2008-08-18T11:35:27+12:00 (16 years ago)

updated to reflect the servlet nmaes (library and gs3library) and interface names (default and gs2)

1 edited


  • greenstone3/trunk/docs/manual/manual.tex

    r15209 r16865  
    7575Alternatively, you can start it up using Ant: run \gst{'ant start'}, which starts up Tomcat, then in a browser go to \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3}\\
    7676(or \gst{http://your-computer-name:your-chosen-port/greenstone3}). \\
    77 This gets you to a welcome page containing links to four servlets: the \gst{test} servlet (this allows you to check that Tomcat is running properly); the standard \gst{library} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} site with the \gst{default} interface; the \gst{classic} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} using the \gst{classic} or \gsii-style interface; and the \gst{gateway} servlet, which serves \gst{gateway} site with the \gst{default} interface. The \gst{gateway} site uses a SOAP connection to communicate with \gst{localsite}, and demonstrates the library working in a distributed fashion. The SOAP connection is not enabled by default - to enable it, run \gst{'ant deploy-localsite'}.
     77This gets you to a welcome page containing links to four servlets: the \gst{test} servlet (this allows you to check that Tomcat is running properly); the standard \gst{library} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} site with the \gst{gs2} interface; the \gst{gs3library} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} using the \gst{default} \gsiii-style interface; and the \gst{gateway} servlet, which serves \gst{gateway} site with the \gst{default} interface. The \gst{gateway} site uses a SOAP connection to communicate with \gst{localsite}, and demonstrates the library working in a distributed fashion. The SOAP connection is not enabled by default - to enable it, run \gst{'ant deploy-localsite'}.
    7979\gsiii\  is also available through CVS (Concurrent Versioning System). This provides the latest development version, and is not guaranteed to be stable. Appendix~\ref{app:cvs} describes how to download and install \gsiii\  from CVS.
    192192There are two  sites that come with the distribution: \gst{localsite}, and \gst{gateway}. \gst{localsite} has several demo  collections, while \gst{gateway} has none. \gst{gateway} specifies that a SOAP connection should be made to \gst{localsite}. Getting this to work involves setting up a soap server for localsite: see Section~\ref{sec:distributed} for details.
    193 There are also two interfaces provided in the distribution: \gst{default} and \gst{classic}. The default interface is a generic \gsiii\ interface, while the \gst{classic} interface aims to look like the old \gsii\ interface.
     193There are also two interfaces provided in the distribution: \gst{default} and \gst{gs2}. The default interface is a generic \gsiii\ interface, while the \gst{gs2} interface aims to look like the old \gsii\ interface.
    195195Each site and interface has a configuration file which specifies parameters for the site or interface---these are described in Section~\ref{sec:config}.
    199199The file \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/WEB-INF/web.xml} contains the configuration information for Tomcat. It tells Tomcat what servlets to load, what initial parameters to pass them, and what web names map to the servlets.
    200 There are four servlets specified in web.xml (these correspond to the four servlet links in the welcome page for \gsiii): one is a test servlet that just prints ``hello greenstone'' to a web page. This is useful if you are having trouble getting Tomcat set up. The other three are the \gs\  library servlets described in Section~\ref{sec:getandinstall}, \gst{library}, \gst{classic} and \gst{gateway}. Each servlet must specify which site and which interface to use. Having multiple servlets provides a way of serving different sites, or the same site with a different style of presentation. \gst{site\_name} and \gst{interface\_name} are just two examples of initialization parameters used by the library servlets. The full list is shown in Table~\ref{tab:serv-init}.
     200There are four servlets specified in web.xml (these correspond to the four servlet links in the welcome page for \gsiii): one is a test servlet that just prints ``hello greenstone'' to a web page. This is useful if you are having trouble getting Tomcat set up. The other three are the \gs\  library servlets described in Section~\ref{sec:getandinstall}, \gst{library}, \gst{gs3library} and \gst{gateway}. Each servlet must specify which site and which interface to use. Having multiple servlets provides a way of serving different sites, or the same site with a different style of presentation. \gst{site\_name} and \gst{interface\_name} are just two examples of initialization parameters used by the library servlets. The full list is shown in Table~\ref{tab:serv-init}.
    202202For more details about Tomcat see Appendix~\ref{app:tomcat}.
    299 An interface may be based on an existing one, for example, the classic interface is based on the default interface. This means that it will use any images or templates from the base one unless overridden in the current one. The \gst{baseInterface} attribute of the \gst{<interfaceConfig>} element is used to specify the base interface.
     299An interface may be based on an existing one, for example, the gs2 interface is based on the default interface. This means that it will use any images or templates from the base one unless overridden in the current one. The \gst{baseInterface} attribute of the \gst{<interfaceConfig>} element is used to specify the base interface.
    977977The interface language can be changed by going to the preferences page, and choosing a language from the list, which includes all languages into which the interface has been translated.
