Changeset 13443

2006-12-06T12:23:25+13:00 (17 years ago)

updated translations thanks to Shubhada Nagarkar

2 edited


  • trunk/gsdl/macros/

    r13317 r13443  
    210210_textpagetitle_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€š à€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¿à€¡à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
     212_textnocollections_ [l=mr] {à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ (à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€œà¥‡ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€µ à€žà€Ÿà€°à¥à€µà€œà€šà€¿à€•) à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 29-Nov-2006 by shubha
    211214_textadmin_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    212215_textabgs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    213216_textgsdocs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    215 # -- Missing translation: _textdescradmin_
    217 # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgogreenstone_
     218_textdescradmin_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€• à€˜à€Ÿà€²à¥‚à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ, à€µ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€‡à€‚à€šà¥à€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‰à€²à¥‡à€¶à€š à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€‚à€€à¥à€°à€¿à€• à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€­à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     220_textdescrgogreenstone_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     221à€° à€µ à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€à¥€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€
     222à€‚à€•à¥€à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€²à¥à€ª à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    219224_textdescrgodocs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€ªà¥à€žà¥à€€à€¿à€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    229234package collector
    231 # -- Missing translation: _textcollector_
     236_textcollector_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€•}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    232237_textdescrcollector_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€° ....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    241246_textgti_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà¥à€°à€šà€žà€²à¥‡à€Ÿà€° à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    242 # -- Missing translation: _textdescrtranslator_
     247_textdescrtranslator_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€à¥€à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€žà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€
     248à€Šà¥à€¯à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€€ à€†à€µà¥ƒà€€à¥à€€à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    296302_texticoncont_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€¯à€šà€¯?}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    298 # -- Missing translation: _textltwarning_
     304_textltwarning_ [l=mr] {<div class="buttons">_imagecont_</div>
     305_iconwarning_Expanding the text here will generate a large
     306amount of data for your browser to display
     307}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    300309_textgoto_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿ}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    319328_textNOHIGHLIGHT_ [l=mr] {à€ à€³à€• à€šà€•à¥‹}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
     330_textnextsearchresult_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥€à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 29-Nov-2006 by shubha
     331_textprevsearchresult_ [l=mr] {à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 29-Nov-2006 by shubha
    333344# 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were
    334345# any matches
    335 # -- Missing translation: _textquerytitle_
     346_textquerytitle_ [l=mr] {If_(_thislast_,results _thisfirst_ - _thislast_ for query: _cgiargq_,No matches for query: _cgiargq_)
     347}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    336348_textnoquerytitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€Ÿà€š }  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    344356_texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    346 # -- Missing translation: _textifeellucky_
     358_textifeellucky_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€—à¥à€¯à€µà€Ÿà€š à€†à€¹à¥‡.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    348360#alt text for query buttons
    349361_textusequery_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 25-Sep-2006 by shubha
    350362_textfreqmsg1_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€žà€‚à€–à¥à€¯à€Ÿ:}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    351 # -- Missing translation: _textpostprocess_
     363_textpostprocess_ [l=mr] {_If_(_quotedquery_,<br><i>post-processed to find _quotedquery_</i>
     364)}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    352365_textinvalidquery_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€¯à€°à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    353366_textstopwordsmsg_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€žà€Ÿà€®à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    384397_textsimplesearch_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à€Ÿà¥€à€€ à€†à€ªà€²à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    386 # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedsearch_
    388 # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedmgppsearch_
    390 # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedlucenesearch_
    392 # -- Missing translation: _textformsimplesearch_
    394 # -- Missing translation: _textformadvancedsearchmgpp_
    396 # -- Missing translation: _textformadvancedsearchlucene_
     399_textadvancedsearch_ [l=mr] {Search _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,of _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,at _gselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )using _querytypeselection_ query}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     401_textadvancedmgppsearch_ [l=mr] {Search _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,of _jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,at _gselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language ) and display results in _formquerytypeadvancedselection_ order}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     403_textadvancedlucenesearch_ [l=mr] {Search _indexselection__If_(_jselection_, of _jselection_)_If_(_gselection_, at _gselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language)_If_(_sfselection_,\,_allowformbreak_ sorting results by _sfselection_\,) for }  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     405_textformsimplesearch_ [l=mr] {Search _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_)_If_(_gformselection_, at _gformselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language)_If_(_sfselection_,\, sorting results by _sfselection_\,) for _formquerytypesimpleselection_ of }  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     407_textformadvancedsearchmgpp_ [l=mr] {Search _If_(_jselection_,_jselection_ )_If_(_gformselection_,at _gformselection_ level )_If_(_nselection_,in _nselection_ language )and display results in _formquerytypeadvancedselection_ order }  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     409_textformadvancedsearchlucene_ [l=mr] {Search _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_)_If_(_gformselection_,  at _gformselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language)_If_(_sfselection_,\, sorting results by _sfselection_\,) for }  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    398411_textnojsformwarning_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€šà€šà€Ÿà€ƒà€œà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€žà¥à€•à¥à€°à€¿à€ªà¥à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€° à€µà€° à€¬à€‚à€Š à€†à€¹à¥‡. à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€«à¥‰à€°à¥à€® à€¹à€µà€Ÿ à€
    401414_textstartdate_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€ (à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€«à€•à¥à€€) à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€–}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    402415_textenddate_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€– / à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à¥‡ à€ªà€°à¥à€¯à€‚à€€ }  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    403 # -- Missing translation: _textbc_
     416_textbc_ [l=mr] {à€¬à¥€.à€žà¥€.à€ˆ.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    404417_textad_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    405 # -- Missing translation: _textexplaineras_
     418_textexplaineras_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥€.à€ˆ à€µ à€¬à¥€.à€žà¥€.à€ˆ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€.à€¡à¥€. à€µ à€¬à¥€.à€žà¥€. à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€
     419à€°à¥à€¥ "à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿ" à€µ "à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€†à€§à¥€"}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    407421_textstemon_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    417431_texthboolean_ [l=mr] {à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    418432_texthranked_ [l=mr] {à€“à€³à¥€à€€}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    419 # -- Missing translation: _texthcaseon_
    420 # -- Missing translation: _texthcaseoff_
     433_texthcaseon_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡à€€.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     434_texthcaseoff_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‡à€žà€«à¥‹à€²à¥à€¡}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    421435_texthstemon_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    422436_texthstemoff_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    447461_textstem_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    448462_textnostem_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€£ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥à€³à€²à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    449 # -- Missing translation: _textaccentdiffs_
     463_textaccentdiffs_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€µà¥‡à€—à€³à¥‡}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    450464_textignoreaccents_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    451465_textmatchaccents_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡à€š à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡à€€.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    453 # -- Missing translation: _textprefop_
