2022-09-08T18:09:27+12:00 (20 months ago)

Updated the URLs in the translations for DEC collection oai-e to bring them up to speed with the URLs for the English version.

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36589 r36603  
    2929description8=<p>It\'s a little surprising that <i>AZCompactList</i> is used (instead of <i>AZList</i>) for the <i>dc.Description</i> index too, because <i>dc.Description</i> metadata is usually unique for each image. However, in this collection the same description has occasionally been given to several images, and some of the divisions in an <i>AZList</i> would contain a large number of images, slowing down transmission of that page. To avoid this, the compact version of the list is used with some arguments (<i>mincompact</i>, <i>maxcompact</i>, <i>mingroup</i>, <i>minnesting</i>) to control the display -- e.g. groups (represented by bookshelves) are not formed unless they have at least 5 (<i>mingroup</i>) items. To find out the meaning of the other arguments for this classifier, execute the command <i>classinfo.pl AZCompactList</i>. The programs <i>classinfo.pl</i> (for classifiers) and <i>pluginfo.pl</i> (for plugins) are useful tools for learning about the capabilities of Greenstone modules. Note incidentally the backslash in the configuration file, used to indicate a continuation of the previous line.</p>
    31 description9=<p>The <i>VList</i> format specification shows the image thumbnail, hyperlinked to the associated document, followed by <i>dc.Description</i> metadata; the result can be seen in the <a href="library/collection/oai-e/browse/CL2">CL2</a> classifier browser. The <i>Vlists</i> for the classifiers use <i>numleafdocs</i> to switch between an icon representing several documents (which will appear as a bookshelf) and the thumbnail itself, if there is only one image.</p>
     31description9=<p>The <i>VList</i> format specification shows the image thumbnail, hyperlinked to the associated document, followed by <i>dc.Description</i> metadata; the result can be seen <a href="library/collection/oai-e/browse/CL2">here</a>. The <i>Vlists</i> for the classifiers use <i>numleafdocs</i> to switch between an icon representing several documents (which will appear as a bookshelf) and the thumbnail itself, if there is only one image.</p>
    3333description10=<h3>The Greenstone OAI server</h3><p>Greenstone comes with a built-in OAI data provider. This runs as a CGI program called "oaiserver.cgi", and is installed in the Greenstone <i>cgi-bin</i> directory. It can be accessed via the same URL as the Greenstone library (replacing "library.cgi" with "oaiserver.cgi"). If you are using the Windows local library server, you must install a web server (such as Apache) to run the OAI server.</p>
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