2004-02-18T17:14:17+13:00 (20 years ago)

Variable names changes needed because of the name change of the Gather, Enrich and Design pane java files.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/src/org/greenstone/gatherer/gui/Filter.java

    r6834 r6842  
    4848import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.tree.DragTree;
    50 /** <p>This object allows the user to set a filter on one of the workspace trees, specifying a preset type, or a regular expression that a files must match to be in the tree. Note that all directories are included. This class includes the controls for editing the filter. The trick is that several instances of the Filter class can share the same internal data (termed a 'run' of filters), so that the filter set on the CollectionPane and the MetaEditPane are virtually the same.</p>
     50/** <p>This object allows the user to set a filter on one of the workspace trees, specifying a preset type, or a regular expression that a files must match to be in the tree. Note that all directories are included. This class includes the controls for editing the filter. The trick is that several instances of the Filter class can share the same internal data (termed a 'run' of filters), so that the filter set on the GatherPane and the EnrichPane are virtually the same.</p>
    5151 * <p>The regular expression typed uses '*' as a wildcard character (equivalent to '.*'), and does not use '.' to match any single character (use '?' instead).</p>
    5252 * @author John Thompson, Greenstone Digital Library, University of Waikato
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