Custom Query (538 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 538)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#161 Drive Icons new nobody enhancement low
#81 Dual "MIME-type" metadata new nobody enhancement low
#193 Element attributes new nobody defect moderate Collection building wishlist
#5 Empty VList bug new nobody defect low
#921 Encoding issue while import html with associated files new nobody defect moderate
#212 End-user debugging new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#149 Explode progress bar new nobody enhancement low
#803 Export To CD-ROM (setup.exe and other files) not working on 64 bit win 7 new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#6 Export to CD then uninstall bug new nobody defect low
#124 Export to CD twice causes problems new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#153 Exportcol output new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#798 Extend MetadataCSVPlugin to support char encoding option new nobody enhancement moderate
#164 Feedback stuff new dmn enhancement low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#729 File/folder move in Collection Tree new nobody defect moderate
#75 Fix confusing search results new nobody enhancement low
#102 Fix long import times new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#127 Fixed Mode new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#912 Flag arguments to full-rebuild new kjdon defect moderate 3.11 Release
#82 Form-based searching new nobody enhancement low
#148 Format -> General Pane new nobody enhancement low
#167 Format statement editing new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#68 Format statement how-many-values test new nobody enhancement low
#894 GEMS to forbid space in metadata names new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#278 GLI Format Extended Options (GS2) new nobody enhancement low
#320 GLI Gather panel interface new nobody defect low
#928 GLI adds index displayItems to top level for gs3 colls new nobody enhancement low 3.11 Release
#305 GLI auto plugin detect for XML docs new nobody annoyingness low
#336 GLI auto plugin detection new kjdon annoyingness moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#567 GLI build log not helpful for incremental rebuild new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#549 GLI code tidy new kjdon defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#875 GLI collect home handling new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#399 GLI config file new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#559 GLI default format statements new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#288 GLI does not show hidden files, but processes them when building new nobody defect very low
#552 GLI existing collections in file tree new kjdon defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#440 GLI fails to stop the local library server new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#465 GLI handling deprecated script options new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#470 GLI in GS3 metadata.xml file error new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#157 GLI interface changes new nobody enhancement low
#283 GLI log files first character new nobody annoyingness high Greenstone 2 wishlist
#548 GLI new collection in collectgroup new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#863 GLI scheduling feature needs updating new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#122 GLI to local library communication new nobody enhancement moderate
#301 GLI translate pane new nobody enhancement low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#413 GLI update for remote greenstone server new nobody feature moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#854 GLI's Enrich panel won't display fields of custom metaset named exam new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#889 GLI's GShell class - change to use StreamGobbler? new nobody task moderate 3.11 Release
#768 GLI's build output says PDFs and RTFs proccessed by HTML- and TextPlugings new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#788 GLI: support copy of extracted metadata new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#797 GS installer: counterintuitive behaviour of select dir button new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#861 GS win binary: have a GS ready cmd console new ak19 defect moderate 3.11 Release
#787 GS2 Server: "Do Not Modify Port" option as default new nobody defect moderate
#846 GS2: searching for "econom*" in lucene demo collection, section level vs doc level new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#849 GS3 and Fedora new ak19 defect moderate
#477 GS3 help pages new nobody feature moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#859 GS3 outstanding (installer and more) new ak19 defect moderate 3.11 Release
#852 GS3 source distributions still have extra demo collections new nobody defect moderate 3.11 Release
#870 GS3 uninstaller needs to preserve sites and interfaces new nobody defect moderate 3.11 Release
#481 GS3 with no coll building new kjdon enhancement low Greenstone 3 wishlist
#411 GS3: Deleting a collection on Windows when server is running new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#412 GS3: txtgz file to gdbm file requires that server side runs setup.bat new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#196 GSDLHOME to compiled in location new nobody enhancement moderate
#954 GTI: Correct Existing Translations form needs fixing and enhancement new ak19 defect moderate
#101 Garish collection tidyups new nobody task low
#192 Gems Icon new nobody enhancement low
#86 General multi file document plugin new nobody enhancement low
#814 Get Corba-based java-client for GS2 to work again new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#953 Get rid of Applets new nobody enhancement moderate 3.11 Release
#786 GetDoc over OAI download naming scheme new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#121 Ghostscript detect new nobody enhancement moderate
#368 Ghostscript on windows new nobody task low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#515 Go over tutorials with Greenstone 3 new ak19 defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#11 Google Desktop and buildding bug (suspected) new nobody defect low
#777 Google Quick View for PDF and other document formats new nobody task moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#909 Greenstone 3 depositor new nobody feature moderate 3.11 Release
#862 Greenstone doesn't like empty script tags new nobody annoyingness very low 3.11 Release
#61 Greenstone interoperablity with Koha new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist
#565 Group size thing new kjdon defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#106 Groupsize problem new nobody defect low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#13 Gsinstaller and disk space bug new nobody defect low
#351 method near-duplicated in new nobody defect very low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#362 HTML file blocking new nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#307 Hardcoded Prev/Next page buttons for paged document new nobody defect low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#824 Have a like and new nobody defect moderate
#160 Have the GLI check for GSDLHOME new nobody enhancement low
#186 Help menu new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#43 Hierarchy classifier with hfiles - excessive memory use new nobody task low
#80 Highlighting and linking search terms new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#66 Home page format statement new nobody enhancement low
#570 ISIS coping with errors in records new nobody defect moderate Possible 2.88 Release
#366 Improve gs2build and gs2runtime syncronisation with gsdl new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#40 Improve the RelatedDocuments run-time code new nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist
#911 Improving Javascript interaction with Java GS3 server new nobody defect moderate 3.11 Release
#427 Improving Wiki's organisation to make finding pages easier new nobody defect moderate
#115 Include_unclassified_documents option new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#297 Incremental import using OIDtype incremental new nobody enhancement low Greenstone 2 wishlist
#117 Incremental updates in MGPP new nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist
#195 Index names new nobody enhancement low
#572 Indexing the scanned image pdf document with meta data from winisis new nobody defect moderate Collection building wishlist
#54 Install and uninstall sequences to be differenciated new nobody enhancement low
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.