    979 It is easy to add a new interface language to \gs\ .  Language specific text strings are separated out from the rest of the system to allow for easy incorporation of new languages. These text strings are contained in Java resource bundle properties files. These are plain text files consisting of key-value pairs, located in \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/WEB-INF/classes}. Each interface has one named \gst{interface\_name.properties} (where \gst{'name'} is the interface name, for example, \gst{interface\_default.properties}, or \gst{interface\_classic.properties}). Each service class has one with the same name as the class (e.g. \gst{GS2Search.properties}). To add another language all of the base \gst{.properties}  files must be translated. The translated files keep the same names, but with a language extension added. For example, a French version of \gst{interface\_default.properties} would be named \gst{interface\_default\_fr.properties}.
     979It is easy to add a new interface language to \gs\ .  Language specific text strings are separated out from the rest of the system to allow for easy incorporation of new languages. These text strings are contained in Java resource bundle properties files. These are plain text files consisting of key-value pairs, located in \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/WEB-INF/classes}. Each interface has one named \gst{interface\_name.properties} (where \gst{'name'} is the interface name, for example, \gst{interface\_default.properties}, or \gst{interface\_gs2.properties}). Each service class has one with the same name as the class (e.g. \gst{GS2Search.properties}). To add another language all of the base \gst{.properties}  files must be translated. The translated files keep the same names, but with a language extension added. For example, a French version of \gst{interface\_default.properties} would be named \gst{interface\_default\_fr.properties}.
    981981Keys will be looked up in the properties file closest to the specified language. For example, if language \gst{fr\_CA} was specified (French language, country Canada), and the default locale was \gst{en\_GB},  Java would look at properties files in the following order, until it found the key: \gst{XXX\_fr\_CA.properties}, \gst{XXX\_fr.properties},  \gst{XXX\_en\_GB.properties}, then \gst{XXX\_en.properties}, and finally the default \gst{XXX.properties}.
    19971997GSHTML & provides convenience methods for dealing with HTML, e.g. making strings HTML safe\\
    19981998GSParams & contains names and default values for interface parameters\\
    1999 NZDLParams & a subclass of GSParams which holds default service parameters too, necessary for the classic style interface.\\
     1999GS2Params & a subclass of GSParams which holds default service parameters too, necessary for the gs2 style interface.\\
    20002000GSPath & used to create, examine and modify message address paths\\
    20012001GSStatus & some static codes for status messages\\
    21312131The document display uses CSS to format the output---these are kept in the collection and specified in the collections XSLT files. The documents also specify DTD files. Due to the way we read in the XML files, Tomcat sometimes has trouble locating the DTDs. One option is to make all the links absolute links to files in the collection folder, the other option is to put them in \gs\ 's DTD folder \gst{\$GSDL3SRCHOME/resources/dtd}.
    2133 \subsection{The Classic Interface}
    2135 The library seen at \gst{http://www.greenstone.org/greenstone3/nzdl} is like a mirror to \gst{http://www.nzdl.org}---it aims to present the same collections, in the same way but using \gsiii\  instead of \gsii\ . It uses a new site (nzdl) with a new interface (nzdl) which is based on the classic interface. The web.xml file had a new servlet entry in it to specify the combination of nzdl site and nzdl interface.
     2133\subsection{The gs2 Interface}
     2135The library seen at \gst{http://www.greenstone.org/greenstone3/nzdl} is like a mirror to \gst{http://www.nzdl.org}---it aims to present the same collections, in the same way but using \gsiii\  instead of \gsii\ . It uses a new site (nzdl) with a new interface (nzdl) which is based on the gs2 interface. The web.xml file had a new servlet entry in it to specify the combination of nzdl site and nzdl interface.
    21372137The site was created by making a directory called nzdl in the sites folder. A siteConfig file was created. Because it is running on Linux, we were able to link to all the collections in the old \gs\  installation. The convert\_coll\_from\_gs2.pl script was run over all the collections to produce the new XML configuration files.
    2139 The classic interface was created to be used by this site (and is now a standard part of Greenstone).
    2140 In many cases, creating a new interface just requires the new images and XSLT  to be added to the new directory(see Sections~\ref{sec:sites-and-ints} and \ref{sec:interface-customise}). This classic interface required a bit more customization.
     2139The gs2 interface was created to be used by this site (and is now a standard part of Greenstone).
     2140In many cases, creating a new interface just requires the new images and XSLT  to be added to the new directory(see Sections~\ref{sec:sites-and-ints} and \ref{sec:interface-customise}). This gs2 interface required a bit more customization.
    21422142The standard \gsiii\  navigation bar lists all the services available for the collection. In \gsii\ , the navigation bar provides the search option, and the different classifiers. This is not service specific, but hard coded to the search and classifiers. The XSLT that produces the navigation bar needed to be altered to produce this. But also, a new Receptionist was needed.
    23942394<replace macro="_iconpdf_" scope="metadata"
    23952395   text="&lt;img title='_texticonpdf_' src='interfaces/default/images/ipdf.gif'/&gt;"/>
    2396 <replace macro="_texticonpdf_" scope="metadata" bundle="interface_classic"
     2396<replace macro="_texticonpdf_" scope="metadata" bundle="interface_gs2"
    23972397   key="texticonpdf"/>
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