2008-11-13T14:56:59+13:00 (15 years ago)

consistently spaced and using = instead of colon

1 edited


  • release-kits/shared/language-strings/LanguagePack.properties

    r17825 r17857  
    110110### Uninstaller Strings
    112 uninstaller.greenstone.uninstaller:Greenstone Uninstaller
    113 uninstaller.cancel:Cancel
    114 uninstaller.uninstall:Uninstall
    115 uninstaller.finish:Finish
    116 uninstaller.error:Error
    117 uninstaller.confirmation:Confirmation
    118 uninstaller.continue:Continue
    119 uninstaller.complete:Complete
    120 uninstaller.skip:Skip
    121 uninstaller.skip.all:Skip All
    122 uninstaller.retry:Retry
    123 uninstaller.readonly:Read Only
     112uninstaller.greenstone.uninstaller = Greenstone Uninstaller
     113uninstaller.cancel = Cancel
     114uninstaller.uninstall = Uninstall
     115uninstaller.finish = Finish
     116uninstaller.error = Error
     117uninstaller.confirmation = Confirmation
     118uninstaller.continue = Continue
     119uninstaller.complete = Complete
     120uninstaller.skip = Skip
     121uninstaller.skip.all = Skip All
     122uninstaller.retry = Retry
     123uninstaller.readonly = Read Only
    125 uninstaller.will.uninstall.from:This will uninstall the Greenstone installation at
    126 uninstaller.uninstall.options:Uninstall Options:
    127 uninstaller.keep.collections:Keep Collections
    128 uninstaller.are.you.sure:Are you sure you wish to Uninstall Greenstone
    129 uninstaller.are.you.sure.collections:You have chosen to delete your collections.\nPlease backup any collections you wish to keep before continuing
    130 uninstaller.failed.to.figure.cd:Failed to figure out the current directory
    131 uninstaller.cancelled:Uninstall Cancelled
    132 uninstaller.finished:Uninstall Finished
    133 uninstaller.deleting:Deleting {file} from disk
     125uninstaller.will.uninstall.from = This will uninstall the Greenstone installation at
     126uninstaller.uninstall.options = Uninstall Options:
     127uninstaller.keep.collections = Keep Collections
     128uninstaller.are.you.sure = Are you sure you wish to Uninstall Greenstone
     129uninstaller.are.you.sure.collections = You have chosen to delete your collections.\nPlease backup any collections you wish to keep before continuing
     130uninstaller.failed.to.figure.cd = Failed to figure out the current directory
     131uninstaller.cancelled = Uninstall Cancelled
     132uninstaller.finished = Uninstall Finished
     133uninstaller.deleting = Deleting {file} from disk
    135 uninstaller.info.skipping:INFO: Skipping {file}
    136 uninstaller.info.no.startmenu:INFO: No StartMenu path found. Deleting a StartMenu group will not be part of this uninstall
    137 uninstaller.warning.readonly:WARNING: {file} appears to be read-only
    138 uninstaller.warning.couldnt.delete:WARNING: {file} could not be deleted. Skipped.
    139 uninstaller.warning.nonexistent:WARNING: {file} does not exist
    140 uninstaller.error.nonexistent:ERROR: {file} does not exist
    141 uninstaller.error.couldnt.find.install.props:ERROR: Could not find the 'installation.properties' or 'etc/installation.properties' file.\nEither this is not a valid Greenstone installation, or the installation has been corrupted.\nUninstallation cannot proceed
    142 uninstaller.warning.couldnt.create.flagfile:WARNING: Couldn't create the flag file. You will have to delete the jre and loose uninstaller files manually
     135uninstaller.info.skipping = INFO: Skipping {file}
     136uninstaller.info.no.startmenu = INFO: No StartMenu path found. Deleting a StartMenu group will not be part of this uninstall
     137uninstaller.warning.readonly = WARNING: {file} appears to be read-only
     138uninstaller.warning.couldnt.delete = WARNING: {file} could not be deleted. Skipped.
     139uninstaller.warning.nonexistent = WARNING: {file} does not exist
     140uninstaller.error.nonexistent = ERROR: {file} does not exist
