2023-06-15T17:14:19+12:00 (12 months ago)

Subtle change in sequence of steps in indexers tutorials makes a difference.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r37767 r37768  
    54285428<Text id="indexers-27-3">Sometimes we may want to ignore word endings while searching so as to match different variations of the term. Change the <AutoText text="stem"/> option from <AutoText text="off"/> to <AutoText text="on"/>. This will change the search settings from the default, which is that the <AutoText text="whole word must match"/>, to <AutoText text="ignore word endings"/>. Now try searching for <i>econom</i> again. This time, 9 documents are found.</Text>
    54295429<Text id="indexers-27a-3">Please note that word endings are determined according to the third-party stemming tables incorporated in Greenstone, not by the user. Thus the searches may not do precisely what is expected, especially when cultural variations or dialects are concerned. In addition, not all languages support stemming; only English and French have stemming at the moment.</Text>
    5430 <Text id="indexers-27b-3">Change the <AutoText text="stem"/> option back to <AutoText text="off"/> (<AutoText text="whole word must match"/>) to avoid confusion later on.</Text>
    5431 </NumberedItem>
    5432 <NumberedItem>
    5433   <Text id="indexers-28-3">Sometimes we may want to search for the exact term, that is, differentiate the upper cases from lower cases. In the <AutoText text="fielded search"/> page, switch <AutoText text="case"/> folding to <AutoText text="off"/> (<AutoText text="upper/lower case must match"/>). Now try searching for <i>fao</i> and <i>FAO</i> respectively. Notice the search results are different this time, with <i>fao</i> not returning any results.</Text>
     5430<Text id="indexers-27b-3">Go to the <AutoText text="fielded search"/> page next, and once there, change the <AutoText text="stem"/> option back to <AutoText text="off"/> (<AutoText text="whole word must match"/>) to avoid confusion later on.</Text>
     5433  <Text id="indexers-28-3">Sometimes we may want to search for the exact term, that is, differentiate the upper cases from lower cases. Now you're on the <AutoText text="fielded search"/> page, switch <AutoText text="case"/> folding to <AutoText text="off"/> (<AutoText text="upper/lower case must match"/>). Now try searching for <i>fao</i> and <i>FAO</i> respectively. Notice the search results are different this time, with <i>fao</i> not returning any results.</Text>
    54345434  <Text id="indexers-28-4">Change the <AutoText text="case"/> folding option back to <AutoText text="on"/> (<AutoText text="ignore case differences"/>) to avoid confusion later on.</Text>
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