - Unknown File Error
     415FileActions.Yes_To_All:Yes to All
     418#******* File Associations dialog **********
     419FileAssociationDialog.Batch_File:Batch files
     421FileAssociationDialog.Browse_Title:Choose Application
     422FileAssociationDialog.Command:Open using:
     423FileAssociationDialog.Command_File:Command files
     424FileAssociationDialog.Executable_File:Executable files
     425FileAssociationDialog.Extension:For files ending:
     426FileAssociationDialog.Title:Edit File Associations
     430Filter.0:HTM & HTML
     432Filter.2:Text Files
     434Filter.All_Files:All Files
     435Filter.Filter_Tree:Show Files
     436Filter.Invalid_Pattern:{43}The pattern you have entered for filter files is invalid.{35}Please try again using regular expression syntax and with{35}* for the wildcard character.{45}
     439#***** GAuthenticator *****
     441GAuthenticator.Title:Password Required.
     442GAuthenticator.Username:User Name:
     445#***** General Messages *****
     446# 0 - A String representing the name and method of the class in question.
     448General.Apply_Tooltip:Click here to immediately apply any changes made.
     451General.Cancel_Tooltip:Click here to cancel the prompt and ignore changes.
     453General.Edit:Edit Value
     456General.File_Description:Librarian Interface Collection (*.col)
     460General.OK_Tooltip:Click here to accept the changes then remove the prompt.
     463General.Outstanding_Processes:<html>The Librarian Interface cannot close completely until all programs<br>started within The Librarian Interface have also exited.</html>
     464General.Outstanding_Processes_Title:Waiting To Exit
     465General.Proxy_Set_Error:Warning. Proxy not available.
     466General.Usage:Usage: Gathaen <params>\nAll parameters are optional but the Librarian Interface may fail to work if -gsdl and -library aren't set.\n -gsdl <path>  : Force path to gsdl\n -library <path> : Path to cgi-bin\n -mozilla <path> : Enabled mozilla\n -mirror : Enable web-mirroring controls\n -laf [java|windows|motif|mac] : Look and feel\n -debug : Enable debug messages\n -no_load : Don't load previously open collection\n -load <path> : Load the specified collection
     471#***** GShell *****
     473GShell.Cancelled:Process cancelled by user or by unrecoverable exception.
     475GShell.Extracted:Extracted metadata for {0}.
     476GShell.Failure:Command failed.
     480GShell.Parsing_Metadata_Complete:Archived metadata extraction complete.
     481GShell.Parsing_Metadata_Start:Extracting new metadata from archive files.
     482GShell.Success:Command complete.
     485#***** GStartBox *****
     491#***** GUI *****
     492# Currently Enabled and Disabled display the same text but in different
     493* colours. If necessary this can be changed.
     507#***** HELP *****
     510Help.Title:Gathaen Help Pages
     511#***** Inherited Metadata *****
     512InheritedMetadata.Message:The selected file or folder inherits some of its metadata from folders above it. Such entries are denoted by a folder icon, and you can visit the actual folder containing the metadata by clicking on the aforementioned icon.
     513InheritedMetadata.Title:This File/Folder Has Inherited Metadata
     514#***** Levels *****
     522#***** LockFileDialog *****
     525LockFileDialog.Lockfile_Message_One:The presence of a lock file suggests this collection is already open.
     526LockFileDialog.Lockfile_Message_Two:Do you wish to 'steal' control of this lock file (not recommended)?
     529LockFileDialog.Title:Lock File Detected
     533#*****MappingPrompt **********
     535MappingPrompt.Map:Map Chosen Directory
     537MappingPrompt.Title:Set Directory Mapping
     538MappingPrompt.Unmap:Unmap Directory
     541#*******Metadata Edit Manager **************
     543MEM.AddAttribute:Add Attribute
     544MEM.AddSet:Add Set
     545MEM.AddValue:Add Value
     549MEM.Cannot_Add_Elements_To_Greenstone_MDS:You cannot manually add elements to the Greenstone Metadata. If\nnecessary create a new set, then add your new element to it instead.
     550MEM.Confirm_Removal:Are you sure you wish to remove this {0}?
     551MEM.Confirm_Removal_Title:Confirm Removal
     553MEM.EditAttribute:Edit Attribute
     554MEM.EditValue:Edit Value
     556MEM.Element_Details:Metadata Element Details
     563MEM.Profiles:Importing Profiles
     564MEM.Profile:Profile Values
     565MEM.Profile_Details:Profile Details
     568MEM.Set_Details:Metadata Set Details
     572MEM.Title:Edit Metadata Sets
     577#***** Menu Options *****
     583Menu.Edit_Replace:Search and Replace
     587Menu.File_Associations:File Associations...
