Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#23 nobody oranfry duplicate output dir check

Should check if output directory already exists

#28 nobody oranfry fixed Local library file locks

Local Library holding locks on files [should now be much better about closing files after use -- Michael]

#31 nobody oranfry fixed gsarch seg faults

There is something weird going on with gsarch collection. Some documents caused it to seg fault. This is because its trying to get the childtype which doesn't exist: eg. classifytype = response.docInfo[numparents-1].metadatachildtype.values[0]; in browsetools. To stop the seg faulting, I added checks for the existence of childtype metadata before using it. now it doesn't seg fault, but the documents that used to seg fault now have a table of contents full of untitled, empty nodes. Adding format DocumentContents false to the config file makes the gsarch collection look good. But it doesn't fix the underlying problem: some of the documents e.g identifiers like ( get treated as hierarchical, but others like ( don't. Why? Is it because the first one has only numbers in between the dots?

error.txt was getting messages like "receptionist: no childtype element in metadata map!" and "Error: call to filter failed for in OIDtools::get_info (protocol error)". These documents were not getting Title metadata set when viewing the document. Looking in OIDtools.cpp shows that is_top() assumes the presence of a "." in the doc ID means that this is a section and not a document. EMAILPlug has now been changed so that dots are removed from the document ids (we were using the email message id as the unique doc id).

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