Interface JspMangler

All Known Implementing Classes:
Jasper41Mangler, JspNameMangler

public interface JspMangler

This is an interface to the Mangler service that jspc needs to map JSP file names to java files. Note the complete lack of correlation with Jasper's mangler interface.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String mapJspToJavaName( jspFile)
          map from a jsp file to a java filename; does not do packages
 java.lang.String mapPath(java.lang.String path)
          taking in the substring representing the path relative to the source dir return a new string representing the destination path

Method Detail


public java.lang.String mapJspToJavaName( jspFile)
map from a jsp file to a java filename; does not do packages

jspFile - file
java filename


public java.lang.String mapPath(java.lang.String path)
taking in the substring representing the path relative to the source dir return a new string representing the destination path

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