     595Menu.File_Save_As:Save As
     598Menu.Metadata:Metadata Set
     599Menu.Metadata_Add:Import Set
     600Menu.Metadata_Edit:Edit Set
     601Menu.Metadata_Export:Export Set
     602Menu.Metadata_View:Assigned Metadata for the
     604Menu.Tools_Log:View Log
     607#***** Messages *****
     616Messages.Message_Count:Viewing {0} of {1} entires.
     624#***** MetaAudit *****
     626MetaAudit.Hide_Columns:View/Hide Empty Columns
     627MetaAudit.Title:All Metadata
     630#***** Metadata *****
     636#***** MetaEdit *****
     638MetaEdit.AutoMessage:This element, {0}, belongs to the Greenstone metadata set. This set represents metadata that can usually be extracted automatically. To check what {0} metadata can be extracted create the collection using the 'Create' tab.
     641MetaEdit.List:Matching Previous Values
     642MetaEdit.No_Description:{38}No description for chosen key.{34}
     643MetaEdit.No_File:No File Selected
     644MetaEdit.No_Metadata_Element:{32}No Metadata Element Selected{34}
     645MetaEdit.No_Type:{38}(Any value){34}
     646MetaEdit.Not_Applicable:Not Applicable
     649MetaEdit.Restore:Restore Tree
     651MetaEdit.Thumbnail:{32}Thumbnails for selection{34}
     652MetaEdit.Tree:All Previous Values
     655MetaEdit.View_Assigned:View Assigned Metadata
     656MetaEdit.View_Unassigned:View Unassigned Metadata
     659#***** MetaEditPrompt *****
     661MetaEditPrompt.Accumulate_All:Append All
     662MetaEditPrompt.Add_Prompt:Confirm Append
     664MetaEditPrompt.Current_Value:Current value:
     666MetaEditPrompt.File:File name:
     667MetaEditPrompt.New_Value:New value:
     669MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_All:Replace All
     670MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_Prompt:Confirm Replace
     672MetaEditPrompt.Remove_All:Remove All
     673MetaEditPrompt.Remove_Prompt:Confirm Removal
     674MetaEditPrompt.Skip:Skip File
     675MetaEditPrompt.Title:Edit Action Confirmation Required
     676MetaEditPrompt.Value:Value: {0}
     679#***** Mirroring *****
     680Mirroring.Destination_Folder:Destination Folder:
     684Mirroring.Download_Controls:Download Controls
     685Mirroring.Download_Depth:Download Depth:
     686Mirroring.Download_Hidden:Automatically download embedded objects (images etc)?
     687Mirroring.Download_List:Download List
     688Mirroring.Download_List_Configuration:Download List Options
     689Mirroring.Further_Options:For further options see the configuration screen.
     690Mirroring.Higher_Directories:Mirror files from directories above the url given?
     691Mirroring.Overwrite_Existing:Overwrite files if they already exist locally?
     692Mirroring.Remove_Failed:Automatically remove failed downloads from the list?
     693Mirroring.Same_Host:Only mirror within the same site?
     694Mirroring.Source_URL:Source URL:
     696Mirroring.Workspace_Tree:Temporary Workspace
     699#***** Missing EXEC *****
     700MissingEXEC.Message:Warning! You will not be able to view your new collections within Librarian Interface unless you specify the path to the locally running Greenstone Library Webserver. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
     701MissingEXEC.Title:Missing Greenstone Library Address
     702#***** Missing GSDL *****
     703MissingGSDL.Message:Warning! You will not be able to access all of the Librarian Interface's features without a local copy of Greenstone Digital Library also installed. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
     704MissingGSDL.Title:Missing Greenstone Path
     705#***** Missing PERL *****
     706MissingPERL.Message:Warning! You will not be able to create new collections, nor build existing ones, without PERL installed, and the Librarian Interface was unable to find PERL on your system. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
     707MissingPERL.Title:Missing PERL Path
     710MSM.No_Description:No description found.
     711MSM.No_Name:No name found.
    692713#     ********************************************************
    751772MSMPrompt.Structural:Metadata Set: {0}\nNamespace: {1}\nElement: {2}\nAttributes:\n{3}
     775#***** New Session *****
     776NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection:Base this collection on:
     777NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description:Description of content:
     778NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
     779NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
     781NewCollectionPrompt.Default_Description:A Greenstone Digital Collection built with The Librarian Interface.
     782NewCollectionPrompt.Description_Error:The description field must be filled out. Please correct.
