Changeset 5537 for trunk/gli/classes

2003-09-26T14:58:50+12:00 (21 years ago)

Many more tooltips... but still more to come.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5530 r5537  
    142142CDM.General.Beta:This collection is still under construction
    143143CDM.General.Collection_Extra:Collection description:
    144 CDM.General.Collection_Extra_Tooltip:A description of the purpose and contents of the collection
     144CDM.General.Collection_Extra_Tooltip:A description of the purpose and content of the collection
    145145CDM.General.Collection_Name:Collection title:
    146146CDM.General.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Name of the collection
    179179CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Current_Levels:Currently Assigned Levels
    180180CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Index:Index Source:
     181CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Index_Tooltip:Metadata element to build index on
    181182CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Index_Name:Index Name:
    182183CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Indexes:Manage Indexes
    183 CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Instructions:Watch this space.
    184184CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Level:Level Source:
    185185CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Level_Name:Level Name:
    214214CDM.Move.Move_Bottom_Tooltip:Move the selected item to the bottom of the list
    215215CDM.Move.Move_Down:Move Down
    216 CDM.Move.Move_Down_Tooltip:Move the selected item one step down the list
     216CDM.Move.Move_Down_Tooltip:Move the selected item down the list
    217217CDM.Move.Move_Top:Move To Top
    218218CDM.Move.Move_Top_Tooltip:Move the selected item to the top of the list
    219219CDM.Move.Move_Up:Move Up
    220 CDM.Move.Move_Up_Tooltip:Move the selected item one step up the list
     220CDM.Move.Move_Up_Tooltip:Move the selected item up the list
    221221CDM.Move.Title:Error - Cannot Move
    222222CDM.PlugInManager.Add:Add Plugin
    238238CDM.PlugInManager.Parsing.Title:Loading PlugIns
    239239CDM.SearchTypeManager.Add:Add Search Type
     240CDM.SearchTypeManager.Add_Tooltip:Allow the specified type of searching with this collection
    240241CDM.SearchTypeManager.Assigned:Currently Assigned Search Types
    241242CDM.SearchTypeManager.Enable:Enable Advanced Searches
    242243CDM.SearchTypeManager.Instructions:Defining the search type is an advanced feature only available when enabled (by checking the 'Enable Advanced Searches' box). Once enabled further controls for selecting and changing the order of search types become available. Select a search type from the combobox and 'Add Search Type', if enabled, to add the search type. Select an existing search type from the list, and use 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' to change the order, or 'Remove Search Type' to remove it.\n\nThe search types specify what kind of search interface should be provided: form, for fields searching, and/or plain for regular searching. The ordering is important as the first one will be used for the initial search page by default.\n\nIt is also important to note that enabling search types causes the appearance of the Indexes view to change as well. Fielded searching is a newer feature of Greenstone, and thus requires different index information. When search types is enabled all current indexes are modified to be valid indexes under the new schema, while disabling search types will cause GLI to do its best to convert new indexes back into the old style but it may not always be successful, in which case the indexes will be removed. In either case a copy of the original index command line will be available as a comment in the configuration file.
    243244CDM.SearchTypeManager.Remove:Remove Search Type
     245CDM.SearchTypeManager.Remove_Tooltip:Do not allow the selected type of searching with this collection
    244246CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType:Search Type
    245247CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType_Selection:Search Types:
     248CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType_Selection_Tooltip:The search types available for use with this collection
    246249CDM.SearchTypeManager.Title:{39}{46}Search Type Selection & Ordering{47}{34}
    247250CDM.SubcollectionManager.Add:Add Filter
    339342#***** Delete Collection Prompt *****
    340 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_Details:Selected collections details.
    341 DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_List:Available collections.
     343DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_Details:Selected collection's details
     344DeleteCollectionPrompt.Collection_List:Available collections
    342345DeleteCollectionPrompt.Confirm_Delete:Please tick the box to confirm collection deletion.
    343346DeleteCollectionPrompt.Details:Title      - {0}\nFilename   - {1}\nCreator    - {2}\nMaintainer - {3}\nDescription\n{4}
    420423#***** GAuthenticator *****
     425GAuthenticator.Password_Tooltip:Enter your password here
    422426GAuthenticator.Title:Password Required.
    423427GAuthenticator.Username:User Name:
     428GAuthenticator.Username_Tooltip:Enter your username here
    747752#***** New Session *****
    748753NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection:Base this collection on:
     754NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection_Tooltip:Select an existing collection to base the new collection on
    749755NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description:Description of content:
    750756NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
    751757NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
     758NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Short collection name, used internally (must be 8 characters or less)
    753760NewCollectionPrompt.Description_Error:The description field must be filled out. Please correct.
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