2022-09-04T20:44:31+12:00 (20 months ago)

These were missed out in previous commit: Fixes to URLs and eacute html entity reference in oai-e, bibtex-e and dls-e. The eacute html entity change was so the English string would work on GTI, I wasn't able to get entities other than less than and greater than to appear on GTI. 2 Updates to the out-of-date Russian DEC coll description translations to make them DEC friendly.

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36547 r36558  
    2323description5=<p>Extracted metadata from OAI records are mapped to Dublin Core Metadata Set by default. As a result, classifiers and indexes in this collection are built with Dublin meatadata elements.</p>
    25 description6=<p>The collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>, specifies a single full-text index containing <i>dc.Description</i> metadata and overrides Greenstone\'s custom <i>gsf</i> format templates <tt>DocumentHeading</tt> and <tt>DocumentContent</tt> (XSL). When a document is displayed, the <i>DocumentHeading</i> format statement puts out its <i>dc.Subject</i>. Then the <i>DocumentContent</i> statement follows this with <i>screenicon</i>, which is produced by <i>ImagePlugin</i> and gives a screen-resolution version of the image; it can be hyperlinked to the <i>dc.OrigURL</i> metadata -- that is, the original version of the image on the remote OAI site. Since this is no longer available on the web, it is now hyperlinked to the full version of the image file. This is followed by the image\'s <i>dc.Description</i>, also with a hyperlink; the image\'s size and type, again generated as metadata by <i>ImagePlugin</i>; and then <i>dc.Subject</i>, <i>dc.Publisher</i>, and <i>dc.Rights</i> metadata. <a href="_sampleoid_">This</a> is the result.</p>
     25description6=<p>The collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>, specifies a single full-text index containing <i>dc.Description</i> metadata and overrides Greenstone\'s custom <i>gsf</i> format templates <tt>DocumentHeading</tt> and <tt>DocumentContent</tt> (XSL). When a document is displayed, the <i>DocumentHeading</i> format statement puts out its <i>dc.Subject</i>. Then the <i>DocumentContent</i> statement follows this with <i>screenicon</i>, which is produced by <i>ImagePlugin</i> and gives a screen-resolution version of the image; it can be hyperlinked to the <i>dc.OrigURL</i> metadata -- that is, the original version of the image on the remote OAI site. Since this is no longer available on the web, it is now hyperlinked to the full version of the image file. This is followed by the image\'s <i>dc.Description</i>, also with a hyperlink; the image\'s size and type, again generated as metadata by <i>ImagePlugin</i>; and then <i>dc.Subject</i>, <i>dc.Publisher</i>, and <i>dc.Rights</i> metadata. <a href="library/collection/oai-e/document/01dle6">This</a> is the result.</p>
    2727description7=<p>There are two browsing classifiers, one based on <i>dc.Subject</i> metadata and the other on <i>dc.Description</i> metadata (but with a button named "captions"). Recall that the <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items. In this collection there are a lot of images but only a few different values for <i>dc.Subject</i> metadata.</p>
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