     784NewCollectionPrompt.Dublin_Core:Dublin Core
     785NewCollectionPrompt.Email_Error:You have either failed to enter an email, or the email as typed is not a valid. Please correct.
     786NewCollectionPrompt.Error:Error in new collection.
     787NewCollectionPrompt.Instructions:Fill out all of the fields below in order to create a new Collection.
     788NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Elements:Elements within selected set:
     789NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions:Check the boxes beside the metadata sets you would like to be initially present in your collection.
     790NewCollectionPrompt.Name_Error:You have either failed to enter a name for the collection, or the name you have choosen is already in use. Please correct.
     791NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection:-- New Collection --
     792NewCollectionPrompt.Select_MDS:Available metadata sets:
     793NewCollectionPrompt.Set_Contains:This metadata set contains the elements
     794NewCollectionPrompt.Title:Create a new Collection.
     795NewCollectionPrompt.Title_Error:The title field must be filled out. Please correct.
     796#***** New Folder Prompt *****
     797NewFolderPrompt.Default_Folder_Name:new folder
     798NewFolderPrompt.Folder_Name:Folder Name
     799NewFolderPrompt.Title:Enter the new folders name.
     802NoMetadataSetsSelected.Message:If you create the collection now it will have no initial metadata sets. You will not be able to import nor assign any metadata until a set is imported or added to your collection. Do you wish to continue?
     803NoMetadataSetsSelected.Title:No Metadata Sets Selected
     805#***** OpenCollectionDialog *****
     806OpenCollectionDialog.Collection:Greenstone Collection (".col")
     807OpenCollectionDialog.Locked_Collection:Greenstone collection already is use
     808OpenCollectionDialog.No_Description:Please select a greenstone collection ('.col' file) to see description.
     809OpenCollectionDialog.Normal_Collection:Greenstone collection
     810OpenCollectionDialog.Title:Open Greenstone Collection
    754 #***** NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW *****
    755 Autofilter.AND:AND
    756 Autofilter.Ascending:Ascending
    757 Autofilter.Case_Sensitive:Match Case
    758 Autofilter.Clear:Clear Filter
    759 Autofilter.Custom_Filter:Advanced
    760 Autofilter.Descending:Descending
    761 Autofilter.Filter_By_Value:Simple
    762 Autofilter.Name:Column Name
    763 Autofilter.None:None
    764 Autofilter.Operator:Condition
    765 Autofilter.OR:OR
    766 Autofilter.Order:Ordering
    767 Autofilter.Set:Set Filter
    768 Autofilter.Title:Autofilter Metadata
    769 Autofilter.eqeq:equal to
    770 Autofilter.!eq:does not equal
    771 Autofilter.<:is less than
    772 Autofilter.<eq:is less than or equal to
    773 Autofilter.>:is greater than
    774 Autofilter.>eq:is greater than or equal to
    775 Autofilter.^:starts with
    776 Autofilter.!^:does not start with
    777 Autofilter.$:ends with
    778 Autofilter.!$:does not end with
    779 Autofilter.?:contains
    780 Autofilter.!?:does not contain
    781 Browser.Bookmarks:Bookmarks
    782 Browser.Reload:Reload
    783 CDM.FormatManager.Instructions:The web pages you see when using Greenstone are not pre-stored but are generated 'on the fly' as they are needed. Format commands are used to change the appearance of these generated pages, and come in two flavours: those that control the display of documents or parts of documents, and those that affect the lists and pages generated by classifiers. The former are often simple boolean switches, while the remainder and the later category require html code as an argument.\nTo add a format command first choose it from the 'feature' list. If it is a simple switch then a True/False option panel appears, with the state selected by clicking on the appropriate button. On the other hand if it requires further arguments a different panel containing the 'Affected Feature' and 'Edit Format Strings' controls become available. The component list is only used for classifier based formatting, and is used to specify a specific part of the lists returned by a classifier. The editing field is used to type in an html text argument. Note the preset variables list. To add a preset place the editing caret at the appropriate position in the html text, choose your desired variable from the list, and press insert. To remove a preset, delete or backspace it just as in regular text editing.\nFinally, once you are statisfied with your changes, press 'Add Format' to add it to the configuration file.\nRemoving a format command is accomplished by selecting it from the 'Assigned Format Commands' and clicking the 'Remove Format' button.
    784 CDM.IndexManager.Index_Exists:That index has already been assigned for this collection.
    785 CollectionManager.Creation_Failed_Already_Exists:Collection cannot be created because a collection with the filename '{0}' already exists.