     467_textprefop_ [l=mr] {Return up to _maxdocoption_ hits with _hitsperpageoption_ hits per page.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    454468_textextlink_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€Ÿà€¹à¥‡à€°à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€œà€Ÿà€³à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€•à€¡à¥€à€² à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà€° à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€—}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    455469_textintlink_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    467481_textgraphical_ [l=mr] {à€†à€²à¥‡à€–à¥€à€¯}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    468482_texttextual_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¶à€¯ à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    469 # -- Missing translation: _textcollectionoption_
     483_textcollectionoption_ [l=mr] {<p>
     485<br>}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    471487_textsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    523539à€žà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€†à€ªà€£ à€¶à¥‹à€§à¥ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ. à€¹à¥‡ à€žà¥à€°à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€†à€¹à¥‡. à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€†à€ªà€£ à€ªà€°à€€ à€¯à¥‡à€Š à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ. à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ ''à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ'' à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    524540_textTohelp_ [l=mr] {à€²à¥‡à€¬à€² à€Ÿà¥‚ à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à¥‚à€š à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    525 # -- Missing translation: _textFromhelp_
     541_textFromhelp_ [l=mr] {_labelFrom_ button  à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€šà€‚ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    526542_textBrowsehelp_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
    527543_textAcronymhelp_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€€à€¹à¥‹à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    533549_textreadingdocs_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€•à€žà¥‡ à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥‡}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    535 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpreadingdocs_
     551_texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=mr] {<p>You can tell when you have arrived at an individual book or document
     552because its title, or a photograph of the front cover, appears at the top
     553left of the page. In some collections this is accompanied by a table of
     554contents, while others contain just the number of the current page along
     555with a box that allows you to select a new page and go forward and
     556backward. In the table of contents, the current section heading is in bold
     557face, and the table is expandable -- click on the folders to open or close
     558them; click on the open book at the top to close it.</p>
     560<p>Underneath is the text of the current section. When you have read
     561through it, there are arrows at the bottom to take you on to the next
     562section or back to the previous one.</p>
     564<p>Below the title or front-cover photograph are some buttons. Click on
     565<i>_document:textEXPANDTEXT_</i> to expand out the whole text of the current section, or
     566book. If the document is large, this could take a long time and use a lot
     567of memory! Click on <i>_document:textEXPANDCONTENTS_</i> to expand out the whole table of
     568contents so that you can see the titles of all chapters and
     569subsections. Click on <i>_document:textDETACH_</i> to make a new browser window for this
     570document. (This is useful if you want to compare documents, or read two at
     571once.) Finally, when you do a search the words you search for are
     572highlighted. Click on <i>_document:textNOHIGHLIGHT_</i> to remove highlighting.</p>
     573}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    537575# help about the icons
    550588_texthelpsearchingtitle_ [l=mr] {à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€• à€žà€‚à€žà€Ÿ à€•à€¶à€Ÿ à€¬à€˜à€Ÿà€µà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    552 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpsearching_
     590_texthelpsearching_ [l=mr] {<p>
     591  From the search page, you make a query in these simple steps:<p>
     593  <ol><li>Specify what items you want to search
     594      <li>Say whether you want to search for all or just some of the words
     595      <li>Type in the words you want to search for
     596      <li>Click the <i>Begin Search</i> button
     597  </ol>
     599<p>When you make a query, the titles of twenty matching documents will be shown.
     600There is a button at the end to take you on to the next twenty documents.  From
     601there you will find buttons to take you on to the third twenty or back to the
     602first twenty, and so on.  Click the title of any document, or the little button
     603beside it, to see it.
     605<p>A maximum of 100 is imposed on the number of
     606  documents returned.  You can change this number by clicking the
     607  <i>_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_</i> button at the top of the page.<p>
     608}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    554610_texthelpquerytermstitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    556612à€žà€€à€Ÿà€€.à€µà€¿à€°à€Ÿà€®à€šà€¿à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    558 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpmgppsearching_
    560 # -- Missing translation: _texthelplucenesearching_
     614_texthelpmgppsearching_ [l=mr] {For collections built with MGPP a few other options are available.
     617<li>A <b>*</b> at the end of a query term  matches all words <b>starting with</b> that word, e.g. <b>comput*</b> matches all words starting with <b>comput</b>.
     618<li><b>/x</b> can be used to give higher weight to one or more of the query terms, eg <b>computer/10 science</b> gives computer 10 times more weight than science when ranking documents.
     620}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     622_texthelplucenesearching_ [l=mr] {Lucene à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹  à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€‘à€ªà¥à€¶à€šà€žà¥ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.
     624<li><b>?</b> à€à€•à€Ÿ à€
     625à€•à¥à€·à€°à€Ÿà€à€µà€œà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€¡à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¡ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ. à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥, <b>b?t</b> à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€œà¥à€³à¥‡à€² <b>bet</b>, <b>bit</b> and <b>bat</b> etc.
     626<li><b>*</b> à€
     627à€šà¥‡à€• à€
     628à€•à¥à€·à€°à€Ÿà€à€µà€œà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€¡à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¡ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ. à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥ <b>comput*</b> <b>comput</b>.à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€
     629à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€œà¥à€³à¥‡à€².
     631à€¹à¥€ à€Šà¥‹à€šà¥à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€¡à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¡ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà¥‡à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à€­à€Ÿà€—à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ, à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà¥€. à€ªà€£ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà¥‡à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€²à€Ÿ à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à¥‚ à€šà€¯à¥‡à€€.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    562633_texthelpquerytypetitle_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    563 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpquerytype_
    565 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpadvancedsearchtitle_
     634_texthelpquerytype_ [l=mr] {<p>à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥‡ à€Šà¥‹à€š à€­à€¿à€šà¥à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.
     637  <li>à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ <b>à€žà€°à¥à€µ</b> à€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ.  à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€µ,à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà¥
     638à€ªà¥à€Ÿà€°à€šà¥‡ à€šà€Ÿà€µ à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š      à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€Ÿà€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ à€Šà€¿à€žà€€à¥‡.
     641  <li>à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ <b>à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€</b> à€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ.  à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€
     642à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€Ÿà€€ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.  à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–
     643      à€žà€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€œà€¶à€Ÿ à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡. 
     644      <p><ul>
     645        <li> the more search term occurrences a document contains, the closer it matches;
     646        <li> terms which are rare in the collection as a whole are more important than common ones;
     647        <li> short documents match better than long ones.
     648      </ul>
     651<p>Use as many search terms as you like--a whole sentence, or even a
     652whole paragraph.  If you specify only
     653one term, documents will be ordered by its frequency of occurrence.<p>
     654}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     656_texthelpadvancedsearchtitle_ [l=mr] {_१_ à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€‡à€‚à€œà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥à€¯à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    567658_texthelpadvancedsearch_ [l=mr] {à€œà€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€šà¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€€à€° à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€€ à€¥à¥‹à€¡à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿ à€¬à€Šà€² à€Šà€¿à€žà¥‚à€š à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    570661à€‚à€• à€µ à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š ....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    572 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpbooleansearch_
    574 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpadvsearchmgpp_
     663_texthelpbooleansearch_ [l=mr] {A <b>boolean</b> search allows you to combine terms
     664using & (for "and"), | (for "or"), and ! (for "not"), using parentheses for grouping if desired. The default operator is | (for "or").
