Custom Query (350 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 350)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#607 finish oran skin sjm84 enhancement high 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Interface
#608 berry baskets in gs3 sjm84 defect moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Interface
#609 realistic books in gs3 sjm84 defect moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#610 make sure admin tool works sjm84 task moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#695 scrolling output for installer sjm84 annoyingness moderate 2.84 Release Installation
#737 gs3 jni dll files in svn sjm84 task low 3.05 Release Installation
#738 infomine collection sjm84 task moderate 3.06 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#755 Admin pages and authentication for Oran/Dev skin sjm84 defect moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Interface
#792 Fix highlighting in Greenstone 3 sjm84 defect high 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#203 Failure of CSS to style the document footer oranfry defect low Greenstone2 Runtime
#205 GS3 install fail on Windows XP oranfry defect high 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#235 Change to an open source installer oranfry task moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#253 broken website link, missing README oranfry defect very high 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#284 start menu overwritten when multiple versions installed oranfry defect moderate Release 2.81 Installation
#285 GS3 files included in gs2 distribution oranfry annoyingness high Release 2.81 Installation
#316 repeated use of ant prepare oranfry defect low 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#317 GLI makejar on windows not working oranfry defect high Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#325 "BUILD FAILED" when compiling Greenstone 3 from SVN oranfry defect moderate 3.04 Release Collection Building
#352 Greenstone3 ships with fullsize apache ant package oranfry annoyingness moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#415 GS3: ant.jar not in WEB-INF/lib folder and not mentioned in manifest file oranfry defect very high 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#456 running installer directly from CDROM oranfry defect high 3.04 Release Installation
#461 perl path for gliserver oranfry annoyingness high Book Release Installation
#464 RemoveContentBeforeRootElementXMLReader changes oranfry defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#505 activate admin page in installer oranfry enhancement high Release 2.82 Installation
#517 Running script (Linux) throws errors - needs modifications oranfry defect moderate Book Release GLI
#519 Installer for CDROM Release oranfry task moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Installation
#522 create oranfry task high CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Installation
#525 Release version needs to include XML::Parser, not there in GS 2.81 oranfry defect moderate Book Release ExtraPackages
#526 documented example collections release kit oranfry task high DEC Release 2.86 Sample Collections
#529 Get Greenston2 working in Ubuntu oranfry defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#530 Change the way the distributions are made in installers oranfry task moderate Collection Building
#533 Installer error messages come up behind splash screen oranfry defect moderate Release 2.82 Installation
#541 test incremental building oranfry defect high 2.83 Release Collection Building
#542 db files change to gdb oranfry defect high CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Greenstone2 Runtime
#545 Logic around default install dir oranfry defect high Release 2.82 Installation
#554 Incremental Building with GLI oranfry defect high 2.83 Release Collection Building
#629 greenstone 2 uninstaller doesn't delete symlinks oranfry defect moderate 2.83 Release Installation
#639 gems on ubuntu oranfry defect moderate 2.84 Release GEMS
#655 make apache optional for binary release oranfry enhancement moderate 2.84 Release Installation
#28 Local library file locks nobody defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#30 Stopwords warning nobody defect very low Greenstone2 Runtime
#31 gsarch seg faults nobody defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#32 Cover image handling nobody enhancement low Greenstone2 Runtime
#33 Underscore searching nobody defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#34 Renaming a collection directory nobody defect moderate Documentation
#35 VB script word2html nobody defect low Greenstone2 Runtime
#60 Add Mac OS X installers onto the CDROM nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist Installation
#65 Remove perllib/ nobody enhancement low Release 2.81 Collection Building
#71 Remove setpw program nobody task low Release 2.81 Installation
#76 Scheduled collection rebuilding nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2&3
#90 Support for non-English values nobody enhancement low Greenstone2 Runtime
#91 maxnumeric for mgpp [kjdon] nobody enhancement moderate Indexers
#92 Valid HTML4.0 nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#93 Open Office plugin nobody enhancement moderate Collection Building: Plugins
#94 Speed up preprocess_text nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#95 Make multiple field indexes for mgpp nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#96 Make Greenstone use collectionmeta nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#99 OAI collection existance check nobody enhancement moderate Release 2.82 Greenstone2 Runtime
#113 Associated files request nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist Collection Building
#114 Metadata_read to global pass nobody enhancement low Release 2.81 Collection Building
#134 util/DragTreeSelectionModel doesn't compile in win nobody defect moderate GLI
#137 Can't switch to english nobody defect low GLI
#138 Replaced item moves in list nobody defect low GLI
#139 ArgumentControl naming conflict nobody defect moderate GLI
#140 Invalid XML? nobody defect moderate GLI
#141 Classifier rearrange and format statments nobody defect moderate GLI
#142 Blank "buildtype" lines nobody defect moderate GLI
#143 Manually quit Local Library nobody defect low GLI
#172 Collection tree dummy file to real file nobody enhancement moderate GLI
#173 Two collection tree objects to one nobody enhancement low GLI
#174 Controlled vocab for metadata nobody enhancement moderate GLI
#208 version number in meta element is missing nobody defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#211 Clean URLs nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist Greenstone3 Runtime
#221 Build Fails at 50% in Windows Vista Business nobody defect moderate Collection Building
#229 ant clean fails nobody defect very high 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#232 oai records with dc metadata are auto transferred to extracted metadata set nobody defect low Greenstone2&3
#233 documentation error, missing file nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Documentation
#239 XSLT enhancement to OAI server nobody enhancement low Greenstone 3 wishlist Greenstone2&3
#240 ant update error (Windows mesg on Linux?) nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#266 GS2 and GS3: Casefolding is off by default even though prefs say it's on nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist Greenstone2&3
#269 Greenstone CDROM - security risk? nobody defect moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Greenstone2 Runtime
#272 2.80 binary release doesn't include indexers source code nobody defect very high Release 2.81 Installation
#275 Check that Greenstone3 works on Windows using Java 1.6 nobody task high 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#296 GS3 Manual says "ant undeploy-soap-site" will work, but it is unrecognised nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#314 Configure tomcat cgi for remote greenstone3 nobody task moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#326 Greenstone 3 svn checkout on Linux doesn't compile extra packages nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#335 GS3 Build Failure nobody defect very high 3.04 Release Collection Building
#340 GS2 Windows compilation: bin/windows does not contain wvware, etc. nobody defect very high Release 2.82 Collection Building
#346 remove etc files from svn nobody annoyingness moderate Release 2.82 Greenstone2 Runtime
#347 Collection building failed in Depositor nobody defect moderate Release 2.81 Collection Building
#350 Include ImageMagick in release nobody enhancement low 3.05 Release Installation
#353 MARCXMLPlugin doesn't handle namespaces nobody defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) Collection Building: Plugins
#355 gs2 configuration files and svn nobody annoyingness low Installation
#361 plugin options for exploding nobody enhancement high Book Release Collection Building
#375 GLI: Better way of terminating Wget? nobody defect moderate Release 2.81 GLI
#380 tidy up demo collections-2 nobody task low DEC Release 2.86 Sample Collections
#382 tidy up demo collections-4 nobody task low DEC Release 2.86 Sample Collections
#391 gdbm files on exported cds nobody enhancement moderate Release 2.82 Collection Exporting
#402 mgpp default level nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist Greenstone2 Runtime
#414 GS3 Standard Servlet does not show any content for Title Classifier docs nobody defect high 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
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