2005-10-27T13:14:41+13:00 (19 years ago)

changed gsdl3 to greenstone3 in dir name and url

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/README.txt

    r10741 r10780  
    11Greenstone 3 (GSDL3)
    22Copyright (C) 2003 New Zealand Digital Libraries, University Of Waikato
    3 GSDL3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt
     3Greenstone3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt
    44This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    1010Ant (Apache's Java based build tool) can be downloaded from http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi. Set the environment variable ANT_HOME to be the root of your Ant installation, and make sure the Ant executables are on your PATH. You may have problems with earlier versions. This has been tested with version 1.6.2
    12 In the gsdl3 directory, you can run 'ant' which will give you a help message.
     12In the greenstone3 directory, you can run 'ant' which will give you a help message.
    1313Running 'ant -projecthelp' gives a list of the targets that you can run - these
    1414do various things like compile the source code, start up the server etc.
    21 Download the appropriate zip/tar file (gsdl3-x.xx-linux.tar.gz/gsdl3-x.xx-win32.zip/gsdl3-x.xx-macOSX.tar.gz), and unzip/untar it. In the gsdl3 directory, edit the build.properties file if appropriate (see 'Configuring your installation' below), and run 'ant install'.
     21Download the appropriate zip/tar file (greenstone-3.xx-linux.tar.gz/greenstone-3.xx-win32.zip/greenstone-3.xx-macOSX.tar.gz), and unzip/untar it. In the greenstone3 directory, edit the build.properties file if appropriate (see 'Configuring your installation' below), and run 'ant install'.
    2323Installing Greenstone from a CVS checkout (Linux/Windows/MacOS X):
    2828Checkout the code:
    30 cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:2402/usr/local/global-cvs/gsdl-src co gsdl3
     30cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:2402/usr/local/global-cvs/gsdl-src co greenstone3
    3232Build and install:
    34 In the gsdl3 directory, edit the build.properties file if appropriate (see 'Configuring your installation' below), and run 'ant prepare install'. The two targets can be run separately if you like.
     34In the greenstone3 directory, edit the build.properties file if appropriate (see 'Configuring your installation' below), and run 'ant prepare install'. The two targets can be run separately if you like.
    3636The 'prepare' target will download additional code (using CVS and http), so you need to be online to run it. The 'install' target can be run offline.
    64641. Install for the first time from CVS:
    65 cvs co gsdl3
    66 cd gsdl3
     65cvs co greenstone3
     66cd greenstone3
    6767ant prepare install
    69692. Install for the first time from CVS, mostly offline:
    71 cvs co gsdl3
    72 cd gsdl3
     71cvs co greenstone3
     72cd greenstone3
    7373ant prepare
    77773. Install for the first time, with CVS done outside of Ant (if you have problems running CVS commands from Ant):
    78 cvs co -P gsdl3
    79 cd gsdl3/packages
     78cvs co -P greenstone3
     79cd greenstone3/packages
    8080cvs co mgpp
    8181cd ..
    91914. Updating your Greenstone installation from CVS (and reconfigure/recompile):
    92 cd gsdl3
     92cd greenstone3
    9393ant update
    95955. Updating your Greenstone installation from CVS, offline:
    96 cd gsdl3
     96cd greenstone3
    9898ant cvsupdate
    1021026. Updating your Greenstone installation, with CVS done outside of Ant:
    103 cd gsdl3
     103cd greenstone3
    104104cvs update -l
    105105cvs update -dP bin comms docs lib resources src winutil packages
    106 cd web (or the path-to-tomcat/webapps/gsdl3 if have installed greenstone as a webapp in Tomcat, see Using External Tomcat section)
     106cd web (or the path-to-tomcat/webapps/greenstone3 if have installed greenstone as a webapp in Tomcat, see Using External Tomcat section)
    107107cvs update -dP
    108 cd gsdl3
     108cd greenstone3
    109109[ if you have greenstone 2 building:
    110110cvs update -dP gli
    118118Any sub targets can be run by themselves. Run 'ant -projecthelp' for a list of public targets, otherwise you can look at the build.xml file to see which targets depend on other ones.