     666For example, <b>snail & farming</b> will match documents which contain both <b>snail</b> AND <b>farming</b>, whereas <b>snail | farming</b> will match documents that contain either <b>snail</b> OR <b>farming</b>.
     667<b>snail !farming</b> will match documents that contain <b>snail</b> AND DO NOT contain <b>farming</b>.
     669More precise queries can be specified using combinations of operators and parentheses. For example, <b>(sheep | cattle) & (farm | station)</b>, or <b>sheep | cattle | goat !pig</b>.
     670}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     672_texthelpadvsearchmgpp_ [l=mr] {Advanced searches in MGPP collections use boolean operators. _texthelpbooleansearch_
     673<p>The results can be displayed in <b>ranked</b> order, as described for the <b>some</b> search in <a href="\#query-type">_texthelpquerytypetitle_</a>, or in "natural" (or "build") order. This is the order that documents were processed during the creation of the collection.
     675Further operators include <b>NEARx</b> and <b>WITHINx</b>.
     676NEARx is used to specify the maximum distance apart (x words) two query
     677terms must be for a document to match.
     678WITHINx specifies that the second term must occur within x words <i>after</i> the first term. This is similar to NEAR but the order is important. The default distance is 20.
     679}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    576681_texthelpadvancedsearchextra_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€žà¥‹à€ªà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€²à€Ÿ à€€à€° à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    582687_texthelpformsearch_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹,à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€€ à€žà¥à€®à€¿à€¥  à€†à€£à€¿ à€žà¥à€šà¥‡à€² à€«à€Ÿà€°à¥à€®à€¿à€‚à€— à€¹ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€žà€Ÿà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€“à€³à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€‚à€€à¥à€° à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€®à¥à€¹à€£à¥‚à€š à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€ˆà€²,à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€†à€£à€¿ à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥à€•à¥à€€ à€ à€°à¥‡à€².à€ªà€£ à€µà€¿à€·à¥‡à€¶ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ à€²à€Ÿà€—à¥‡à€².à€µà€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€ˆà€².}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    584 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpformstemming_
     689_texthelpformstemming_ [l=mr] {The "fold" and "stem" boxes allow you to specify whether the terms inside that field are casefolded or stemmed. These are both switched off by default for advanced form searching}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    586691_textdatesearch_ [l=mr] {à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à€Ÿà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    588 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpdatesearch_
     693_texthelpdatesearch_ [l=mr] {Date search lets you find documents that, as well as matching your search
     694terms, are about events within a certain timeframe.  You can search for
     695documents from a certain year or from a range of years.  Note that you do not
     696have to have any search terms -- you can search by date alone; and also that
     697you do not have to use dates in your search, if you do not type any dates in it
     698 is just the same as if the date search didn't exist.<p>
     699}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    590701_texthelpdatehowtotitle_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€žà€Ÿ à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    591 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpdatehowto_
     702_texthelpdatehowto_ [l=mr] {<ul>
     703   <li>To search for documents about a single year:<p>
     704   <ul>
     705       <li>Type in any ordinary search terms as you normally would.
     706       <li>Type the year you want into the "Start (or only) date" box.
     707       <li>If your date is from before the common era (also known as before
     708           Christ), choose the "B.C.E" option from the pulldown menu next to that
     709           box.
     710       <li>Begin your search as you ordinarily would.
     711   </ul>
     712<p><li>To search for documents about a time period or range of years:<p>
     713   <ul>
     714       <li>Type in any ordinary search terms as you normally would.
     715       <li>Type the earlier date into the "Start (or only) date" box.
     716       <li>Type the later date into the "End date" box.
     717       <li>Select "B.C.E" option from the pulldown menu next to any date from before
     718           the common era (also known as before Christ).
     719       <li>Begin your search as you ordinarily would.
     720   </ul>   
     722}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    593724_texthelpdateresultstitle_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€—}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    594 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpdateresults_
     725_texthelpdateresults_ [l=mr] {Generally speaking a search for documents about the year 1903 will not return documents that, say, reference books written in 1903, just documents about 1903.  However, the way that the documents' dates are found, it will return documents that have a date range (for example 1899-1911) that includes 1903, and also those documents which, as part of their text name the century that 1903 is a part of (for example 20th century or twentieth century).  This means that for some documents, the dates in your search will not actually appear in the document text.  For a range search, all of this applies to every date in the range.<p>
     726}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    596728_textchangeprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€¬à€Šà€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    598 # -- Missing translation: _texthelppreferences_
     730_texthelppreferences_ [l=mr] {à€œà¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€°à¥€à€² à€žà€°à¥à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€µà€°à€šà¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š <i>_Global:linktextPREFERENCES_</i> à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿà€²,à€€à¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€€à¥‡à€šà¥à€žà€Ÿà€° à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž à€®à€§à¥€à€² à€˜à€Ÿà€•à€Ÿà€‚à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€Ÿà€².}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    600732_texthelpcollectionprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    601 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpcollectionprefs_
     733_texthelpcollectionprefs_ [l=mr] {à€à€•à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€
     734à€šà¥‡à€• à€‰à€ªà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€,à€œà¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€ªà€£à¥‡ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€à€•à€€à¥à€° à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€œà€° à€€à€žà¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€
     735à€žà€€à¥€à€² à€€à€° à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€‰à€ªà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    603737_texthelplanguageprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€®}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    612746_texthelpsearchprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€–à¥‹à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€†à€£à€¿ à€µ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€–à¥‹à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€Š à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    614 # -- Missing translation: _textcasefoldprefs_
     748_textcasefoldprefs_ [l=mr] {"_preferences:textignorecase_" à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€à€•à€®à¥‡à€•à€Ÿà€‚à€ž à€œà¥à€³à€€à€Ÿà€€ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€€à¥‡.
