2003-11-11T11:22:43+13:00 (21 years ago)

added some more bugs

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/buglist/status.txt

    r5786 r5818  
     2058Opening a non-gatherer collection. Need to add in the option for the user to create a new metadata set and have all the metadata elements added automatically to that. Currently the only option is to select a metadata set and get prompted for merge/add.
     2063There is code there to get the prompt and create the new metadata set, but then the user still gets prompted for merge/add. Need to make it so all the elements get added automatically.
     2066Reading in collection config files. There are currently two CollectionConfiguration classes, one in collection, one in cdm. The one in collection is much simpler, only reads in collect.cfg files, and stores some strings - creator, name,description etc. The one in cdm parses the whole file into XML.
     2071Make it so they all use the cdm version. Need to check that it doesn't run too slowly.
     2074Handling non-language-qualified collectionmeta. The GLI reads in coll meta and assigns it as English metadata if it has no language. This is bad cos its not necessarily English if its a non-gatherer collection. Have changed it so that it always writes out a lang bit for all metadata (previously, if it was English and the first one, then it left it off.) So you cant create no-lang collmeta. However I think that it would be useful. So need to think about how to do it. Thought about having a default language that you can translate into - Ian thought this was too confusing.
     2079See above. 
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