    120 If you run your install using an external Tomcat, the SOAP web service for localsite (used by the gateway servlet) will not be loaded. You need to start up Tomcat, then run 'ant soap-deploy-site' and accept the defaults for sitename and siteuri (both localsite). If you want to use the gateway servlet without restarting Tomcat, you will need to reload the site information. Visit the URL localhost:8080/gsdl3/gateway?a=s&sa=c  (substituting your server name and port number if necessary). See the user guide for more information about run time reconfiguration.
     120If you run your install using an external Tomcat, the SOAP web service for localsite (used by the gateway servlet) will not be loaded. You need to start up Tomcat, then run 'ant soap-deploy-site' and accept the defaults for sitename and siteuri (both localsite). If you want to use the gateway servlet without restarting Tomcat, you will need to reload the site information. Visit the URL localhost:8080/greenstone3/gateway?a=s&sa=c  (substituting your server name and port number if necessary). See the user guide for more information about run time reconfiguration.
    122122Running Greenstone:
    126126These will only start/stop local servers (ones installed by Greenstone). You will need to manually start/stop external Tomcat/mysql.
    128 Greenstone will be available in a browser at "http://localhost:8080/gsdl3".
     128Greenstone will be available in a browser at "http://localhost:8080/greenstone3".
    130130You can change the port number by changing the 'tomcat.port' property in build.properties, then running 'ant configure'.
    143143ant -Daxis.sitename=xxx -Daxis.siteuri=yyy soap-deploy-site
    145 The service is accessible at http://localhost:8080/gsdl3/services/<siteuri>
    146 (or http://<computer-web-address>:<port>/gsdl3/services/<siteuri>)
     145The service is accessible at http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/services/<siteuri>
     146(or http://<computer-web-address>:<port>/greenstone3/services/<siteuri>)
    148148Building Collections:
    155155You need to have Perl installed and on your PATH. Perl is included as part of the Windows binary distribution.
    156 run  'ant gli", or cd to gsdl3/gli and run gli4gs3.sh/bat. This is a graphical tool for building collections. Once you have created and built a collection, you can see it by clicking 'Preview collection' on the Build panel.
     156run  'ant gli", or cd to greenstone3/gli and run gli4gs3.sh/bat. This is a graphical tool for building collections. Once you have created and built a collection, you can see it by clicking 'Preview collection' on the Build panel.
    158158Note that GLI doesn't start up the Greenstone server (Tomcat/mysql) so you should run 'ant start' before previewing your collection.
    159159Greenstone 3:
    161 In the gsdl3 directory, run: 'source gs3-setup.sh' (Linux/Mac OS X) or 'gs3-setup' (windows).
     161In the greenstone3 directory, run: 'source gs3-setup.sh' (Linux/Mac OS X) or 'gs3-setup' (windows).
    162162To create a new collection, run 'gs3-mkcol.sh/bat <sitename> <collname>'
    163 Put documents in the import directory (gsdl3/web/sites/<sitename>/collect/<collname>/import), edit the collection configuration file (gsdl3/web/sites/<sitename>/collect/<collname>/etc/collectionConfig.xml), and run 'gs3-build.sh <sitename> <collname>'
    164 Rename the building directory to index (in gsdl3/web/sites/<sitename>/collect/<collname>) and reload the collection in Tomcat (?a=s&sa=a&st=collection&sn=<collname>), or restart Tomcat.
     163Put documents in the import directory (greenstone3/web/sites/<sitename>/collect/<collname>/import), edit the collection configuration file (greenstone3/web/sites/<sitename>/collect/<collname>/etc/collectionConfig.xml), and run 'gs3-build.sh <sitename> <collname>'
     164Rename the building directory to index (in greenstone3/web/sites/<sitename>/collect/<collname>) and reload the collection in Tomcat (?a=s&sa=a&st=collection&sn=<collname>), or restart Tomcat.
    166166See the manual for more details about both styles of collection building.
    171 See gsdl3/docs/manual/manual.pdf for more details about the software and installation etc.
    173 Under Linux, Tomcat logs output in gsdl3/comms/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.
    175 To prevent Tomcat showing directory listings, edit the gsdl3/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/web.xml file and set the value of the "listings" servlet parameter to false.
     171See greenstone3/docs/manual/manual.pdf for more details about the software and installation etc.