     749<i>snail farming</i> à€µ <i>SNAIL FARMING</i> à€
     750à€¶à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€¿à€šà¥à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€²à€¿à€¹à¥€à€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥‹à€šà¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€€ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à€Ÿà€€.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    615751_textstemprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥‹à€š à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€Šà¥à€µà€°à¥‡à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€° à€šà€¿à€¯à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€£ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà€¿à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    616 # -- Missing translation: _textaccentfoldprefs_
     752_textaccentfoldprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ accented and unaccented à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€€à¥‡ à€žà€®à€œà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‡.à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€ƒ if "_preferences:textignoreaccents_" is selected, <i>fédération</i> will be treated the same as <i>fedération</i> and <i>federation</i>.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    618 # -- Missing translation: _textstemoptionsprefs_
     754_textstemoptionsprefs_ [l=mr] {"_texthelpquerytermstitle_".à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€—à€¿à€€à€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€ à€¹à¥€ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€µ à€žà¥‹à€¯à¥€à€žà¥à€•à€° à€†à€¹à¥‡.}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    620756_textsearchtypeprefsplain_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€° à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€®à¥‹à€ à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à¥‹à€š à€®à€¿à€³à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‹ à€•à€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€²à€µà€•à€° à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€ˆà€².à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€ à€Ÿ à€²à€µà€•à€° à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€€ à€¹à¥‹à€Š à€¶à€•à¥‡à€².}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    622758_textsearchtypeprefsform_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€¹à¥‡ à€•à¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€‚à€• à€¬à€Šà€²à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    624 # -- Missing translation: _textsearchtypeprefsboth_
    628 # -- Missing translation: _texttanumbrowseoptions_
     760_textsearchtypeprefsboth_ [l=mr] {You can switch the search type of the collection between "normal" search, and "fielded" search.
     762<li>Normal search provides a single query box. _textsearchtypeprefsplain_</li>
     763<li>Fielded search provides a number of query boxes, each querying a different field of the index. This enables searching over different fields at once. _textsearchtypeprefsform_ </li>
     765}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
     769_texttanumbrowseoptions_ [l=mr] {à€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡}  # Updated 27-Nov-2006 by shubha
    630771_textsimplehelpheading_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€šà€Ÿà€µ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
  • trunk/gsdl/macros/

    r13317 r13443  
    2424### taken from here
    26 # -- Missing translation: _textpoem_
    28 # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone_
    30 # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgreenstone_
     26_textpoem_ [l=mr] {<br><h2>Kia papapounamu te moana</h2>
     28<p>kia hora te marino,
     29<br>kia tere te karohirohi,
     30<br>kia papapounamu te moana
     32<p>may peace and calmness surround you,
     33<br>may you reside in the warmth of a summer's haze,
     34<br>may the ocean of your travels be as smooth as the polished greenstone.
     35}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     37_textgreenstone_ [l=mr] {<p>Greenstone is a semi-precious stone that (like this software) is sourced
     38in New Zealand.  In traditional Maori society it was the most highly prized
     39and sought after of all substances.  It can absorb and hold <i>wairua</i>,
     40which is a spirit or life force, and is endowed with traditional virtues
     41that make it an appropriate emblem for a public-domain digital library
     42project.  Its lustre shows charity; its translucence, honesty; its
     43toughness, courage; and the sharp edge it can take, justice.  The carved
     44piece used in the Greenstone Digital Library Software logo is a <i>patu</i>
     45or fighting club, and is a family heirloom of one of our project members.
     46In hand-to-hand combat its delivery is very quick, very accurate, and very
     47complete.  We like to think these qualities also apply to our software, the
     48razor sharp edge of the <i>patu</i> symbolizing the leading edge of
     50}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     52_textaboutgreenstone_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¹à¥‡ à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     53à€°à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€•à¥€ à€œà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€µà€¿à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà¥€ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€‚à€¡à€£à¥€ à€•à€°à¥à€š à€€à¥€ à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€šà¥‡à€Ÿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€žà¥€à€¡à¥€à€°à¥‰à€® à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€°à¥à€Šà€¶à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€¯à¥à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€µà¥à€¹à€žà€¿à€Ÿà¥€ à€‘à€« à€µà¥‰à€¯à€•à€Ÿà€€à¥‹ à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥€à€² à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€à¥€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€ªà¥à€°à¥‹à€œà¥‡à€•à¥à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¹à¥‡ à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€žà€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     54à€†à€£à€¿ à€¯à¥à€šà¥‡à€žà¥à€•à¥‹à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€¹à€Ÿà€¯à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡  à€€à¥‡ à€µà€¿à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     55<i></i> à€œà€šà€°à€² à€ªà€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€• à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€žà€šà¥à€žà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€
     57à€¹à¥à€¯à¥à€®à€š à€‡à€šà¥à€«à¥‹ à€à€šà€œà¥€à€“ à€¹à¥‡  à€“à€ªà€š à€žà¥‹à€°à¥à€ž à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     58à€° à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     59à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     60à€°à€šà€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡à€€à¥‚ à€
     61à€žà€Ÿ à€•à¥€ à€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€ªà¥€à€ à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€µ à€žà€Ÿà€°à¥à€µà€œà€šà€¿à€• à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥€ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€ƒ à€
     62à€‚à€•à€¿à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ
     63Digital libraries are radically
     64reforming how information is disseminated and acquired in UNESCO's
     65partner communities and institutions in the fields of education,
     66science and culture around the world, and particularly in developing
     67countries. We hope that this software will encourage the effective
     68deployment of digital libraries to share information and place it in
     69the public domain.
     71<p>This software is developed and distributed as an international
     72cooperative effort established in August 2000 among three parties.
     76<a href=""><b>New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato</b></a>
     78Greenstone software grew out of this project, and this initiative
     79has been endorsed by the Communication Sub-Commission of the New
     80Zealand National Commission for UNESCO as part of New Zealand's
     81contribution to UNESCO's programme.
     85<a href=""><img alt="UNESCO logo" src="_httpimg_/unesco.gif"
     87<a href=""><b>United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization</b></a>
     89The dissemination of educational, scientific and cultural information
     90throughout the world, and particularly its availability in developing
     91countries, is central to UNESCO's goals as pursued within its
     92intergovernmental Information for All Programme, and appropriate,
     93accessible information and communication technology is seen as an important
     94tool in this context.
     98<a href=""><img alt="Human Info logo" src="_httpimg_/ghproj2.jpg" class="logo"></a>
     99<a href=""><b>The Human Info NGO, based in Antwerp, Belgium</b></a>
     101This project works with UN agencies and other NGOs, and has established
     102a worldwide reputation for digitizing documentation of interest to
     103human development and making it widely available, free of charge to
     104developing nations and on a cost-recovery basis to others.
     108}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    67145à€‚à€€à€°à¥à€—à€€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• à€žà€Ÿà€ªà€¡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    69 # -- Missing translation: _textextlinkcontent_
    71 # -- Missing translation: _textlinknotfoundcontent_
     147_textextlinkcontent_ [l=mr] {<h3>à€²à€¿à€‚à€• "_ग़_" à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹</h3>
     149 <p> à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• à€¹à¥€  "_à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ_"à€¬à€Ÿà€¹à¥‡à€°à¥€à€² à€†à€¹à¥‡
     150     à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ (à€¹à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• "_ग़_"  à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹).
