Changeset 5530 for trunk/gli/classes

2003-09-24T16:09:29+12:00 (21 years ago)

Further along the tooltip highway.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5528 r5530  
    8383#***** Browser *****
     84Browser.Address_Tooltip:URL to load
    124125CDM.ClassifierManager.Parsing.Message:Design tool is loading classifier information.
    125126CDM.ClassifierManager.Parsing.Title:Loading Classifiers
    126 CDM.General.Access:Is this collection publically accessible?
    127 CDM.General.Beta:Is this collection still under construction?
    128 CDM.General.Collection_Extra:Collection description:
    129 CDM.General.Collection_Name:Collection title:
    130 CDM.General.Icon_Collection:URL to about page icon:
    131 CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to home page icon:
    132127CDM.FormatManager.Add:Add Format
    133128CDM.FormatManager.Assigned_Formats:Currently Assigned Format Commands
    144139CDM.FormatManager.Title:{39}{46}Format Commands{47}{34}
     141CDM.General.Access:This collection should be publicly accessible
     142CDM.General.Beta:This collection is still under construction
     143CDM.General.Collection_Extra:Collection description:
     144CDM.General.Collection_Extra_Tooltip:A description of the purpose and contents of the collection
     145CDM.General.Collection_Name:Collection title:
     146CDM.General.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Name of the collection
    146147CDM.General.Email.Creator:Creator's Email
     148CDM.General.Email.Creator_Tooltip:E-mail address of the collection's creator
    147149CDM.General.Email.Maintainer:Maintainer's Email
     150CDM.General.Email.Maintainer_Tooltip:E-mail address of the collection's maintainer
     151CDM.General.Icon_Collection:URL to about page icon:
     152CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to home page icon:
    148153CDM.General.Instructions:The design section of the Librarian Interface allows you to control many aspects of your collection's appearance. The design is split up into several sections. This section contains general options and settings. To choose a different section, click on its name in the list to the left.
    149154CDM.General.Title:{39}{46}General Options{47}{34}
    207212CDM.Move.Fixed:<html>RecPlug and ArcPlug are generally required to be last and so are fixed in place.<br>If you really must move them please hand edit the collect.cfg file.</html>
    208213CDM.Move.Move_Bottom:Move To Bottom
     214CDM.Move.Move_Bottom_Tooltip:Move the selected item to the bottom of the list
    209215CDM.Move.Move_Down:Move Down
     216CDM.Move.Move_Down_Tooltip:Move the selected item one step down the list
    210217CDM.Move.Move_Top:Move To Top
     218CDM.Move.Move_Top_Tooltip:Move the selected item to the top of the list
    211219CDM.Move.Move_Up:Move Up
     220CDM.Move.Move_Up_Tooltip:Move the selected item one step up the list
    212221CDM.Move.Title:Error - Cannot Move
    213222CDM.PlugInManager.Add:Add Plugin
     223CDM.PlugInManager.Add_Tooltip:Add the specified plugin to the list
    214224CDM.PlugInManager.Assigned:Currently Assigned Plugins
    215225CDM.PlugInManager.Configure:Configure Selected Plugin
     226CDM.PlugInManager.Configure_Tooltip:Change the options of the selected plugin
    216227CDM.PlugInManager.Controls:Editing Controls
    217228CDM.PlugInManager.Instructions:Use this view to add, configure or remove plugins from your collection. To add one choose it from the combobox and click 'Add Plugin'.\nTo configure or remove one, select it from the list of assigned plugins then:\ni)   Change its position in the plugin order by clicking on the arrow buttons. (Note: The position of RecPlug and ArcPlug are fixed).\nii)  Configure it by clicking 'Configure Plugin',\niii) Remove it by clicking 'Remove Plugin'.\n\nPlugins are configured using a pop-up design area with a scrollable list of arguments. Enable arguments and enter or select values as necessary.
    218229CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn:Select plugin to add:
     230CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_Tooltip:The plugins available for use in the collection
    219231CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_Exists:That plugin has already been assigned for this collection.
    221233CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_XML_Parse_Failed:GLI has been unable to determine the arguments for the {0}\nplugin. Please ensure that the plugin in question provides\nthe  -xml flag by running the script described\nin  section  2.1  of  the   Greenstone  Developers  Guide.
    222234CDM.PlugInManager.Remove:Remove Plugin
     235CDM.PlugInManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected plugin from the list
    223236CDM.PlugInManager.Title:{39}{46}Plugin Selection & Configuration{47}{34}
    224237CDM.PlugInManager.Parsing.Message:Design tool is loading plugin information.
    275288Collection.Collection:{32}Collection: {0}{34}
    276289Collection.Delete_Tooltip:Delete selected files and folders
     290Collection.Filter_Tooltip:Restrict the files shown in the file tree
    277291Collection.New_Folder_Tooltip:Create a new folder
    278292Collection.No_Collection:No Collection
    564578Menu.Metadata_Edit:Edit Set
    565579Menu.Metadata_Export:Export Set
    566 Menu.Metadata_View:Assigned Metadata for the
     580Menu.Metadata_View:Assigned Metadata for the {0}
    568582Menu.Tools_Log:View Log
    618632#***** MetaEditPrompt *****
    619633MetaEditPrompt.Accumulate_All:Append All
     634MetaEditPrompt.Accumulate_All_Tooltip:Append this value to the selected metadata element, for all the selected files
    620635MetaEditPrompt.Add_Prompt:Confirm Append
    621636MetaEditPrompt.Current_Value:Current value:
    624639MetaEditPrompt.New_Value:New value:
    625640MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_All:Replace All
     641MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_All_Tooltip:Assign this value to the selected metadata element, replacing the current value, for all the selected files
    626642MetaEditPrompt.Overwrite_Prompt:Confirm Replace
    627643MetaEditPrompt.Remove_All:Remove All
     644MetaEditPrompt.Remove_All_Tooltip:Remove this value from the selected metadata element, for all the selected files
    628645MetaEditPrompt.Remove_Prompt:Confirm Removal
    629646MetaEditPrompt.Skip:Skip File
     647MetaEditPrompt.Skip_Tooltip:Do not change this file
    630648MetaEditPrompt.Title:Confirm Edit Action
    634652Mirroring.Destination_Folder:Destination Folder:
     654Mirroring.Download_Tooltip:Start a new download job
    636655Mirroring.Download_Controls:Download Settings
    637656Mirroring.Download_Depth:Download Depth:
     657Mirroring.Download_Depth_Tooltip:How many hyperlinks deep to go when downloading
    638658Mirroring.Download_Hidden:Download embedded objects (images etc)?
    639659Mirroring.Further_Options:For further options see File->Preferences...
    644664Mirroring.Same_Host:Only mirror within the same site?
    645665Mirroring.Source_URL:Source URL:
     666Mirroring.Source_URL_Tooltip:URL to download
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.