Custom Query (352 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 352)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#34 Renaming a collection directory nobody defect moderate Documentation
#60 Add Mac OS X installers onto the CDROM nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist Installation
#76 Scheduled collection rebuilding nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2&3
#91 maxnumeric for mgpp [kjdon] nobody enhancement moderate Indexers
#92 Valid HTML4.0 nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#93 Open Office plugin nobody enhancement moderate Collection Building: Plugins
#94 Speed up preprocess_text nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#95 Make multiple field indexes for mgpp nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#96 Make Greenstone use collectionmeta nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#99 OAI collection existance check nobody enhancement moderate Release 2.82 Greenstone2 Runtime
#113 Associated files request nobody enhancement moderate Collection building wishlist Collection Building
#134 util/DragTreeSelectionModel doesn't compile in win nobody defect moderate GLI
#139 ArgumentControl naming conflict nobody defect moderate GLI
#140 Invalid XML? nobody defect moderate GLI
#141 Classifier rearrange and format statments nobody defect moderate GLI
#142 Blank "buildtype" lines nobody defect moderate GLI
#144 Incremental building davidb enhancement moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#152 Allow different paths to collect dir ak19 enhancement moderate 2.84 Release GLI
#172 Collection tree dummy file to real file nobody enhancement moderate GLI
#174 Controlled vocab for metadata nobody enhancement moderate GLI
#208 version number in meta element is missing nobody defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
#211 Clean URLs nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist Greenstone3 Runtime
#221 Build Fails at 50% in Windows Vista Business nobody defect moderate Collection Building
#230 defaulting to -OIDtype assigned , -OIDtype option unresponsive ON MBOX files kjdon defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) Collection Building
#231 ant messages could be more helpful kjdon defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#233 documentation error, missing file nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Documentation
#235 Change to an open source installer oranfry task moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#240 ant update error (Windows mesg on Linux?) nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#252 Java application - Demonstrate enhanced web services for GS3 ak19 feature moderate Greenstone3 Runtime
#254 ant: prepare-tomcat failure because of hard-coded version numbers in build.xml kjdon defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#255 ant prepare-collections fail dmn defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#257 GLI client annoyingness with invalid path ak19 defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#258 XML exception when not providing a GS3 path to GLI ak19 defect moderate 3.04 Release GLI
#259 GLI client (and standalone??) saving config file ak19 defect moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#261 GLI client: changing in Preferences ak19 defect moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#262 GLI deleting a collection that is open ak19 defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#266 GS2 and GS3: Casefolding is off by default even though prefs say it's on nobody defect moderate Greenstone 3 wishlist Greenstone2&3
#269 Greenstone CDROM - security risk? nobody defect moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Greenstone2 Runtime
#279 "Replace srcdoc with html" should work if GSDL is remote, and changes ak19 task moderate Release 2.81 GLI
#280 Ekit - decide whether or not to include this with Greenstone distributions ak19 feature moderate Release 2.82 ExtraPackages
#284 start menu overwritten when multiple versions installed oranfry defect moderate Release 2.81 Installation
#289 Check demo user added for GS2 release ak19 task moderate Release 2.82 Installation
#296 GS3 Manual says "ant undeploy-soap-site" will work, but it is unrecognised nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#303 MARCXMLPlug not using metadata.xml kjdon defect moderate Release 2.81 Collection Building: Plugins
#309 OAI server doesn't pass validation kjdon defect moderate Release 2.81 Greenstone2 Runtime
#314 Configure tomcat cgi for remote greenstone3 nobody task moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#323 multiple typos in GEMS datatype ak19 defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GEMS
#325 "BUILD FAILED" when compiling Greenstone 3 from SVN oranfry defect moderate 3.04 Release Collection Building
#326 Greenstone 3 svn checkout on Linux doesn't compile extra packages nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Runtime
#337 Merge Gems scripts and GathererApplet4 java files ak19 task moderate Next Release (2 or 3) Collection Building