     151    à€œà€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€¹à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€•  à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ "_ग़_" à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥€ à€
     153     <a href="_httpdoc_&c=_१_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_३_">à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€°à¥‚à€š</a> à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿ ;
     154    à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€°à€µà€°à¥€à€² "à€®à€Ÿà€—à¥‡" à€¹à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€¯à€Ÿ
     155 }  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     157_textlinknotfoundcontent_ [l=mr] {à€†à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€‚à€§à€šà€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€,à€•à€Ÿà€°à€£ à€žà¥‹à€°à¥à€ž à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€šà¥‚à€• à€†à€¹à¥‡
     158 à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€°à€µà€°à¥€à€² "à€®à€Ÿà€—à¥‡" à€¹à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€¯à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    73160# should have arguments of collection, collectionname and link
    74 # -- Missing translation: _foundintcontent_
     161_foundintcontent_ [l=mr] {<h3>à€²à€¿à€‚à€• "_ग़_" à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹</h3>
     163 <p> à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• à€¹à¥€  "_à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ_"à€¬à€Ÿà€¹à¥‡à€°à¥€à€² à€†à€¹à¥‡
     164     à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ (à€¹à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• "_ग़_"  à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹).
     165    à€œà€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€¹à¥€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€•  à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ "_ग़_" à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥€ à€
     167     <a href="_httpdoc_&c=_१_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_३_">à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€°à¥‚à€š</a> à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿ ;
     168    à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€°à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€—à¥‡ à€¹à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€¯à€Ÿ
     169 }  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    90185_textpassword_ [l=mr] {à€–à¥à€£à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    92 # -- Missing translation: _textmustbelongtogroup_
     187_textmustbelongtogroup_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ  "_cgiargug_" à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€—à€Ÿà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€
     188à€žà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€š à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    94190_textmessageinvalid_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€µà¥‡ à€
    139235_textbild_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    140236_textbildsuc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¯à€¶à€žà¥à€µà¥€à€°à€¿à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    141 # -- Missing translation: _textviewbildsummary_
     237_textviewbildsummary_ [l=mr] {You may <a href="_httppagex_(bsummary)" target=_top>view the build
     238summary</a> of this collection for further details.
     239}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    142240_textview_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    159257_textseconds_ [l=mr] {à€Šà¥à€žà€°à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    161 # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg11_
     259_textfailmsg11_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€–à€Ÿà€€à¥à€°à¥€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ à€•à¥€ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€•à€Ÿà€® à€•à€°à¥‡à€² à€
     260à€¶à¥€ à€à€• à€€à€°à¥€ à€°à¥‚à€ªà€°à¥à€Šà€¶à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    163262_textfailmsg21_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€à€•à€€à¥à€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    170 # -- Missing translation: _textblcont_
     269_textblcont_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€¿à€²à¥à€¡ à€²à¥‰à€— à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡:}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    195294_textcreatingcollection_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    197 # -- Missing translation: _textcollectorblurb_
     296_textcollectorblurb_ [l=mr] {<i>à€²à¥‡à€–à€šà¥€ à€¹à¥€ à€€à€²à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€°à€–à¥€ à€
     298 <br>à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€£à¥€à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿à€µà€¿à€€à€°à€£à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€œà€¬à€Ÿà€¬à€Šà€Ÿà€° à€†à€¹à€Ÿà€€
     299à¥à€°à€€à¥€à€®à¥à€Šà¥à€°à€£ à€•à€Ÿà€¯à€Šà€Ÿ: à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à¥‚à€¶à€•à€²à€Ÿà€€ à€€à€°à¥€ à€€à¥‡ à€‡à€€à€°à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€Šà¥‡à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€†à€µà€¶à€•à¥à€€à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€
     300 à€žà€Ÿà€®à€Ÿà€œà€¿à€• à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€¿à€²à€•à¥€ :  à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–à€œà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€œà€Ÿà€€à¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€€ à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€ à€€à¥à€¯ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€œà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€†à€Šà€° à€°à€Ÿà€–à€£à€°à¥‡ à€
     302 à€šà€¿à€€à¥€à€®à€€à¥à€€à€Ÿ:à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€—à¥‹à€·à¥à€Ÿà¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€—à€³à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€¹à¥‹à€‰ à€¶à€•à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€
     303 <br>à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€³à€œà¥€à€ªà¥à€°à€µà€• à€µ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ
     304 </i>}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    199306_textcb1_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€Ÿà€¹à€• à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€­à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€¢à¥‚à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà€•à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€®à€Šà€€ à€•à€°à¥‡à€²....}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    201308_textcb2_ [l=mr] {à€†à€§à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ,}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    202309_textcnc_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    203 # -- Missing translation: _textwec_
     310_textwec_ [l=mr] {à€
     311à€žà¥à€€à€¿à€€à¥à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€
     312à€žà€²à¥‡à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€­à€° à€˜à€Ÿà€² à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€€à¥€ à€•à€Ÿà€¢à¥‚à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà€•à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    205314_textcb3_ [l=mr] {à€
    217326_textetc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à¥‰à€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€š à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€à€¡à€¿à€Ÿ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    218327_textdtc_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€–à¥‹à€¡à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    219 # -- Missing translation: _textetcfcd_
     328_textetcfcd_ [l=mr] {Export the collection for writing to a self-installing Windows CD-ROM}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    220329_textcaec_ [l=mr] {à€
    222331à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¬à€Šà€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    223 # -- Missing translation: _textnwec_
     332_textnwec_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€²à€¿à€¹à¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à¥à€°à¥à€£ à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€•à¥‹à€£à€€à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    224333_textcianc_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    225334_texttsosn_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€
    229338_textatco_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€šà€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€šà€šà¥‡ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€šà€¿à€Ÿ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€˜à¥à€¯à€Ÿ.(à€†à€¡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥à€ž à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€• à€«à€•à¥à€€)}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    230339_textbtc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ " à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° " à€¹à¥‹à€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡,à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    231 # -- Missing translation: _textpvyh_
     340_textpvyh_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥‡ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€ƒà€šà¥‡ à€•à€Ÿà€® à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    233342_texttfsiw_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€¥à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¯à€°à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à€£à€• à€žà¥à€° à€•à€Ÿà€® à€•à€°à€€à¥‹ ..... à€ªà¥à€°à€¥à€® à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡,}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    248357_texttfc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€ƒ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    250 # -- Missing translation: _texttctiasp_
     359_texttctiasp_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€
     360à€žà€Ÿ  à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ à€œà¥à€¯à€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€
     361à€‚à€•à€¿à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€²  à€˜à€Ÿà€• à€“à€³à€–à¥‚ à€¶à€•à¥‡à€².  à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£
     362 "à€•à€®à¥à€ªà¥à€¯à¥à€Ÿà€° à€žà€Ÿà€¯à€‚à€šà¥à€ž à€Ÿà¥‡à€•à¥à€šà€¿à€•à€² à€°à€¿à€ªà¥‹à€°à¥à€Ÿ" à€†à€£à€¿ "à€¹à¥à€¯à¥à€®à¥
     363à€šà€¿à€Ÿà¥€ à€¡à¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€²à€ªà€®à¥‡à€‚à€Ÿ à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€."}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    252365_textcea_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€ªà€•à€ƒ à€ˆ-à€®à¥‡à€² à€ªà€€à¥à€€à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    254 # -- Missing translation: _textteas_
     367_textteas_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€ªà€• à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€¹à€Ÿ à€ˆ-à€®à¥‡à€² à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.
