Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#334 kjdon johnrose fixed NULPlug fails to load

I set up a collection in GLI and tried to add NULPlug. I got a message saying (translating from the French) "Impossible to determine the parameters for the NULPlug plugin. Make sure that the plugin in question shows the -xml flag when executing the script ...."

I changed GLI to English and the NULPlug loads fine. Then when I switch to French I get the same error.

#338 ak19 ak19 fixed FLI and remote GS tasks
  1. Remote GS server isn't allowed to delete on Windows. This is a problem, because even rebuilding an open collection on Windows using a remote GS fails because it is unable to delete lock files between rebuilds.
  1. Remote GS server and deleting on Linux:

When the .gli folder is on the network (home), GLI has problems deleting a collection.

  1. Spaces in filenames must be changed to %20 in FedoraMETS produced by FedoraMETSPlugout
  1. FLI perl code calls twice: once to create archives folder and once to create export folder. I goes to archives and downloads just the meta. Need to call only once and change server and client code accordingly.
  1. FLI processing stand-alone images is a problem on Linux but not on Windows.
#342 kjdon kjdon fixed CJK character segmentation

My plugin changes have meant that this doesn't work anymore.


  • Make it work for Japanese and Korean (I think I have done this but not committed yet)
  • The option is not available anymore for all plugins. We used to use a global collect.cfg option which was added to all plugins, and also used by runtime. How to do this now?
  • Add the option to all plugins that have text, not just ReadTextFile ones.
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