#346 remove etc files from svn nobody annoyingness moderate Release 2.82 Greenstone2 Runtime
#347 Collection building failed in Depositor nobody defect moderate Release 2.81 Collection Building
#348 Customization of metadata sets in the Depositor davidb enhancement moderate Release 2.81 OtherProjects
#349 MARCPlugin can't use marc2qdc.txt kjdon defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) Collection Building: Plugins
#352 Greenstone3 ships with fullsize apache ant package oranfry annoyingness moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#353 MARCXMLPlugin doesn't handle namespaces nobody defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) Collection Building: Plugins
#357 Dragging and dropping files with alien file encodings on Linux ak19 defect moderate Collection building wishlist GLI
#367 We can't control the size of the produced images when using PDF Plugin ak19 defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#375 GLI: Better way of terminating Wget? nobody defect moderate Release 2.81 GLI
#391 gdbm files on exported cds nobody enhancement moderate Release 2.82 Collection Exporting
#395 Download panel problems ak19 defect moderate Release 2.81 GLI
#396 GLI 'replace' feature ak19 defect moderate Release 2.82 Collection Building
#402 mgpp default level nobody defect moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist Greenstone2 Runtime
#405 persian translation GLI dictionary file aminhjz task moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#416 GreenStone Online Interface translation for Persian(Farsi) Language aminhjz task moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#417 GLI component orientation for the gui package aminhjz enhancement moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#424 depositor metadata in GLI kjdon annoyingness moderate 2.84 Release GLI
#426 Investigate new conversion tools for Word and other Office documents nobody defect moderate 2.84 Release Collection Building
#437 When downloading has finished, its download's panel disappears ak19 defect moderate Release 2.81 GLI
#448 Test Remote GLI nobody task moderate 3.04 Release GLI
#453 MP3Plugin does not get used when building the first time nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Collection Building: Plugins
#459 Rename windows server.exe config file gsdlsite to llssite.cfg ak19 defect moderate Book Release Greenstone2 Runtime
#462 check which gdbm used on windows nobody task moderate Book Release Collection Building
#464 RemoveContentBeforeRootElementXMLReader changes oranfry defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#466 extra folders in exported collections nobody defect moderate 2.84 Release Collection Exporting
#469 GS3 interface in GTI anna defect moderate Greenstone3 Interface
#471 dictionary bug aminhjz defect moderate GLI
#474 Translate search level metadata in GLI anna defect moderate Next Release (2 or 3) GLI
#475 Update tutorial exercises anna documentation moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Documentation
#483 ant prepare kjdon enhancement moderate 3.05 Release Greenstone3 Ant Code
#487 JDBM for gs3 kjdon feature moderate 3.05 Release Collection Building
#490 gs3library interface does a cross-collection search in simple query nobody defect moderate 3.04 Release Greenstone3 Interface
#495 Three modes in GLI kjdon enhancement moderate Book Release GLI
#497 Qualified DC in OAIserver kjdon feature moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Greenstone2 Runtime
#498 Check non-standard dc metadata in oaiserver nobody task moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Greenstone2 Runtime
#499 OAIPlugin with qualified DC metadata kjdon enhancement moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Collection Building: Plugins
#500 gdbm files with gdb extension nobody enhancement moderate Book Release Greenstone2&3
#501 demo collections in group nobody enhancement moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Sample Collections
#507 minimal rebuild error davidb defect moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#508 collectgroup base collection nobody defect moderate Release 2.82 GLI
#509 To ask Katherine: Unknown plugin's unknown_file entry in doc.xml ak19 defect moderate Book Release Collection Building: Plugins
#511 plguin and classifier metadata args kjdon defect moderate 2.84 Release GLI
#514 client-gli needs to have Download panel ak19 defect moderate Book Release GLI
#516 Rename and Replace in GLI - make it work remotely as well ak19 defect moderate Book Release GLI
#517 Running script (Linux) throws errors - needs modifications oranfry defect moderate Book Release GLI
#519 Installer for CDROM Release oranfry task moderate CD-ROM Release for UNESCO Installation
#523 Weird behaviour in GLI launch ak19 defect moderate Book Release GLI
#525 Release version needs to include XML::Parser, not there in GS 2.81 oranfry defect moderate Book Release ExtraPackages
#528 get non-images out of images nobody enhancement moderate Greenstone 2 wishlist Collection Building
#529 Get Greenston2 working in Ubuntu oranfry defect moderate Greenstone2 Runtime
1 2 3 4
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.