     368à€œà€° à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     369à€°à€²à€Ÿ à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€šà¥‚à€• à€†à€¢à€³à€²à¥€ à€€à€°
     370à€¯à€Ÿ à€ˆ-à€®à¥‡à€² à€µà€° à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€ªà€• à€•à€°à€Ÿ.  à€ˆ-à€®à¥‡à€² à€šà€Ÿ à€ªà€€à¥à€€à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€£ à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ:
     371 <tt>à€šà€Ÿà€µ@à€¡à¥‹à€®à¥‡à€š</tt>.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    256373_textatc_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    258 # -- Missing translation: _texttiasd_
     375_texttiasd_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€œà¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€°à¥à€Šà€¶à€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€€à¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡ à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€š à€ªà¥à€°à€¥à€® à€Šà€¿à€žà¥‡à€².à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€
     376à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€€à€€à¥à€µà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€°à¥à€Šà€¶à€¿à€€ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥€à€² }  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    260378_textypits_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ "à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€—à€®" à€¹à¥‡ à€¹à€¿à€°à€µà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ....}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    264382...}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    266 # -- Missing translation: _textymbyco_
     384_textymbyco_ [l=mr] {<p>à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à¥à€®à€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€°à€¹ à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥‡ à€ à¥‡à€µà€Ÿ
     385 <ul>
     386 <li>à€
     387à€šà¥‚à€• à€°à€šà€šà€Ÿ
     388 <dl><dd>à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€à€šà€Ÿà¥€à€à€®à€à€² à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€– (.htm, .html), à€žà€Ÿà€§à¥‡
     389 à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€– (.txt, .text), à€à€®à€à€ž à€µà¥à€°à€¡ à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€– (.doc), à€ªà¥€à€¡à¥€à€à€« à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–  (.pdf) or
     390 "à€à€®-à€¬à¥‰à€•à¥à€ž" à€«à¥‰à€°à€®à¥
     391à€Ÿ à€ˆ-à€®à¥‡à€² à€ªà¥à€°à€²à¥‡à€–  (.mbx).</dd></dl>
     392 <li>à€
     393à€žà¥à€€à€¿à€€à¥à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹
     394 <dl><dd>à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€œà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€š à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€«à€Ÿà€‡à€² à€
     395à€žà€£à¥‡ à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€• à€†à€¹à¥‡.</dd></dl>
     396 </ul>
     397 }  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    268399_textbtco_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¯à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    306437_textcolerr_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€šà¥‚à€•}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    308 # -- Missing translation: _texttmpfail_
     439_texttmpfail_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€€à€Ÿà€€à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€°à¥‚à€ªà€°à¥à€Šà€¶à€¿à€•à¥‡à€€à¥€à€² à€«à€Ÿà€‡à€² à€µà€Ÿà€šà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ .
     441 <ul>
     442 <li> à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€²à€Ÿ à€²à€¿à€¹à¥€à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ _à€œà¥€à€à€žà€à€²à€¡à¥€ à€¹à¥‹à€®_/à€€à€Ÿà€€à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥€
     443      à€°à¥‚à€ªà€Šà¥à€°à€¶à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€šà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€°à€µà€Ÿà€šà€—à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.
     444 </ul>
     445}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    310447_textmkcolfail_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€¿ à€¡à€¿à€°à¥‡à€•à¥à€Ÿà€°à¥€ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    314451_textrestart_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€²à¥‚ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    316 # -- Missing translation: _textreloaderror_
    318 # -- Missing translation: _textexptsuc_
    320 # -- Missing translation: _textexptfail_
     453_textreloaderror_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€šà¥‚à€• à€¹à¥‹à€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡ ,à€
     454à€žà¥‡ à€¹à¥‹à€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€•à€Ÿà€°à€£
     455à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€° à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€€ à€
     456à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€°à€¿à€²à¥‹à€¡ à€µ à€¬à¥
     457à€• à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ (à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€€ à€
     458à€žà€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€°à¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ).  à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€žà€—à€³à€Ÿ
     459 à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ à€²à€Ÿà€—à¥‡à€²}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     461_textexptsuc_ [l=mr] {The _cgiargbc1dirname_ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¯à€¶à€žà¥à€µà¥€à€°à€¿à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà€¿à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     462 _à€œà¥€à€à€žà€à€²à€¡à¥€ à€¹à¥‹à€®_/à€€à€Ÿà€€à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥‡/à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà€¿à€²à¥‡\__cgiargbc१ à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€µ_ à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€¿à€•à€Ÿ.
     463 }  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     465_textexptfail_ [l=mr] {<p>Failed to export the _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection.
     467<p>This is likely to be because Greenstone was installed without the
     468necessary components to support the "Export Collection" function.
     471 <li>If you installed Greenstone from a CD-ROM these components won't have
     472 been installed unless you selected them during a "Custom" install.
     473 You may add them to your installation by re-running the installation
     474 procedure.
     476 <li>If you installed Greenstone from a web distribution you will need to
     477 download and install an additional package to enable this function. Please
     478 visit <a href=""></a> or
     479 email <a
     480 href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
     481 for further details.
     484}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    355 # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone1_
    357 # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone2_
    359 # -- Missing translation: _textplatformtitle_
    360 # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone3_
     519_textgreenstone1_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¹à¥‡ à€
     520à€žà¥‡ à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     521à€° à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€•à¥€, à€œà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€
     522à€‚à€•à€¿à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ
     523 à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€à€•à€€à¥à€° à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€šà€µà€¿à€šà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.  à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡
     524à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€š à€µà¥à€¯à€µà€¥à¥à€žà€Ÿà€ªà€š à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€µà¥‡à€¬ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà¥à€°à€¶à€š à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡
     525à€¯à¥à€šà€¿à€µà¥à€¹à¥à€°à€žà€¿à€Ÿà¥€ à€‘à€« à€µà¥‰à€¯à€•à€Ÿà€€à¥‹ à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥€à€² à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€à¥€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€ªà¥à€°à¥‹à€œà¥‡à€•à¥à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¹à¥‡ à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€žà€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     526à€†à€£à€¿ à€¯à¥à€šà¥‡à€žà¥à€•à¥‹à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€¹à€Ÿà€¯à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡  à€€à¥‡ à€µà€¿à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     527 <i></i> à€œà€šà€°à€² à€ªà€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€• à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€žà€šà¥à€žà€šà€¯à€Ÿà€
     529.à€¹à¥à€¯à¥à€®à€š à€‡à€šà€«à¥‹ à€à€šà€œà¥€à€“ à€¹à¥‡  à€“à€ªà€š à€žà¥‹à€°à¥à€ž à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     530à€° à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     532_textgreenstone2_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€à¥€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€
     533à€‚à€•à¥€à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà¥‡à€¬ à€žà€Ÿà€ˆà€Ÿ
     534(<ahref=""></a>) à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€
     535à€‚à€•à€¿à€¯ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€†à€¹à¥‡,
     536  à€œà¥‹ à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€ªà¥‚à€£ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€°à¥à€µà€Ÿà€‚à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     537  à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡  à€
     538à€°à¥‡à€¬à€¿à€•, à€šà€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥€à€œ, à€«à¥à€°à¥‡à€‚à€š, à€®à¥Œà€°à¥€ à€†à€£à€¿ à€žà¥à€ªà¥‰à€šà€¿à€¶, à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€š à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€‡à€‚à€—à¥à€°à€œà¥€,à€‡. à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€Š à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ
     539à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€€à¥‡à€¥à¥‡ à€žà€‚à€—à¥€à€€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     540 }  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     542_textplatformtitle_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€²à¥
     543à€Ÿà€«à¥‰à€®}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     544_textgreenstone3_ [l=mr] {Greenstone runs on Windows, Unix and Mac OS X. The distribution includes ready-to-use
     545binaries for all versions of Windows, and for Linux and Mac OS X. It also includes
     546complete source code for the system, which can be compiled using Microsoft
     547C++ or gcc.  Greenstone works with associated software that is also freely
     548available: the Apache Webserver and PERL. The user interface uses a Web
     549browser: typically Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.