     173Under Linux, Tomcat logs output in greenstone3/comms/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.
     175To prevent Tomcat showing directory listings, edit the greenstone3/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/web.xml file and set the value of the "listings" servlet parameter to false.
    177177ant can't seem to do cvs using authenticated cvs on windows:
    192192A. Add in the Greenstone context to Tomcat's server.xml (In the Host name="localhost".. element)
    194 <Context path="/gsdl3" docBase="path-to-gsdl3/web" debug="1"
     194<Context path="/greenstone3" docBase="path-to-greenstone3/web" debug="1"
    195195reloadable="true"><Resources allowLinking='true'/></Context>
    197 B. Alternatively, you can move (and rename) the gsdl3/web directory to tomcat/webapps/gsdl3 (i.e. the resulting directories will be like
    198 tomcat/webapps/gsdl3/WEB-INF, no web directory). This should be done after running the initial 'ant [prepare] install'.
     197B. Alternatively, you can move (and rename) the greenstone3/web directory to tomcat/webapps/greenstone3 (i.e. the resulting directories will be like
     198tomcat/webapps/greenstone3/WEB-INF, no web directory). This should be done after running the initial 'ant [prepare] install'.
    199199You will need to set the web.home property in the build.properties file
    201 web.home=${tomcat.installed.path}/webapps/gsdl3
    202202And then run 'ant configure-web' to reset gsdl3home.
    209209These JNI bits are located by default in the lib/jni directory. There are two ways to get them into Tomcat:
    210 A: Keep all the Greenstone stuff inside the gsdl3 directory, and just modify the environment that Tomcat runs in
    212 Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (linux) or PATH (windows) to include the  gsdl3/lib/jni directory.
    213 Add all the jar files in gsdl3/lib/jni directory to the CLASSPATH, then edit tomcats setclasspath.sh/bat to use the system CLASSPATH.
     210A: Keep all the Greenstone stuff inside the greenstone3 directory, and just modify the environment that Tomcat runs in
     212Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (linux) or PATH (windows) to include the  greenstone3/lib/jni directory.
     213Add all the jar files in greenstone3/lib/jni directory to the CLASSPATH, then edit tomcats setclasspath.sh/bat to use the system CLASSPATH.
    214214(in setclasspath.bat, change
    215215set CLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar
    232232B: Copy the files into Tomcat installation:
    233 Move the gsdl3/lib/jni jar files into tomcat's shared/lib directory.
    234 Move the gsdl3/lib/jni library files (.so for linux, .dll for windows) into shared/classes, and set LD_LIBARARY_PATH (linux) or PATH (windows) to include this directory.
     233Move the greenstone3/lib/jni jar files into tomcat's shared/lib directory.
     234Move the greenstone3/lib/jni library files (.so for linux, .dll for windows) into shared/classes, and set LD_LIBARARY_PATH (linux) or PATH (windows) to include this directory.
    235235This has the advantage that you can use this for other webapps without modifying the Tomcat environment.
    250250GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO gsdl3reader@localhost identified by 'reader-password';
    252 You will need to edit the gsdl3/web/WEB-INF/classes/global.properties file and set the two passwords that you used in here:
     252You will need to edit the greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/global.properties file and set the two passwords that you used in here:
    253253mysql.admin.password and mysql.reader.password
    254254The mysql.tcp.port property specified here should be set to the port that your mysql is running on. (default 3306).
    259259Close mysql, then run
    260 mysql localsite_gs3mgdemo < <path-to-gsdl3>/web/sites/localsite/collect/gs3mgdemo/mysqldatadump.sql
     260mysql localsite_gs3mgdemo < <path-to-greenstone3>/web/sites/localsite/collect/gs3mgdemo/mysqldatadump.sql
    262262(Note that if you have installed the Greenstone web directory into Tomcats webapps dir, then this command will be
    263 mysql localsite_gs3mgdemo < <path-to-tomcat>/webapps/gsdl3/sites/localsite/collect/gs3mgdemo/mysqldatadump.sql )
     263mysql localsite_gs3mgdemo < <path-to-tomcat>/webapps/greenstone3/sites/localsite/collect/gs3mgdemo/mysqldatadump.sql )
    265265You may need to run this using '--user=root -p'
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