    786 CollectionManager.Locked:<html>A lock file already exists for the collection '{0}'.<br>Do you wish to ignore this lock?<br>(Doing so may have dire conquences if you intend to save)</html>
    787 CollectionManager.Not_Col_File:'{0}' is not a Librarian Interface Collection File (.col)
    788 CollectionManager.Preview_Ready:The collection has been built and is ready for previewing.
    789 CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Failed:An error has occured which will prevent the collection being previewed.
    790 CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Title:Collection Preview State.
    791 FileActions.Cannot_Move:Files cannot be moved. Please check disk space and permissions.
    792 FileActions.Directories_Selected:{0} directories selected
    793 FileActions.Directory_Exists:<html>The directory<br>{0}<br>already exists within the collection. Files will be copied into it.</html>
    794 FileActions.Directory_Selected:1 directory selected
    795 FileActions.File_And_Directories_Selected:1 file and {0} directories selected
    796 FileActions.File_And_Directory_Selected:1 file and 1 directory selected
    797 FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} already exists in the destination directory. Overwrite it?</html>
    798 FileActions.File_Selected:1 file selected
    799 FileActions.Files_And_Directory_Selected:{0} files and 1 directory selected
    800 FileActions.Files_Selected:{0} files selected
    801 FileActions.Moved_Files:Moved {0} files to {1}.
    802 FileActions.Moving:Moving {0}.
    803 FileActions.No_To_All:No to All
    804 FileActions.Recalculating:Folder found. Recalculating total file size.
    805 FileActions.Yes_To_All:Yes to All
    806 FileAssociationDialog.Batch_File:Batch files
    807 FileAssociationDialog.Browse:Browse
    808 FileAssociationDialog.Browse_Title:Choose Application
    809 FileAssociationDialog.Command:Open using:
    810 FileAssociationDialog.Command_File:Command files
    811 FileAssociationDialog.Executable_File:Executable files
    812 FileAssociationDialog.Extension:For files ending:
    813 FileAssociationDialog.Title:Edit File Associations
    814 Filter.0:HTM & HTML
    815 Filter.1:XML
    816 Filter.2:Text Files
    817 Filter.3:Images
    818 Filter.All_Files:All Files
    819 Filter.Filter_Tree:Show Files
    820 Filter.Invalid_Pattern:{43}The pattern you have entered for filter files is invalid.{35}Please try again using regular expression syntax and with{35}* for the wildcard character.{45}
    821 GShell.Extracted:Extracted metadata for {0}.
    822 GShell.Parsing_Metadata_Complete:Archived metadata extraction complete.
    823 GShell.Parsing_Metadata_Start:Extracting new metadata from archive files.
    824 MappingPrompt.File:Directory
    825 MappingPrompt.Map:Map Chosen Directory
    826 MappingPrompt.Name:Name
    827 MappingPrompt.Title:Set Directory Mapping
    828 MappingPrompt.Unmap:Unmap Directory
    829 MEM.Add:Add
    830 MEM.AddAttribute:Add Attribute
    831 MEM.AddSet:Add Set
    832 MEM.AddValue:Add Value
    833 MEM.Alias:Alias
    834 MEM.Attribute:Attribute
    835 MEM.Attributes:Attributes
    836 MEM.Cannot_Add_Elements_To_Greenstone_MDS:You cannot manually add elements to the Greenstone Metadata. If\nnecessary create a new set, then add your new element to it instead.
