Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Severity Resolution
#264 GS3 Java 1.4 minimum requirement should be 1.5 kjdon task moderate minor wontfix
#268 Cross-Collection Search feature available in GS2's GLI is missing in GS3's GLI kjdon defect moderate blocker invalid
#725 Optimizations for gs_ajax_utils.js nobody enhancement moderate enhancement invalid
#583 Adding new user with admin feature: new user properties don't display ak19 defect moderate minor fixed
#609 realistic books in gs3 sjm84 defect moderate major fixed
#610 make sure admin tool works sjm84 task moderate major fixed
#653 assigned ids in gs3 nobody defect moderate major fixed
#673 test gs3 oaiserver ak19 task high major fixed
#750 GS3 image collection format stmts ak19 defect moderate major fixed
#770 GS3: multiple titles assigned, first title repeats in browsing classifier ak19 defect moderate major fixed
#792 Fix highlighting in Greenstone 3 sjm84 defect high major fixed
#845 Searching a GS3 lucene collection with wildcards doesn't show terms ak19 defect moderate major fixed
#850 Remote GS3 server: getting it working again ak19 defect moderate major fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.