2021-02-26T19:39:51+13:00 (3 years ago)

Committing the improvements to EmbeddedMetaPlugin's processing of Keywords vs other metadata fields. Keywords were literally stored as arrays of words rather than phrases in PDFs (at least in Diego's sample PDF), whereas other meta fields like Subjects and Creators stored them as arrays of phrases. To get both to work, Kathy updated EXIF to a newer version, to retrieve the actual EXIF values stored in the PDF. And Kathy and Dr Bainbridge came up with a new option that I added called apply_join_before_split_to_metafields that's a regex which can list the metadata fields to apply the join_before_split to and whcih previously always got applied to all metadata fields. Now it's applied to any *Keywords metafields by default, as that's the metafield we have experience of that behaves differently to the others, as it stores by word instead of phrases. Tested on Diego's sample PDF. Diego has double-checked it to works on his sample PDF too, setting the split char to ; and turning on the join_before_split and leaving apply_join_before_split_to_metafields at its default of .*Keywords. File changes are strings.properties for the tooltip, the plugin introducing the option and working with it and Kathy's EXIF updates affecting cpan/File and cpan/Image.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/perllib/cpan/Image/ExifTool/AES.pm

    r24107 r34921  
    103103    # temporary variables (all unsigned characters)
    104104    my ($i,@temp);
    106106    # The first round key is the key itself.
    107107    for ($i=0; $i<$nk; ++$i) {
    336336#         3) flag to disable padding
    337337# Returns: error string, or undef on success
    338 # Notes: encrypts/decrypts data in place
     338# Notes: encrypts/decrypts data in place (encrypted data returned with leading IV)
    339339sub Crypt($$;$$)
    478478=head1 AUTHOR
    480 Copyright 2003-2011, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
     480Copyright 2003-2021, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at gmail.com)
    482482This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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