     550}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    362552_textgreenstone4_ [l=mr] {à€
    367557_textcustomisationtitle_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à€Ÿà€µ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    368 # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone5_
     558_textgreenstone5_ [l=mr] {Greenstone is specifically designed to be highly extensible and
     559customisable. New document and metadata formats are accommodated by writing
     560"plugins" (in Perl). Analogously, new metadata browsing structures can be
     561implemented by writing "classifiers." The user interface look-and-feel can
     562be altered using "macros" written in a simple macro language. A Corba
     563protocol allows agents (e.g. in Java) to use all the facilities associated
     564with document collections. Finally, the source code, in C++ and Perl, is
     565available and accessible for modification.
     566}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    370568_textdocumentationtitle_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    387585_textgs3title_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€®à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    388 # -- Missing translation: _textgs3_
     586_textgs3_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š ३ à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€£ à€¬à€Šà€²à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡
     587à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€€ à€
     588à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š ग़ à€ªà¥‡à€•à¥à€·à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡ à€
     589à€Šà¥à€¯à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡  (à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€µà¥à€¹à€°à¥à€œà€š)--à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£,
     590à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€¹à¥à€­à€Ÿà€·à€¿à€•, à€®à€²à¥à€Ÿà¥€à€ªà¥à€²à¥
     591à€Ÿà€«à¥‰à€®, à€†à€£à€¿ à€•à¥‰à€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€° à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€µà¥à€¹à€°à¥à€œà€šà€®à€§à¥€à€² à€žà€°à¥à€µ
     592à€˜à€Ÿà€• à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€, à€†à€£à€¿ à€®à€Ÿà€—à¥€à€²   à€µà¥à€¹à€°à¥à€œà€š à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥‚à€°à€• à€†à€¹à¥‡
     593:à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€œà¥‡ à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€†à€§à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€¬à€Šà€² à€š à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€€à€žà€Ÿà€š à€°à€Ÿà€¹à€€à¥‹ à€µ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹
     594 à€œà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ à€¯à€Ÿ  à€ªà¥à€°à¥‹à€—à¥à€°à¥
     595à€® à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€²à€¿à€¹à€¿à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€°à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€šà¥‡à€Ÿà€µà¥à€°à€• à€žà€Ÿà€°à€–à¥€ à€
     597à€à€•à¥à€ž à€à€®à€à€² à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à¥‹à€¡à¥à€¯à¥‚à€² à€¶à¥€ à€žà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à€• à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹: à€€à€žà¥‡à€š
     598 à€¹à¥‡ à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€€à¥‡à€šà¥à€žà€Ÿà€° à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§à€žà¥à€°à€µà¥à€¹à€° à€Šà€¿à€žà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‡
     599à€—à¥à€°à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹ ३ à€¹à¥‡ à€
     600à€Šà¥à€¯à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€€ à€
     601à€žà¥‚à€š à€€à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€¯à¥‹à€—à€¿à€• à€€à¥‡à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€
     602 <a href="">Greenstone 3 home page</a>.à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥‡à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    390604_textcreditstitle_ [l=mr] {à€œà€®à€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    392 # -- Missing translation: _textwhoswho_
     606_textwhoswho_ [l=mr] {The Greenstone software is a collaborative effort between many
     607people. Rodger McNab and Stefan Boddie are the principal architects and
     608implementors.  Contributions have been made by David Bainbridge, George
     609Buchanan, Hong Chen, Michael Dewsnip, Katherine Don, Elke Duncker, Carl Gutwin, Geoff Holmes, Dana McKay, John
     610McPherson, Craig Nevill-Manning, Dynal Patel, Gordon Paynter, Bernhard Pfahringer, Todd
     611Reed, Bill Rogers, John Thompson, and Stuart Yeates. Other members of the New Zealand
     612Digital Library project provided advice and inspiration in the design of
     613the system: Mark Apperley, Sally Jo Cunningham, Matt Jones, Steve Jones, Te Taka
     614Keegan, Michel Loots, Malika Mahoui, Gary Marsden, Dave Nichols and Lloyd Smith. We would also like to
     615acknowledge all those who have contributed to the GNU-licensed packages
     616included in this distribution: MG, GDBM, PDFTOHTML, PERL, WGET, WVWARE and XLHTML.
