Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#112 List direction request new nobody enhancement high Collection building wishlist
#115 Include_unclassified_documents option new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#642 new options for List classifier new nobody feature moderate Collection building wishlist
#658 weird datelist new nobody defect moderate Collection building wishlist
#701 language specific classifiers new nobody feature moderate Collection building wishlist
#830 List classifier option new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#302 true multilingual classifiers new nobody feature moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#409 reverse sort in classifiers new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#829 classifying on two metadata simultaneously new nobody enhancement moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#834 List bookshelf sorting new nobody enhancement moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#19 AZCompactList and multiple metadata elements new nobody defect moderate
#43 Hierarchy classifier with hfiles - excessive memory use new nobody task low
#83 Julian dates for classifier new nobody enhancement low
#84 Bucket Classifier new nobody enhancement low
#116 DateList formats new nobody enhancement low
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.