2003-08-27T10:49:15+12:00 (21 years ago)

Latest version generated from help text.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/help/8-1.htm

    r4293 r5284  
    1313      <font face="Verdana" size="5">
    1414      <strong>
    15 8.1 The 'Create' View
     158.1 The Create View
    1616      </strong>
    1717      </font>
    2525      <font face="Verdana" size="3">
    2626<p style="text-align:justify">
    27 This section explains the Create view, used to produce the collection.
     27This section explains the Create view used to produce a collection.
    6262                <td colspan="2">
    6363                  <font face="Verdana" size="4">
    64 How to view the 'Create' viewOnly two tabs remained unexplored in the main control pane. The 'Create' view is used to create the collection by running the various Greenstone collection building scripts on the data you have collected and otherwise created. This is generally as straight-forward as clicking the [B]uild Collection button at the bottom of the screen. However, the Librarian Interface provides graphical access to Greenstone features, and here it is possible to customize the build process via arguments passed to Greenstone's PERL scripts. Moreover, this view is used to review details of previous attempts to build this collection, successful or otherwise.Apart from a brief status area stating the number of files in the collection and two buttons for building or canceling the building process, the bulk of this view is taken up by a group of controls titled 'Collection Import & Build Options'.  This contains a contents tree located to the left of the group, and a sub-view pane which reflects the currently chosen item in the tree.First look at the buttons at the bottom of the view. Clicking [B]uild Collection initiates the collection building process. The time this takes depends on the size of your collection and the number of indexes being created (for huge collections it can he hours). To cancel the building process at any time, click on the [C]ancel Build button. Cancelling the build does not damage the collection in any way other than ensuring that the remove_old flag is set within the import settings.
     64The Create view is used to create the collection by running Greenstone collection-building scripts on the information you have provided.  This is generally straightforward: just click "Build Collection" at the bottom of the screen.  However, the building process can be customized.  You can also use this view is to review details of previous attempts to build this collection, whether successful or not.The buttons for building and cancelling the building process are at the bottom. Above appears a group of controls titled "Collection Import & Build Options". To the left is a list of three items, and to the right is a pane that reflects the currently chosen item in the list, as described in the following sections.Clicking "Build Collection" initiates the collection building process.  The time this takes depends on the size of the collection and the number of indexes being created (for huge collections it can be hours).  To cancel the process at any time, click "Cancel Build".
    6565                  </font>
    6666                  </a>
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