     617}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    394619_textaboutgslong_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€
    542767_textconfigfiles_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€šà€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€š à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€ž}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    543768_textlogs_ [l=mr] {à€²à¥‰à€—à¥à€œ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    544 # -- Missing translation: _textusagelog_
    545 # -- Missing translation: _textinitlog_
     769_textusagelog_ [l=mr] {à€¯à¥à€à€° à€²à¥‰à€—}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     770_textinitlog_ [l=mr] {à€ˆà€šà€Ÿà¥€ à€²à¥‰à€—}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    546771_texterrorlog_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‚à€•à€¿à€šà€Ÿ à€²à¥‰à€—}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    547772_textadminhome_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€•à€¿à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    549774_titlewelcome_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€•à€¿à€¯}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    550775_textmaas_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€°à€•à¥à€·à€£ à€µà€ªà¥à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€•à¥€à€¯  à€žà¥‡à€µà¥‡ à€žà€¹ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    551 # -- Missing translation: _textvol_
     776_textvol_ [l=mr] {à€‘à€š à€²à€Ÿà€ˆà€š à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€²à¥‰à€— à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    552777_textcmuc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ,à€°à€Ÿà€–à€Ÿ à€µ à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    553778_textati_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥€à€œà¥€à€†à€¯ à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€€à€Ÿà€‚à€€à¥à€°à€¿à€• à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    557782_textcolstat_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€€}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    559 # -- Missing translation: _textcwoa_
     784_textcwoa_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€¬à€¿à€²à¥à€¡. à€žà¥€à€à€«à€œà¥€ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²  "à€šà€Ÿà€²à€µà€¿à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž" à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€Šà€¿à€žà¥‚à€¶à€•à€€à¥‹
     785à€¹à¥€ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€µà€Ÿà€šà€šà€¿à€¯ à€
     786à€žà€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€¹à€µà¥€, à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€£à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€Šà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€‚à€• à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€
     787à€žà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ (i.e. > 0),
     788à€µ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€
     789à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€® à€Šà¥à€°à€¶à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€
     790à€žà€Ÿà€µà¥€  (à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€œà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€£à¥€à€šà¥€ à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€¿à€•à€Ÿ  à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€).}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    561792_textcafi_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    598829à€µà€˜à€¡ à€µà€Ÿà€Ÿà€€à¥‡ à€
    599830à€žà¥‡ à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€šà€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€°à¥‡ à€žà¥‚à€šà€¿à€€ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥‡}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    600 # -- Missing translation: _textextraforform_
     831_textextraforform_ [l=mr] {You do not have to fill out the form -- any information will help.}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    601832_textprivacybasic_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€šà€Ÿà€€ à€«à€•à¥à€€ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€µà¥‡à€¬ à€ªà¥‡à€œ à€¬à€Šà¥à€Šà€² à€µ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€€ à€
    602833à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€€à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€¬à€Šà¥à€Šà€²  à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    620851_texttrackreport_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€š à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    621852_textcharacterise_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¯ à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    622 # -- Missing translation: _textseverity_
     853_textseverity_ [l=mr] {à€•à€¿à€€à€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ˆà€Ÿ à€
     854à€¡à€šà€£}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    624856_textbadrender_ [l=mr] {à€
    625857à€ªà€°à€¿à€šà€¿à€€ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    626858_textcontenterror_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà¥€à€ªà€€à¥à€° à€šà¥‚à€•}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    627 # -- Missing translation: _textstrangebehaviour_
     859_textstrangebehaviour_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€šà€¿à€€à¥à€° à€µà€Ÿà€—à€£à¥‚à€•}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    628860_textunexpected_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à€°à¥€ à€
    629861à€šà€ªà¥‡à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    644876_textwhathappened_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€·à€Ÿà€€ à€•à€Ÿà€¯ à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    646 # -- Missing translation: _cannotfindcgierror_
    648 # -- Missing translation: _textusabbanner_
     878_cannotfindcgierror_ [l=mr] {<h2>Sorry!</h2>Can\\'t find the server programs for the "_linktextusab_" button}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     880_textusabbanner_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š  koru-style banner}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    661893_textgtierror_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‚à€•à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡.}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    663 # -- Missing translation: _textgtihome_
     895_textgtihome_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€¬à€¹à¥à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ à€¯à€Ÿ à€˜à€Ÿà€•à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡
     896 <ul>
     897   <li>à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥‡ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€€ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° à€•à€°à€£à¥‡
     898   <li>à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à€Ÿà€€ à€
     899à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ à€
     900à€Šà€¯à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ, à¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€‡à€‚à€—à¥à€°à€œà¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ à€¬à€Šà€²à€£à€Ÿà€° à€†à€¹à¥‡ (à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€ƒà€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à¥‹à€š à€®à€§à¥€à€² à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà¥‹à€ˆ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€)
     901   <li>à€žà€§à€¯à€Ÿ à€
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     903 </ul>
     905 à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€µà¥‡à€¬ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€•à¥à€°à€®à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€®à€¿à€³à€€à¥€à€²,
     906 à€œà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° à€®à€¿à€³à€€à¥€à€²
     907à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€à€• à€à€•  à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.
     908 à€
     909à€šà¥‡à€• à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€‚à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€à€šà€Ÿà€¿à€à€®à€à€² à€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡: à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ
     910 à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€—à€°à€œ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€ªà€£à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à¥‚ à€šà€¯à¥‡
     911 (like _this_) à€
     912à€žà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€§, à€œà¥‡ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€šà¥‡ à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€
     913 <p>à€œà€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€
     914à€Šà¥à€¯à€¯à€Ÿà€µà€€ à€•à€°à€€ à€
     915à€žà€Ÿà€² à€€à€° à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€†à€µà€¶à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€€à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.à€•à€§à¥€ à€•à€§à¥€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° à€¹à¥‡ à€‡à€‚à€—à¥à€°à€œà¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€¬à€Šà€²à€²à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€€à¥‡.à€
     916à€¶à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€³à¥€ à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°à€Ÿà€µà€°à¥à€š à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€€à¥‡ à€€à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.
     918à€†à€§à¥€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° à€Šà¥à€°à¥‚à€žà¥à€€ à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ "à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° à€Šà¥à€°à¥‚à€žà¥à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ "à€¯à€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€°à€Ÿ.
     920 à€žà€Ÿà€ˆà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° "_textgtisubmit_" à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€¿à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à¥‚à€š à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ
     921 }  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    665923_textgtiselecttlc_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€šà¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    694952_textgtitranslatingchunk_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° <i>_1_</i>}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    695 # -- Missing translation: _textgtiupdatingchunk_
     953_textgtiupdatingchunk_ [l=mr] {à€
     954à€ªà€¡à¥‡à€Ÿà€¿à€‚à€— à€Ÿà¥‡à€•à¥à€ž à€«à¥à€°à¥
     955à€—à€®à¥‡à€‚à€Ÿ <i>_1_</i>}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    696956_textgtisubmit_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà€¿à€£à¥‡}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    709969_textglilong_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    710 # -- Missing translation: _textglihelp_
     970_textglihelp_ [l=mr] {<p>The Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) gives you access to Greenstone's functionality from an easy-to-use, 'point and click' interface. This allows you to collect sets of documents, import or assign metadata, and build them into a Greenstone collection.</p>
     972<p>Note that the GLI is run in conjunction with Greenstone, and assumes that it is installed in a subdirectory of your Greenstone installation. If you have downloaded one of the Greenstone distributions, or installed from a Greenstone CD-ROM, this will be the case.</p>
     974<h4>Running the GLI under Windows</h4>
     976Launch the librarian interface under Windows by selecting <i>Greenstone Digital Library</i> from the <i>Programs</i> section of the <i>Start</i> menu and choosing <i>Librarian Interface</i>.
     978<h4>Running the GLI under Unix</h4>
     980To run the GLI under Unix, change to the <i>gli</i> directory in your Greenstone installation, then run the <i></i> script.
     982<h4>Running the GLI under Mac OS X</h4>
     984In the finder, browse to <i>Applications</i> then <i>Greenstone</i> (if you installed Greenstone into the default location), and then launch the <i>GLI</i> application.
     985}  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.