    837 MEM.Confirm_Removal:Are you sure you wish to remove this {0}?
    838 MEM.Confirm_Removal_Title:Confirm Removal
    839 MEM.Edit:Edit
    840 MEM.EditAttribute:Edit Attribute
    841 MEM.EditValue:Edit Value
    842 MEM.Element:Element
    843 MEM.Element_Details:Metadata Element Details
    844 MEM.File:File
    845 MEM.Ignore:IGNORE
    846 MEM.Language:Language
    847 MEM.Language_Code:Language
    848 MEM.Name:Name
    849 MEM.Namespace:Namespace
    850 MEM.Profiles:Importing Profiles
    851 MEM.Profile:Profile Values
    852 MEM.Profile_Details:Profile Details
    853 MEM.Remove:Remove
    854 MEM.Set:Set
    855 MEM.Set_Details:Metadata Set Details
    856 MEM.Source:From
    857 MEM.Subject:Subject
    858 MEM.Target:To
    859 MEM.Title:Edit Metadata Sets
    860 MEM.Value:Value
    861 MEM.Values:Values
    862 Menu.Edit_Copy:Copy
    863 Menu.Edit_Cut:Cut
    864 Menu.Edit_Paste:Paste
    865 Menu.Edit_Replace:Search and Replace
    866 Menu.Edit_Search:Search
    867 Menu.File_Associations:File Associations...
    868 Menu.File_Save_As:Save As
    869 Menu.Metadata_View:Assigned Metadata for the
    870 MetaAudit.Close:Close
    871 MetaEdit.Building:Building
    872 MetaEdit.Not_Applicable:Not Applicable
    873 MetaEdit.Ready:Ready
    874 MSM.No_Description:No description found.
    875 MSM.No_Name:No name found.
    876 NewCollectionPrompt.Description_Error:The description field must be filled out. Please correct.
    877 NewCollectionPrompt.Name_Error:You have either failed to enter a name for the collection, or the name you have choosen is already in use. Please correct.
    878 NewCollectionPrompt.Email_Error:You have either failed to enter an email, or the email as typed is not a valid. Please correct.
    879 NewCollectionPrompt.Title_Error:The title field must be filled out. Please correct.
     813#***** Options *****
    880814Options.Automatic_Metadata_Extraction:Automatic Metadata Extraction
     817Options.Establish_Connection:Establish Connection
     819Options.Proxy_Configuration:Proxy Configuration
     820Options.Proxy_Host:Host Name
     821Options.Proxy_Port:Port Number
     822Options.Title:The Librarian Interface Options
     823Options.Use_Colours:Use Colours?
     824Options.Use_Proxy:Internet connection through proxy server.
     827#***** Options Pane inside CreatePane *****
     828OptionsPane.Cancelled: - cancelled
     829OptionsPane.LogHistory:Log history
     830OptionsPane.Successful: - successful
     831OptionsPane.Unsuccessful: - unsuccessful
     834#***** Preferences *****
     837Preferences.Connection.Proxy_Host:Proxy host
     838Preferences.Connection.Proxy_Port:Proxy port
     839Preferences.Connection.Use_Proxy:Use proxy connection?
     842Preferences.Workflow.Browse:Browse - Search for web-based resources
     843Preferences.Workflow.Create:Create - Build your collection using Greenstone
     844Preferences.Workflow.Design:Design - Change collection appearence
     845Preferences.Workflow.Enrich:Enrich - Annotate with metadata
     846Preferences.Workflow.Export:Export - Export to collection
     847Preferences.Workflow.Gather:Gather - Select files for collection
     848Preferences.Workflow.Mirror:Mirror - Download web-based resources
     849Preferences.Workflow.Predefined.Label:Predefined Workflows
     850Preferences.Workflow.Preview:Preview - Browse built collection
     851Preferences.Workflow.Title:Check box to enable view
     854#***** POLLO *****
     855Pollo.Message:Pollo Message
     856Pollo.Well_Formedness_Error:This edited xml contains well formedness errors. Do you wish to discard changes and close editor?
     859#***** Save Collection Box *****
    881860SaveCollectionBox.File_Name:File Name:
    882861SaveCollectionBox.Files_Of_Type:Files of Type:
     862SaveCollectionBox.Label:Do you wish to save "{0}"?
    883863SaveCollectionBox.Look_In:Look In:
     864SaveCollectionBox.Title:Save Collection
     867#***** Save Progress Box *******
    884868SaveProgressDialog.Saving:Saving {0}%
    885869SaveProgressDialog.Title:Saving Collection
     872#***** Search and replace stuff **********
    886873SearchAndReplace.Case_Sensitive:match case
    906893SearchAndReplace.Title:Search and Replace
     897Server.QuitFailure:The Librarian Interface is unable to restore the original\nsettings in the greenstone local libraries gsdlsite.cfg\nfile. Please edit this file so that:\nautoenter={0}\nstart_browser={1}
     898Server.QuitManual:The Librarian Interface was unable to close the local\nlibrary server automatically. Please exit the server\nmanually by clicking on the cross icon in its top\nright-hand corner, then click OK on this dialog.
     899Server.QuitTimeOut:The greenstone local library has not responded to the\nautomatic close command for sixty seconds. Do you\nwish to wait for another minute?
     901#***** Sources *****
     914#***** Trees *****
     916Tree.New_Folder:New Folder
     917Tree.Private:Private WebCache
     918Tree.Public:Public WebCache
     919Tree.Root:Local Filespace
     921Tree.World:Greenstone Collections
     924#***** UndoManager *****
     925UndoManager.Redo:Redo Change
     926UndoManager.Undo:Undo Change
     929#***** Warning Dialog *****
     930WarningDialog.Dont_Show_Again:Do not show this warning again.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.