Opened 15 years ago

#489 new defect

Derby DB

Reported by: kjdon Owned by: nobody
Priority: moderate Milestone: Greenstone 3 wishlist
Component: Greenstone3 Ant Code Severity: minor
Keywords: Cc:


This is used by authentication stuff in gs3.

In web/sites/localsite/etc there is a lot of derby stuff. I don't think this should be in svn. Here's what Quan had to say:

You are right about the log files. Sorry, I didn't pay much attention to the details of this folder that time, because those log files are created automatically along with the db file. I think creating a user database file when greenstone starts is a good idea. Actually, usersDB will be checked or created (if a usersDb couldn't be found) when a user visiting Authentication from a browser. But if the user directly starts a remote gli and no usersDB available for the site, it is going to be problem. So I think a usersDB should be created while creating a new site directory.

The java code for creating usersDb and adding a admin user to the table is Greenstone3\src\java\org\greenstone\gsdl3\util\

So, maybe we can get rid of all the stuff from svn, but then get ant to create a new db during installation??

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