Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 Installer Cancel Bug nobody defect moderate Installation
#9 Java 1.5 and the language pack nobody defect moderate ExtraPackages
#49 Metadata manipulation for display nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2&3
#62 Add a new plugin for processing delimited text files nobody enhancement moderate Collection Building: Plugins
#107 ImagePlug in Windows 95/98 nobody defect moderate Collection Building: Plugins
#126 Unticking problems nobody defect moderate GLI
#223 character decoding failure nobody defect moderate Greenstone3 Runtime
#333 svn repository encoding problem nobody defect very low Collection Building
#879 GS2 features that need to be added to GS3 nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 3 catch-up Greenstone3 Runtime
#684 Not able to start server nobody feature moderate DEC Release 2.86 Collection Building
#709 Could not initialize the network (Reason: WSASYSNOTREADY) nobody defect moderate DEC Release 2.86 Collection Building
#264 GS3 Java 1.4 minimum requirement should be 1.5 kjdon task moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#242 ant start starts multiple tomcat instances on gentoo nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#306 Greenstone3 src release doesn't work nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Installation
#345 adding files to GLI now shows can't process popup kjdon defect high Next Release (2 or 3) Collection Building
#159 Save rebuild type nobody annoyingness low Release 2.82 GLI
#438 GLI mg->mgpp switch nobody defect moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#270 2.80 release doesn't install Java max defect moderate Release 2.81 Installation
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.