     141uninstaller.error.couldnt.find.install.props = ERROR: Could not find the 'installation.properties' or 'etc/installation.properties' file.\nEither this is not a valid Greenstone installation, or the installation has been corrupted.\nUninstallation cannot proceed
     142uninstaller.warning.couldnt.create.flagfile = WARNING: Couldn't create the flag file. You will have to delete the jre and loose uninstaller files manually
    145145### Ant-Installer Core strings
    147 dirNotExistCreate=The folder does not exist, create it?
    148 dirNotExist=The folder does not exist
    149 fileNotExist=The file does not exist
    150 dirNotCreated=The folder could not be created
    151 canNotCreateFile=Can not create file
    152 appRootInvalid=This folder does not appear to be the root of the application
    153 selectFile=Select File
    154 selectFolder=Select Folder
    155 browseDotDotDot=Browse...
    156 notValidSelection=Not a valid selection
    157 showDetails=Show Details
     147dirNotExistCreate = The folder does not exist, create it?
     148dirNotExist = The folder does not exist
     149fileNotExist = The file does not exist
     150dirNotCreated = The folder could not be created
     151canNotCreateFile = Can not create file
     152appRootInvalid = This folder does not appear to be the root of the application
     153selectFile = Select File
     154selectFolder = Select Folder
     155browseDotDotDot = Browse...
     156notValidSelection = Not a valid selection
     157showDetails = Show Details
    159159#Default loading
    160 promptLoadDefaults=Installation configuration found. Load the existing configuration?
    161 promptMissingDefaultPassword=A password was not found it may have been omitted for security reasons, it will be set to the default.
     160promptLoadDefaults = Installation configuration found. Load the existing configuration?
     161promptMissingDefaultPassword = A password was not found it may have been omitted for security reasons, it will be set to the default.
    163 click=Click
    164 toContinue=to continue
    165 failed=Failed
    166 exit=Exit
    167 complete=Complete
    168 finished=Finished
    169 extracting=Extracting...
    170 installFinished=Install Finished
    171 install-cancelled=Install Cancelled
    172 running=
     163click = Click
     164toContinue = to continue
     165failed = Failed
     166exit = Exit
     167complete = Complete
     168finished = Finished
     169extracting = Extracting...
     170installFinished = Install Finished
     171install-cancelled = Install Cancelled
     172running =
    174 backButton=Back
    175 cancelButton=Cancel
    176 nextButton=Next
     174backButton = Back
     175cancelButton = Cancel
     176nextButton = Next
    177177finishButtonText = Install
    179 output=Output
    180 errors=Errors
    181 notCorrectFormat=The field is not of the correct format
    182 notCorrectPasswordFormat=The password is not of the correct format
    183 passwordsDoNotMatch=The passwords do not match
    184 installationFailed=Install failed
    185 propertiesVersionMismatch=Some options are missing from the previous version and must be manually entered, continue?
     179output = Output
     180errors = Errors
     181notCorrectFormat = The field is not of the correct format
     182notCorrectPasswordFormat = The password is not of the correct format
     183passwordsDoNotMatch = The passwords do not match
     184installationFailed = Install failed
     185propertiesVersionMismatch = Some options are missing from the previous version and must be manually entered, continue?
    187 Finished=Finished
    188 Failed=Failed, view the error messages
    189 ant.failure=Ant run failed - examine the error logs for details
     187Finished = Finished
     188Failed = Failed, view the error messages
     189ant.failure = Ant run failed - examine the error logs for details
    191 license.next.text=Accept
    192 license.cancel.text=Reject
     191license.next.text = Accept
     192license.cancel.text = Reject
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