{1} all active tickets (537 matches)

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Results (501 - 537 of 537)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Component Severity Priority Milestone Type Owner Status Created Modified Reporter
#915 changing ports in gs3-server Greenstone3 Runtime enhancement moderate 3.11 Release enhancement nobody new 2016-11-22 2021-03-22 kjdon
#916 CGI module needed for document editor Greenstone3 Runtime major moderate 3.11 Release defect nobody new 2016-12-01 2021-03-22 kjdon
#918 importing archives Collection Building minor moderate enhancement nobody new 2016-12-12 2016-12-12 kjdon
#919 tidy up gs3 groups Greenstone3 Interface minor moderate 3.11 Release enhancement kjdon assigned 2016-12-19 2021-03-22 kjdon
#920 solr node content contains section heading Greenstone2 Build Code minor moderate 3.11 Release defect kjdo new 2016-12-19 2021-03-22 kjdon
#921 Encoding issue while import html with associated files Collection Building major moderate defect nobody new 2017-01-29 2017-01-29 Georgiy Litvinov
#923 aa Collection Building major moderate defect nobody new 2017-03-20 2017-03-20 zahra9393
#924 Not all metadata should be editable or visible in Document Editor Greenstone3 Interface minor moderate 3.11 Release defect nobody new 2017-04-06 2021-03-22 ak19
#926 gsf:link in CCS format Greenstone3 Interface enhancement moderate 3.11 Release enhancement kjdon new 2017-04-10 2021-03-22 kjdon
#927 oai classifier Collection Building major moderate Possible 2.88 Release enhancement ak19 new 2017-04-13 2017-04-13 kjdon
#928 GLI adds index displayItems to top level for gs3 colls GLI minor low 3.11 Release enhancement nobody new 2017-04-13 2021-03-22 kjdon
#929 Case insensitive searches with Lucene Greenstone2&3 major moderate 3.11 Release enhancement nobody new 2017-04-19 2021-03-22 ak19
#930 berry basket send mail Greenstone3 Interface minor moderate 3.11 Release defect nobody new 2017-06-12 2021-03-22 kjdon
#931 Security Issues to be fixed Greenstone3 Interface major high Greenstone 3 catch-up enhancement nobody new 2017-07-28 2017-07-28 gkka321
#932 Security Issues to be fixed Greenstone3 Runtime major high defect nobody new 2017-07-28 2017-07-28 gkka321
#933 Security Issues to be fixed Greenstone3 Runtime major high defect gkka321 assigned 2017-07-28 2017-07-28 gkka321
#935 Make perllib/IncrementalBuildUtils.pm reuse existing code Collection Building trivial very high 3.11 Release defect ak19 new 2017-09-15 2021-03-22 ak19
#936 Remote GS environment and GS3 Imagemagick Env if it conflicts with wget Greenstone2&3 major moderate 3.11 Release task ak19 new 2017-09-25 2021-03-22 ak19
#937 PDFBox text conversion Collection Building minor moderate 3.11 Release defect nobody new 2017-11-23 2021-03-22 kjdon
#938 Docker with Greenstone Greenstone2&3 major moderate feature nobody new 2018-02-07 2018-02-07 ak19
#940 Apache Tika - see if Sam's GS2 extension works and write up tutorial Collection Building enhancement moderate 3.11 Release defect nobody new 2018-03-27 2021-03-22 ak19
#942 New pdftohtml with Xpdf tools - works with newer PDFs too Collection Building major moderate 3.11 Release defect ak19 new 2018-06-28 2021-03-22 ak19
#943 Making GS3 compliant with WCAG 2.0 web accessibility standards Greenstone3 Interface major moderate defect nobody new 2018-07-20 2018-07-20 ak19
#944 solr facets don't behave as expected Greenstone3 Runtime major moderate defect nobody new 2018-09-13 2018-09-13 ak19
#946 Meta and/or fulltext in SQL database as alternative to GreenstoneXML/METS Collection Building major moderate 3.11 Release feature ak19 new 2018-11-09 2021-03-22 ak19
#949 After 3.09 release Greenstone3 Runtime major moderate defect nobody new 2019-03-06 2019-03-19 ak19
#950 Tutorial testing Collection Building major moderate defect ak19 new 2019-03-26 2019-03-26 ak19
#951 CATALINA.OPTS property initialisation in build.xml Collection Building major moderate defect nobody new 2019-04-09 2019-04-09 ak19
#952 Uninstaller in non-Latin 1 language script looks garbled Installation major moderate defect nobody new 2019-04-17 2019-04-17 ak19
#953 Get rid of Applets Greenstone3 Runtime enhancement moderate 3.11 Release enhancement nobody new 2019-07-01 2024-05-01 kjdon
#954 GTI: Correct Existing Translations form needs fixing and enhancement OtherProjects major moderate defect ak19 new 2019-08-20 2019-08-20 ak19
#955 Use of GreenStone/Koha with Multimedia Production Management - e.g. Lumiera OtherProjects enhancement low feature nobody new 2019-09-24 2019-09-24 kjdon
#956 Minor changes to config for Images GPS tutorial after 3.09 Greenstone3 Interface enhancement moderate 3.11 Release defect ak19 new 2019-09-30 2021-03-22 ak19
#958 Remote transfer across OS filename encoding issue Collection Building minor moderate defect nobody new 2020-08-06 2020-08-06 ak19
#959 allow collecthome change from popup GLI enhancement low 3.11 Release enhancement nobody new 2020-09-15 2020-09-15 kjdon
#960 Isis-Gdl code and gnome-lib code needs merging Collection Building major moderate defect nobody new 2020-12-17 2020-12-17 anupama
#961 Moving to bundling JRE8, compiling releases with JDK8 & ant 1.9.4 Greenstone2&3 major moderate task anupama assigned 2021-09-29 2021-09-29 anupama
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