Opened 12 years ago

#828 new documentation

better demo collections

Reported by: kjdon Owned by: nobody
Priority: moderate Milestone:
Component: Sample Collections Severity: enhancement
Keywords: Cc:


From Jeff Crump (2010)

I've noticed that the demo collections at are fairly old (the most recent I could find was from 2006). Can you please point me to a Greenstone-built collection that really demonstrates the capabilties of the most recent versions of Greenstone from the user's perspective? The capabilities I'm most interested in have to do with findability, including:

  • how users can sort search results by various criteria (relevancy, date,

A-Z, etc.)

  • searching by subject metadata (and other metadata)
  • creative ways information can be displayed about search results
  • contextual paragraphs with highlighting in list of search results

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